General Pharma (pharmacokinetics) Flashcards
What is pharmacokinetics?
It means the movement of the drug within the body and includes drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.
What is meant by bioavailability?
Bioavailability refers to the fraction of the drug that reaches the systemic circulation from a given dose.
What are the factors that effect bioavailability?
1 - Factors that affect drug absorption
2 - First pass metabolism
3 - Enterohepatic cycling
4 - Hepatic diseases
What is meant by drug distribution?
Drug distribution can be defined as the reversible transfer of drugs between body fluids compartments.
What is meant by drug absorption?
The movement of a drug from the site of administration into the blood stream is known as absorption.
What factors influence drug absorption?
1) Physiochemical properties
2) Route of drug administration
3) pH and ionisation
4) food
5) presence of other drugs
6) area of absorbing surface
7) gastrointestinal and other diseases
What is apparent volume of distribution?
(aVd) Apparent volume of distribution is defined as the hypothetical volume of body fluid into which a drug is uniformly distributed at a concentration equal to that in plasma, assuming the body to be a single compartment.
aVd = Total amount of drug in body/Concentration of the drug in plasma
Drugs that are highly bound to plasma protein have a ___ volume of distribution
Plasma protein binding ___ the metabolism of drugs
Excretion of plasma protein bound drugs is _____
Highly protein bound drugs have a ____ duration of action.
What is biotransformation (drug metabolism)
Chemical alteration of the drug in a living organism is called biotransformation.
What are the main sites for drug metabolism (biotransformation)?
Liver is the main site for drug metabolism; other sites are GI tract, kidneys, blood, skin and placenta.
What is the end result of drug metabolism (biotransformation)?
Inactivation, but sometimes a compound with pharmacological activity may be formed.
List the uses of prodrugs.
1) To improve bioavailability
2) To prolong duration of action
3) To improve taste
4) To provide site specific drug delivery
Name the phase one reactions and the drugs that undergo them.
Oxidation - Phenytoin, phenobarbitone, pentobarbitone and propranolol
Reduction - Chloramphenicol, Methadone
Hydrolysis - Esters: Procaine, succinylcholine. Amides: Lignocaine and procainamine
Cyclisation - Proguanil
Decyclization - phenobarbitone and phenytoin
Name phase II reactions, their enzymes and the drugs that undergo them
1) Glucuronidation/ UDP glucuronosyl transferase/ Aspirin and Morphine
2) Acetylation/ N-acetyltransferase/ Isoniazid and Dapsone
3) Sulphation/ Sulphotranferase/ Paracetamol and Methyldopa
4) Methylation/ Transmethylase/ Adrenaline and Dopamine
5) Glutathione conjugation/ Glutathione transferase/ Paracetamol
6) Glycine conjugation/ Acyl CoA glycine transferase/ Salicylates
List the bioavailability for various routes: > I/V : > Transdermal : > I/M : > Subcutaneous : > Rectal : > Oral or Inhalational route :
> I/V : 100% > Transdermal : 80% - < 100% > I/M : 75% - < 100% > Subcutaneous : 70% - < 100% > Rectal : 30% - 70% > Oral or Inhalational route : 5% - <100%
Name three drugs with a low volume of distribution
Tolbutamide - 7L
Furosemide - 8L
Warfarin - 10L
Name three drugs with a high volume of distribution
Digoxin - 500L
Imipramine - I600L
Chloroquine - 13000L
Name drugs which are highly bound to plasma proteins
> Warfarin = 99% bound
Furosemide = 98% bound
Phenylbutazone = 98% bound
Cloxacilin = 95% bound
Name drugs less commonly bound to plasma proteins
> Amoxicillin = 18% bound
Ethosuximide = 0.0% bound
Name plasma proteins that bind drugs
Albumin, alpha1 - acid glycoprotein, lipoproteins, steroid hormone binding globulin, thyroxin binding globulin
What is enzyme induction?
Enzyme induction occurs when repeated administration of certain drugs lead to the increased synthesis of microsomal enzymes. E.g phenytoin, barbiturates, griseofulvin, rifampin