General OCIE Trivia Flashcards
What is another name for the gourd stitch?
Peyote stitch
Before needles, what did tribal women sew with?
What is a mortarboard and pestle used for?
What was the main source of food for the Plains tribes?
What does the rising sun represent?
What is the name of a pipe used by various tribes in ceremonies of religious and diplomatic importance?
Peace pipe
What is the beverage used in southeastern tribal ceremonies for cleansing and purification?
Black drink
What item might be used to wager on Indian football games?
A scarf or cloth
What issue with athletic teams causes much conflict for Indian people?
Indian Mascots
What is the term that Seminole use for their houses?
What Air Force Base in Oklahoma City is named after an Osage man?
Tinker Air Force Base
How many tribal colleges are located in Oklahoma?
How many tribes in Oklahoma are not recognized by federal government?
1 - Euchee / Yuchi
What was Oklahoma called before it became a state?
Indian Territory
What term describes the division of tribal land for individual ownership?
What term was used to describe the five eastern tribes removed from their homelands?
The Trail of Tears
What term describes 38/39 Oklahoma tribes?
Federally recognized
What is the name of the Choctaw tribal newspaper?
What Oklahoma tribe has a band named Skidi?
What event is held each year at the Sam Noble Museum in Norman?
University of Oklahoma Native Language Fair
What month did the president designate annually as Native American Heritage Month?
What museum near the Capitol has a large section about Oklahoma tribes?
Oklahoma History Center
What college in Muskogee became important to Native American students?
Bacone College
What crops were known as the Three Sisters?
Corn, beans, and squash
What is the name of the 12 earthen mounds located in Cherokee country?
Spiro Mounds
What group of tribes is represented on the star of the state seal?
Seminole, Muscogee (Creek), Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokee - aka “The Five Civilized Tribes”
What material was used by early Natives to make pipes?
What branch of Cherokee government does the Tribal Council serve in?
Legislative Branch
What is the ball in a stickball game made out of?
Deer hide
What term describes two lodge poles dragged by a horse and used for hauling?
The religious leader or “Medicine Man” in a sweat lodge is also known as…
What is the name of a covered frame with heated rocks for steam?
Sweat lodge
What skill was the Comanche best known for?
What is the name of the feathered headdress worn by Plains chiefs?
War bonnet
What tribe has 14 bands, two of which belong to Freedmen?
What Cherokee food is made of ground hickory nuts and hominy?
Kanutchka (Phonetic)
What animal provided for all the needs of the Plains Tribes?
What is the second largest tribe in the United States?
Cherokee Nation
What Oklahoma Cherokee tribe has a blood quantum requirement?
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees
Dessert made using grape juice?
Grape dumplings
The beef organ that Kiowa’s are best known to eat
Flour dough fried in hot grease?
Fry bread
Main vegetables of the eastern tribes
Corn, beans, squash
This tree is considered sacred by many tribes and is often burned for purification
Many tribes consider this animal to be a messenger of bad luck, death, and/or the incarnation of evil spirits.
This color represents many things for different tribes, such as strength, success, the direction east, and war.
Cherokee traditionalists often refer to their beliefs as what color path?
The White Color Path
What tribe has the word “fort” in its name?
Fort Sill Apache Tribe
What is the term that describes former slaves who became tribal citizens?
Which tribe located in the northeastern part of the state is the smallest tribe?
What tribe owns Firelake Grocery and Grand Casino?
Citizen Potawatomi
What year were Native Americans in Oklahoma made citizens of the state?
What year were Native Americans made US Citizens?
What are the traditional leggings made of that women wore in stomp dance?
Shell shakers, or shakers
Name the vegetable cooked in most tribal dishes?
Name the plant grown by most tribes and smoked for ceremonial purposes?
Name the style of dance of most Woodland tribes
Stomp dance
Name the type of lodging of some Woodland tribes
What candy business is owned by the Chickasaw Nation?
Bedre chocolates
What is the name of the campgrounds that are used as a summer Christian retreat?
Falls Creek
What is the term for going without food or drink for a certain length of time?
Fasting, in Muscogee, busking.
How many acres of land was allotted to each tribal member under the Allotment Act?
160 acres
What headwear was worn by many of the southeastern tribal men?
What form of communication was used among different tribes?
Sign language
What type of headgear did most Plains tribal chiefs wear?
War bonnet
What is thought to be our mother in most tribes?
The Earth
The group that commonly assists with the colors during a military funeral
Color guard
The fringed item that women wear draped over their shoulders to dance
What woman’s dance corresponds to the men’s Fancy Dance?
Fancy shawl
What dance at pow-wows is known as the gentleman’s dance?
Straight dance
What women’s dance has cones dangling from the regalia?
Jingle dance
The item made of porcupine quills that is tied on the head of male fancy dancers?
The art of organizing various feathers to wear on the back of regalia
Bustle making
The style of dance with men wearing two feather bustles
Fancy dance
One who leads the ladies into the arena
Head lady dancer
One leading the men dancers into the arena
Headman dancer
One who leads the singing at the drum
Lead singer
One who takes care of the arena
Arena director
One who describes that goes on at the dance/pow-wow, makes announcements, etc
Master of Ceremonies
The term for the opening procession of dancers into the arena
Grand Entry
The style of dance held before the start of a pow-wow that honors warriors
Gourd dance
What bird symbol is represented in the Native American Church?
Water bird
The water bird and the scissortail are both common symbols used in this belief system
Peyote or Native American Church
What ceremony involving fasting and body piercing was outlawed in the US in 1904? (This celebration was also a celebration of the New Year for several Plains tribes)
Sun Dance
What is the governing body for the Cherokee Baptist Churches?
Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference
What were elders called that shared information about the tribes orally?
How were tribal stories handed down to the next generation?
What does the rising & setting sun, the four seasons, and the four directions represent to many tribes?
The Cycle of Life
The direction that stomp dancers go (around the fire)
Counter clockwise
The items worn for sound around the knee or ankles
Shell shakers
Who are Gourd Dance songs in honor of?
What is the group of tribal females whose children do military service overseas called?
War Mothers
Name an Oklahoma tribe that had Code Talkers
Two examples: Comanche Nation, Choctaw Nation
What was the purpose of drinking the black drink?
An emetic (to help one throw up)
Otter skin hats were worn by…
Osage, Ponca
Finger-woven belts worn by Eastern tribes
Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee
What word means to speak two languages?
What is one of the Federally Recognized Tribal Towns of Oklahoma?
Alabama Quassarte (Coushatta), Kialegee, and Thlopthlocco
What items are used in a smudge ceremony?
Sage, cedar, tobacco, and sweet grass
Where is the main drum located at an Oklahoma powwow?
The center
What is considered to be the heartbeat of any powwow?
The drum
What is the art of stretching a hide over a circular support?
Drum making
What game was played by eastern tribal members that was known as “the little brother of war”?
What are the main business enterprises of most tribes today?
Tribal gaming casinos
What is the guessing game played with one or more “bones” hidden in the hands?
Hand game
Name the game played with men against women, with the men using only their feet and women using their hands to advance the ball
Indian football
What is the name of the only school under the BIE located in Anadarko? (It was established in 1871)
Riverside Indian School
What is the southeastern Woodland game played by rolling a stone and throwing lances at it as it’s rolled?
This school began as a Society of Friends Mission School and was located on Wyandotte land
US Indian school, aka the “Mission”
This school was located approximately 15 miles north of Ponca City
Chilocco Indian School
This animal in stories was often the strongest
The season when many stories were told
Why were many stories told to Native children?
To teach morals
The animal who was mostly the trickster in many stories
Rabbit or coyote
The early rulers of the earth in many stories
After European contact, what became the favorite domesticated animal on the Great Plains?
What animals’ shells, neck, and head were used to make rattles by the Seneca?
What animals’ sinew was used to make bowstrings in the southeast?
What bird feathers were sacred and used by nearly all Native American tribes?
Eagle feathers
Before the horse, what animal was used as a pack animal by Plains Tribes to pull their travois?
What ceremony do most eastern tribes have to celebrate the ripening of a very important crop?
Green Corn Ceremony
A religious leader for the Native American Church ceremony
Road man
This small cactus-like button is used in Native American Church ceremonies?
Name one of the two Oklahoma towns that have BIA Regional offices:
Anadarko or Muskogee
Where is the Indian Hall of Fame, and Indian City, USA located?
Anadarko, OK
What is a kanona used for?
Beating corn for making grits
What material is used as a needle to make dance roaches?
Porcupine quills
The art of making yarn belts and sashes
Finger weaving
What containers did eastern woodland Indians make from white oak, river cane, and duck brush?
What material is used to make double-weave baskets and blowguns?
River cane
What material was used to make pots by either the pinch or coil method?
What purpose was the mortar and pestle used for by the early Indians?
For grinding grains into meal, such as corn
Before gun usage, what did warriors in battle carry to protect against flying arrows and war clubs?
War shields
Before European contact, what stone was best used to make knives?
What hunting weapon is constructed best using “Bois d’arc” (bodark) or Osage orange wood?
These were made of wood and rawhide and used by many tribes to transport babies
Before European contact this material was used to create cooking pots in the Southeast
What shape is very meaningful to most tribal lifestyless?
What number is very meaningful to most tribal lifestyles?
What kind of lodging was used by the Plains people?
A home made with buffalo skins and poles was called
Plains Indians used these containers shaped like envelopes and made of rawhide
Parfleche (Par-flesh)
Who brought horses to the Plains tribes?
Spanish conquistadors
What is the act of touching an enemy without killing him?
Counting coup
What aromatic plant is gathered in the spring by many Oklahoma tribes and cooked with eggs?
Wild onions
Another name for maize
Main food staple for Native people
What grain is used to make hominy?
What is considered a treat that comes from the bone of large animals?
This organ was often used for carrying water by Plains Indians
What newspaper published in Tulsa is self-proclaimed as the “largest, independently-owned Indian newspaper in America”?
Native American Times
What Spanish explorer carved his name and date on a rock near the Cimarron River and started the recorded history of Indian Territory?
Name 2 of the 5 tribes that were already in Indian Territory before removal
Caddo and Wichita
Name a town with two or more tribal headquarters
Miami, Anadarko, Shawnee, Tahlequah
Name one of the 4 tribes that signed a peace treaty in 1867 at Medicine Lodge in Kansas
Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes
What is the agency name that was assigned to take care of Indian interests?
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Agreements between Tribes and the State of Oklahoma are called what?
A signed agreement of the US government with tribes
What is one branch of tribal government that has a three-part government?
Executive, legislative, and judicial
What term describes a group of people in a tribe who are blood relatives?
Considered to be the bravest warriors of the Great Plains tribes
Dog soldiers
Spell Wyandotte
Spell Sovereignty
What is the term describing the right of tribes to handle its own affairs, people, and government
How many tribes are headquartered in Oklahoma?
What phrase describes the working relationship between the federal government and 38 of Oklahoma’s tribes?
Government to government