General Pediatrics Flashcards
What are the true contraindications to DTaP/TdaP
1) Hx encephalopathy within 7 days of vaccine 2) anaphylaxis to vaccine componenet
What is a contraindication to MCV vaccine?
Hx of guillan barre
What are the benefits of the conjugated MCV vaccine over polysaccharide
1) longer lasting response 2) booster response 3) Herd immunity 4) eradicates nasopharyngeal carriage
What are the contraindications to MMR?
1) Immuno compromised (not asymptomatic HIV) 2) pregnancy 3) anaphylaxis to first vaccine/neomycin/gelatin
what are the side effects of MMR?
1) minor- local redness, swelling 2) fever 3) joint pain 4) increased febrile seizure if using MMRV
What are the contraindications to Varicella
1) pregnancy 2) Immunocompromised (T-cell) 3) HIV- OK if CD4+>15% 4) high dose steroids (wait 1 month)
What is the contraindication to Influenza?
anaphylaxis to eggs
Guillain Barre within 6 weeks is precaution
What age do infants double birth weight?
4 months
what age do infants triple birth weight?
1 year
How much weight per year do infants gain from 2-puberty?
2 kg/year
What is the rate of linear growth from age 4-puberty
what is the rate of growth of head circumference during the first year of life?
what age does brain weight double?
4-6 months
what age does brain weight triple?
1 year
What are the most common features of fetal alcohol syndrome
cardiac anomalies- most commonly VSD microcephaly thin upper lip radioulnar synostosis long thin philtrum