general list Flashcards
- tonifies qi and blood
- for all qi and blood xu disorders
Ba Zhen Tang
- drains damp-heat from the lower burner
- promotes urination and clears fire
- clears fire and heat in lin syndrome diseases
- relieves frequent, painful and burning urination due to damp-heat in the lower burner or in the channels, resembles UTI
Ba Zheng San
- clears heat, nourishes yin
- moistens the LU, expels phlegm
- formula for yin xu in the LU and KD, nourishes LU as it strengthens weak fire
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
- clears qi level heat and yangming excess
2. generates fluids, alleviates thirst
Bai Hu Tang
- clears heat and detoxifies
- cools the blood, stops dysentery
- formula clears damp-heat from the intestines to relieve intestinal disorders, perhaps due to infection
Bai Tou Weng Tang
- expels wind and phlegm, dispels dampness
- harmonizes the middle, strengthens the SP
- formula for dizziness, H/A, and menieres due to wind-phlegm
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
- regulates and descends the Qi
- expels phlegm
- formula to resolve qi and phlegm and LV qi stagnation attacking the LU and ST. special for plum-pit throat tightness from emotional stress or nervousness
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
- harmonizes and tonifies the ST
- descends ST qi
- expels masses
- fomrula for ST xu that leads to stagnation heat and rebellious qi
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
- reduces food stagnation
2. harmonizes the ST
Bao He Wan
- moistens the LU
- clears heat
- regulates qi, expels phlegm
- formula expels phlegm that is sticky, stubborn, and difficult to spit or cough out
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
- warms the KD yang
- promotes urination, drains damp heat
- clears turbid water
Bei Xie Fen Qing yin
- promotes blood circulation, tonifies the qi
- regulates the channels
- formula for paralysis due to xu qi that is unable to move blood sufficiently to nourish the limbs and head
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
- tonifies the qi of the middle burner
- raises sunken yang
- formula to raise sinking clear qi, lifts prolapsed organs, relieves qi xu fevers, generally tonifies the qi
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
- expels wind, opens the nose
2. stops pain
Cang Er Zi San
- releases the surface, loosens ths muscles
- clears internal heat
- fomula for wind-cold that becomes internal heat, with a combination of surface chills and fever from internal heat. clears three level ehat from the taiyang, shaoyang, and yangming levels of febrile disease
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
- harmonizes LV qi, regulates blood
2. formula for LV qi stagnation
Chai Hu Shu Gan San
- expels wind, relieves pain
- formula for H/A from pathogenic wind (frontal/vertex/occipital)
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
- tonifies the yin, descends fire
- clears false heat
- strengthens and nourishes weak and dry bones
Da Bu Yin Wan
- harmonizes shaoyang channels, sedates yangming organ heat
2. clears interior heat
Da Chai Hu Tang
- purges stool
- clears heat in ST and intestines
- purgative formula for constipation due to internal heat, a yangming organ disease
Da Cheng Qi Tang
- warms the middle and tonifies qi
- relieves pain and descends rebellious qi
- kills parasites
- relieves excess ST pain due to cold and xu of the middle burner
Da Jian Zhong Tang
- dispels blood stagnation, regulates blood
2. promotes qi circulation, stops pain
Dan Shen Yin
- tonifies qi and blood
- promotes healing of wounds
- formula for LV blood and SP qi xu
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
- nourishes the yin, purges LV fire
- tonifies qi and blood, consolidates the exterior
- stops sweating
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
- clears heart fire
- promotes urination
- formula for canker sores and other heat signs in the HT
Dao Chi San
- opens the LU and descends LU qi
- stops cough and asthma
- clears hot phlegm from the LU
Ding Chuan Tang
- tonifies ST qi
- warms the ST
- suppresses rebellious ST qi
- formula for excess cold in the middle burner due to ST qi and yang xu
Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang
- dispels wind-damp, stops pain
- tonifies the LV and KD
- tonifies qi and blood
- formula for bi pain w/ underlying xu
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
- dries dampness, expels phlegm
- harmonizes the middle burner
- descends ST qi
- formula for treating damp and phlegm conditions
Er Chen Tang
- clears damp-heat from the lower burner
- formula for damp-heat in the lower burner with signs of leg qi disorders like swollen ankels or open sores that dont heal
Er Miao San
- warms KD yang, tonifies yin and essence
2. regulates penetrating and conception vessels, drains KD fire
Er Xian Tang
- tonifies KD and LV
Er Zhi Wan
- promotes blood circulation
- unblocks the channels, soothes LV qi
- formula for acute chest pain due to trauma
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang
- nourishes the HT, calms the spirit
- harmonizes the middle burner
- relieves depression
- formula for restless organ disorder “zang zao”, HT yin and HT qi xu w/ LV qi stagnation, resulting in emotional and mental imbalance
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
- clears damp-heat
- releases the surface
- formula for common cold syndromes accompanied by diarrhea, perhaps due to ST heat, or heat in the intestines
Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang
- releases the surface and loosens the muscles
- generates fluids
- formula for win-cold w/ joint pain and body aches
Ge Gen Tang
- regulates LV, dispels blood stagnation
- regulates qi, relieves pain
- formula for menstrual difficulties, including painful cramping, due to blood stagnation
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
- regulates the Chong and Ren channels
- nourishes the yin
- clears heat, stops bleeding
Gu Jing Wan
- tonifies the SP qi and HT blood
- formula for xu due to over thinking, w/ fatigue, reduced appetite, soft stools and the inability of SP to control blood
Gui Pi Tang
- reduces blood stagnation in the uterus
- promotes blood circulations, softens masses
- formula for ovarian cysts and masses in the lower abdomen
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
- dispels wind and damp
- promotes flow of yang qi
- formula for recurrent painful obstruction w/ heat
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang
- releases the surface and loosens muscles
- regulates the ying and wei qi
- promotes or stops sweating
- formula for wind-cold w/ xu
Gui Zhi Tang
- stops bleeding in the intestines
- expels intestinal wind
- cools heat
Huai Hua San
- nourishes the yin and blood
- clears damp-heat, calms the spirit
- formula for damage to the yin fluids due to febrile disease at the blood level
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
- clears heat and fire toxins in all three burners
2. dispels damp-heat in the san jiao
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
- releases the surface and expels damp
- regulates qi, harmonizes the middle burner
- classic formula for ST flu
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang
- moistens the intestines, warms the KD
- promotes bowel movement
- formula for constipation due to KD qi and yang xu, perhaps after a longterm illness
Ji Chuan Jian
- releases the surface, clears heat
- tonifies the yin
- formula for wind-heat invasion w/ underlying yin xu
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
- tonifies the blood, stops bleeding
- regulates the channels, calms the fetus
- formula for uncontrolled bleeding disorders due to xu of blood and yang
Jiao Ai Tang
- tonifies KD yang
2. drains water-damp, promotes urination
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
- regulates LV qi, promotes circulation
- clears heat, stops pain
- formula for LV qi stagnation w/ fire, presenting w/ painful menstruation and hernias due to long-term stagnation
Jin Ling Zi San
- stabilizes the KD, binds the essence
- formula for KD jing and yang xu symptoms due to KD gate not closing. It binds the essence and stops seminal emissions, frequent urination
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
- descends ST qi
- harmonizes the middle burner
- clears ST heat, tonifies qi
- suppresses rebellious ST qi
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang
- dispels wind-damp, relieves pain
- formula for early stage painful obstruction
Juan Bi Tang
- tonifies SP and ST
- warms the middle burner, dispels cold
- formula for nausea and vomiting due to bleeding and convulsions-disorders of SP and ST yang xu
Li Zhong Wan
- warms the middle burner
- regulates LV qi and stops pain
- formula warms the ST and regulates qi. it relieves pain in the epigastrium and hypochondria caused by ST cold and LV qi stagnation
Liang Fu Wan
- clears heat and fire in the upper burner
2. purges heat in the middle burner
Liang Ge San
- strengthens the SP
- expels damp and phlegm
- formula for phlegm stagnation in the LU, HT and in the head, w/ symptoms of dizziness and fullness of chest
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
- nourishes the yin, strengthens the KD
- sedates deficient heat
- formula to tonify KD yin
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
- clears summer-heat, drains dampness
Liu Yi San
- clears LV and GB fire
2. clears damp-heat in the lower burner
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
- released the surface, promotes sweating to expel cold
- opens the LU, calms wheezing
- fomrula for wind-cold common cold, w/ more chills than fever
Ma Huang Tang
- releases the surface
- clears the LU
- clears heat
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
- moistens the intestines, promotes bowel movement
- formula for chronic constipation due to xu of yin, which frequently occurs in the elderly
Ma Zi Ren Wan