General Matters (Syllabuse T1) Flashcards
The Overriding Objective
(1) These rules are a new procedure all code with the overriding objective of enabling the court to deal with cases _____ and at _________ cost.
Proportionate cost
The Overriding Objective
(2) Dealing with a case justly and at proportionate cost includes, so far as is practicable —
(A) Ensuring that the parties are on an ____ ____;
(B) saving ____;
(C) deal with the case in ways which are proportionate-
(i) to the amount of ____ involved;
(ii) to the ______ of the case;
(iii) to the ______ of the issues; and
(iv) to the ______ positions of each ____;
(D) ensuring that it is dealt with ______ and _____;
(E) allotting to it an appropriate share of the court’s resources, while taking into account the need to allot resources to _____ cases; and
(F) enforcing _______ with rules, PDs and orders.
(A) equal footing (B) expense (i) money (ii) importance (iii) complexity (iv) financial position of each party (D) expeditiously and fairly (E) other (F) compliance
CPR 1.2
When must the Court seek to give effect to the overriding objective?
CPR 1.3
What are the parties obligations in relation to the overriding objective?
When it exercises any power given to it by the Rule or interprets any rule
Parties are required to help the court to further the overriding objective
CPR 1.4
(1) The court must _____ the overriding objective by ________ _______ cases.
CPR 1.4
Give some example of what is included under ‘active case management’
(a) encouraging the parties to co-operate with each other in the conduct of the proceedings;
(b) identifying the issues at an early stage;
(c) deciding promptly which issues need full investigation and trial and accordingly disposing summarily of the others;
(d) deciding the order in which issues are to be resolved;
(e) encouraging the parties to use an alternative dispute resolution(GL)procedure if the court considers that appropriate and facilitating the use of such procedure;
(f) helping the parties to settle the whole or part of the case;
(g) fixing timetables or otherwise controlling the progress of the case;
(h) considering whether the likely benefits of taking a particular step justify the cost of taking it;
(i) dealing with as many aspects of the case as it can on the same occasion;
(j) dealing with the case without the parties needing to attend at court;
(k) making use of technology; and
(l) giving directions to ensure that the trial of a case proceeds quickly and efficiently.
When should a Claimant start proceedings in the High Court?
When the value of the claim is more than £100,000
PD 7A, 2.1
Or when proceedings include a claim for damages in respect of personal injury if the value of the claim is £50,000 or more
PD 7A, 2.2
When should a claimant start proceedings in the County Court?
If the value of the claim is £100,000 or less
Or for PI claims, if the value of the claim is less than £50,000
PD 7A, 2.1-2
When calculating how much the Claimant expects to recover what must the Claimant disregard?
Any possibility that he court may make an award of ... INTEREST, COSTS, CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE, or SET OFF & COUNTERCLAIM
CPR 16.3(6)
When does the PD-PAC apply?
Applies to all disputes where no specific pre-action protocol applies
When incurring costs in order to comply with the PD-PAC what should the parties bare in mind?
Parties must ensure that all costs incurred in complying with should be proportionate
When disproportionate costs are incurred, those costs will not be recoverable as part if the costs of the proceedings
What is the first step in the PD-PAC?
What should this include?
Does the D need to acknowledge this, what does D then need to do?
1st = C should write to D - letter of claim - setting out concise details of the claim.
Letter of claim should include: basis on which the claim is made, a summary of the facts, what the C wants from the D, and if money, how the amount is calculated
D does NOT need to acknowledge, they then have a reasonable period period to respond, in which time they can investigate the claim = 14 days in straight forward claim up to 3 months in complex claim
What should the D’s full response include?
Confirmation as to whether the claim is accepted and of it is not accepted, the reasons why
Explanation as to which facts/parts of the claim are disputed
If the D is making a counterclaim + details of it if they are
What is the penultimate step in following the PD-PAC?
Parties need to step make and weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of the claim, then need to consider whether to settle or issue proceedings
Compliance with the PD-PACe
14. The court may decide that there has been a failure of compliance when a party has—
(A) not provided _____________ to enable the objectives (of the PD-PAC);
(B) not acted within a ____ ____ set out in the relevant protocol, or within a ________ period; or
(C) ________ refused to use a form of ____, of failed to respond at all to an _________ to do so.
(A) sufficient information
(B) time limit / reasonable
(C) unreasonably / ADR / invitation
When does the Personal Injury Protocol - PIP - apply?
Applies to potential fast track cases with a value of up to £25,00 but general approach should still be followed in larger claims - except when specific protocol applies
What should a C do if they have to issue proceedings due to expiration of the limitation period?
C’s solicitor should give as much notice of the internet on to issue proceedings as is practicable
Do LiP need to comply with the PIP?
Para 1.7
Yes … they should, so far as reasonably possible, comply with the protocol
What is a letter of notification, when should it be sent?
Does this start the timetable for the letter of response?
Does the letter of notification need to be acknowledged?
Letter outlining the relevant information, when the C wishes to notify D as soon as they know a claim is likely but before they are able to send detailed letter of claim
Especially relevant when D has no idea about a possible claim
Does not start the timetable for the letter of response, but should be acknowledged within 14 days of receipt
How many letters of claim should the C send to D?
1 for the D,
1 for passing on to the insurers, as soon as possible and in any event within 7 days of the D receiving the letter
What does the letter of claim need to include?
Sufficient information for the D to assess liability and to enable the D to estimate the likely size and head of the claim without necessarily addressing quantum in detail.
Clear summary fo the facts, indication of nature fo injuries and way these impact C, any financial loss incurred
Should the C’s national insurance number & DOB be included in the letter of claim?
No, should be supplied to the Ds insurer once the D has responded to the Letter of Claim and confirmed the identity of the insurer
Does the D need to acknowledge the letter of claim?
Yes the D must reply within 21 calendar days of the date of posting of the letter of claim/ identifying the insurer
What can the C do if neither the D nor the insurers reply to the letter of claim within 21 days?
C can issue proceedings
D failure to reply will be taken into account on the question of any assessment of the D’s costs
From acknowledging the letter of claim how long does the D/their insurer have to investigate?
At the end of the period what must they do?
Maximum of 3 months
Reply stating if liability is admitted
If denied they should provide their version of events and should enclose any documents in their possession which are material to the issues between the parties, and which would likely to be ordered to be disclosed by the court
What are the time limits for the D to acknowledge the letter of claim and to investigate when the accident occurred outside of the jurisdiction?
42 days for acknowledgement of the letter of claim
6 months to investigate and reply
Aim of early disclosure
Not to encourage a ‘______ ______’ by the C, but to promote an early exchange of _______ ______ to help in _______ and _______ issues in dispute.
Fishing expedition
Relevant information
Clarifying and resolving
What time of selection of experts is encouraged under PIP?
Joint selection
What will happen if D agrees to an expert and C instructs that expert but C declines to disclose the report?
D can then instruct own expert
What will happen if D agrees to an expert and C instructs that expert but D is unhappy with the expert report when C discloses it to them?
D can only instruct their own expert if the C agree or Court gives permission
Otherwise D is taken as having accepted the expert
What happens if after the C has provided a list of prospect experts the D fails to reply or fails to agree to an expert?
C and D will instruct their own experts
After an expert report has been disclosed what can the other side do in response to it?
What restrictions exist
Other side may put questions to the expert, within 28 days of the service of the expert’s report
But ….
Questions can only be for the purpose of CLARIFICATION
What is the final step in the PIP?
What are the objectives of this?
Stocktake — Each party should undertake a review of its own position and the strengths and weaknesses of its case
In order to see if …
litigation can be avoided; or
if the issues can be narrowed at all
What is the approach to compliance with PD-PAC?
When will compliance be taken into account
Courts more interested in compliance with the spirt of a protocol than the exact letter
Compliance with the relevant protocol will be relevant when the court is giving directions for the management of proceedings and when making orders as to costs
Parties are asked to state whether they have complied with any relevant protocol in their Directions Questionnaire - but not whether the other party has not complied
Does a letter of claim and the response the D provides have the same status as a statement of case?
No not intended to have the same status, otherwise would defeat the purpose of the protocol if a party were penalised for subsequently clarifying their claim when proceedings were issued
When there has been non-compliance with the PD-PAC, what orders may
the Court make?
Court can order that:
A. Parties are relieved of the obligation to comply or further comply with the pre-action protocol or PD
B. Proceedings are stated which particular steps are taken to comply
C. Sanctions are to be applied
Most likely to impose sanctions
When does PIP NOT apply?
PIP not intended to apply to claims which will proceed under their own specific pre-action protocols:
Low value PI claims in RTA
Low value Employer’s and public liability claims
Clinical Disputes (i.e Medical Negligence Claims)
Disease and illness claims
In reality means that most PI claims will fall outside of PIP
How much pre-action disclosure should be expected when PIP applies?
Limited to those documents which are needed to back up the claim letter or the defendant’s reply
Can the defendant delete documents or dispose of evidence if it thinks that
the claim is weak?
It is the duty of all parties to preserve the evidence, including electronic copies of documents
When a party has been jointly selected, who pays the costs of the expert?
Where there has been joint selection, the claimant will be responsible for paying the expert in the first place.
C may be able to recover cost back from D if they win at trial - costs follow event
What happens where the defendant admits liability (i.e that she is liable) but not quantum (i.e the amount of damages which are payable)?
The claimant needs to do two things:
(a) serve the medical reports;
(b) serve a Schedule of past and future expenses and losses (aka a Schedule of Special Damages).
This will enable the defendant to put a value on the claim. The claimant should hold off from issuing proceedings for 21 days to allow the defendant to value the claim and make an offer.
Giles Price wishes to bring a claim for the price of goods delivered. Which would be the correct court in which to commence proceedings if the goods were worth the amount set out below?
(a) £1,000.
(b) £1,000,000.
(c) £99,999.
(d) £50,001.
(A) Under £25k – has to issue in County Court
(B) Over £100k could issue in High Court or County Court. However a claim of this size is suitable for the High Court
(C) Under £100k so cannot issue in the High Court. Must issue in the County Court.
(D) Under £100k so cannot issue in the High Court. Must issue in the County Court
Sarah Lisano has been injured in a road traffic accident. Which would be the correct court in which to commence proceedings for damages for personal injuries if the damages were likely to be in the amount set out below? If Sarah has a choice then please say so.
(a) £45,000.
(b) £60,000.
(c) £15,000.
(a) the 50K rule applies to personal injury claims therefore can issue in the County Court only
(b) the 50K rule applies to personal injury claims therefore can issue in the County Court or in the High Court
(c) the 50K rule applies to personal injury claims therefore can issue in the County Court only
What are the four divisions of the High Court?
Chancery Division
(Family and Divisional Courts = Off Syllabus)
Ms Salvo has commenced proceedings in the High Court.
To which Division should the following cases be assigned:
(a) a claim for the execution of a trust;
(b) a commercial dispute;
(c) a dispute over the running of a company;
(d) a personal injury claim.
(a) Chancery Division
(b) Queen’s Bench
(C) Chancery Division
(d) Queen’s Bench Division
Mr Singh’s business is based in Cardiff. He wishes to commence a claim in the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court. Does he have to issue it out of the Central Office of the High Court in London?
No he can issue in the Cardiff District registry
Ms Morgan’s business is based in Cardiff. She wishes to commence a claim in the Chancery Division of the High Court. Does she have to issue it out of the Central Office of the High Court in London.
No she can issue in the Cardiff District Registry
What if Ms Morgan’s business were based in London and she wanted to issue in the Chancery Division in the Cardiff District registry? Assume that the claim is worth £150k
Ms Morgan can issue proceedings in Cardiff even though her business is based in London. However if neither the Claimant nor defendant are based in Cardiff then it is unlikely that the case will be tried there.