General overview of CDA Flashcards
What was the Commedia Dell’Arte?
Commedia Dell’Arte was a travelling form of comedy drama which was widely popular, fun and spontaneous
Where did the Commedia originate from?
It emerged in Italy in the 14th century and originally sprung from the classical Roman comedy farce and other Roman play
What were the scenarios?
The scenarios were the short improvised scenes which the actors performed. These brief scenarios were strung together to create a Commedia performance. The scenarios were based on themes of love, lies, disguises and mystery or suspense.
How were the lazzi used?
Lazzi were used to initiate a new twist in the play and then return to the prior story. Lazzi added interest to a play and were popular with the audience.
In what places were the Commedia plays performed?
Commedia was performed in various settings, most often outdoors in streets and markets. More famous troupes could sometimes play in courts.
How were troupes organised?
Troupes are organised by character with one actor playing one character as long as they are able until they would pass the role onto someone else in the troupe or family.
Describe the three types of character roles
Lovers: The scenes evolved around these young and attractive characters. The audience would be on the lovers’ sides.
Masters/Old men: Typically professionals such as doctors and lawyers, and their goal was often to stop the lovers getting together. The two most famous characters in this type of character were Pantalone and Il Dottore.
Servents or Zanni: The most famous servant is Arlecchino. The main female servant was Colombina and another well known servant was Brighella.
Why were the lovers unmasked?
It distinguished them as being the centre of the performance and helped the unmasked audience to relate to the characters more easily.
Explain why Colombina and other female characters did not wear masks.
Females did not wear masks so as to highlight their beauty and keep audiences interested.
What was the difference in the way the Commedia presented servants and old men?
It defined them clearly as different social classes. Often the servants were not made fun of in the same way the old men were.