General Medicine 02 Flashcards
Malignant Melanoma Types
- Lentigo maligna melanoma: arises from chronically sun exposed skin
- Superficial spreading MM
- Nodular MM
- Acral-lentiginous MM: arising from palm, soles & nail beds
- Ocular MM
- Mucosal MM
< 30% from pre-existing nevus
ABCDE rule for melanoma evaluation
A - asymmetric
B - borders are irregular
C - color variegation
D - diameter > 6 mm
E - evolution ie changing appearance, growing in size
Black box warning: Tacrolimu,s, Pimecrolimus topical
Can cause T cell lymphoma and should be sparingly used. Risk is more with those with HIV, iatrogenic immunosuppressive Rx, past lymphoma etc.
Inherited platelet function disorders
- Glanzman’s disease (GPIIb/IIIa deficiency)
- Bernard Soulier disease (GP deficiency)
- Chediak Higashi syndrome (abnormal platelet granules)
- Grey platelet syndrome (Alfa granule deficiency)
- Storage pool disease
- Secretion defect
Thrombocytopenia - low production
- viral infections
- drugs, alcohol
- infiltration/failure/fibrosis
ITP, 1/3 rd of cases
B12 or folate deficiency
Inherited disorders
Thrombocytopenia- increased destruction/ consumption
- Idiopathic, ITP
- drug induced
- HIV related
Non Immune:
- massive transfusion
- Hypersplenism
Koebner phenomenon
Psoriatic changes occurs at the site of skin trauma for example at a simple scratch which turns into a plaque like changes.
Obesity worsened psoriasis and good weight loss improves it.
Inverse psoriasis
Psoriasis changes only at the flexures like axilla, groin or popliteal fossa is termed inverse psoriasis( regular one favors extensor surfaces)
Nail pitting, onycholysis, koebner phenomenon seen in both.
Flare triggers - beta blockers, anti malarials, Statins, Lithium.