General notes Flashcards
What is the species name for the Holly Oak? Describe its properties
Quercus Ilex
Variable leaves
Outcompetes decidous forests due to the meditterean climate
Uses: making ships, smelting lime, wood
What is the species name for the only pine species which exists in mallorca
Pinus halepensis - Aleppo Pine
What two measurements make up biodiversity
Species richness
Species eveness / abundance
Must be measured randomly but consistently - throwing a quadrat
What methods can you use to identify a species
Use a key
Picture Matching
Where did the midwife toad species live?
Why doesnt it live there anymore
Bottoms of gorges etc - dark, wet conditions
Fathers carry eggs on back to the water where they become tadpoles and mature in this stage for up to 2 years
Disappearing because of water loss and the introduction of viperine snakes
How is the maquis habitat produced?
Deforestation of oakwood habitat
Succession is then prevented by arresting factors such as fire.
Describe the breeding mechanisms of pistachia lentiscus?
Dioecous, preventing self pollination
Would expect a 50: 50 in sex ratio
Males are showier to incease pollination, whereas a female wants a few fit seedlings
Female bias.
Why is there sometimes an excess of females in dioecous species
1 male can fertilise more than one female
Males have a shorter lifespan due to resource allocation being differently distributed- test by measuring size of bushes and possibly rings
Gamete competition- X gamete is fitter
Increased planting of females due to the production of fruit which attracts game birds
What are the benefits of dioecy
Enforces outcrossin
Energitically favourable- only have to produce half of the amount of gametes
Common in the tropics as it is good at outcompeting other species - quick rate of evolution, seedlings higher % of success due to increased energy
What is the main principle behind island biogeography?
The larger the island the more species you would expect to find.
This is proven by the stone turning experiment.
What is the purpose of Albufera
Nature reserve founded by the RSPB
Stop from migratory birds from africa and also the habitat for a lot of species (passerine birds).
Mix of fresh and brackish water
Reintroduction programmes for Purple Swamp Hen, Red Crested Pochard, and Red Knobed Cooted
What are some previous uses for Albufera
Rice patties
Salt pan
What is special about the reeds at albufera?
Phragmites australis
May possibly be its own balearic form which has undergone arborescene (becoming a tree)
What is pseudocopulation?
Species of a flower e.g. bee orchid has a phenotype similar to an animal in order to attract animals in order to initiate pollination
Why is posidonia oceanica so important?
Keystone species because it provides food for invertebrates allowing for the creation of an ecosystem
Water pollinated so can spread easily
Rhizomes and rolled together by wave action to create a Nuns Fart
Which habitat is likely to have the most species and the least species
Most = rocky headland and maquis due to intermediate disturbance. Lots of habitats for small plants with small flowers which self pollinate –> spread
Oak woodland and garigue will have low numbers of species because the oak woodland is a climax community meaning there is little disturbance whereas the gargiue is too heavily disturbed.
Which other islands is Mallorca most similar to?
Corisica and sardinia because they have arised from the same tectonic plate which has fragmented –> composite archaepelago