General Knowledge Avenger Flashcards
The rotation rate of the Avenger is ___ degrees per second max when a missile is not activated and ___ degrees per second when a missile is activated.
60, 30
What is the maximum effective range of the M3P .50 CAL machine gun?
The missile exhaust contains amounts of ___ gas.
Hydrogen Chloride
The Avenger ammunition box can carry up to how many rounds?
What is the fuel capacity for the ECU/PPU and how long can it approximately run on a full tank?
5 GAL, 8 HRS
What is the adjustable rate of fire for the M3P .50 CAL machine gun?
950-1100 RPM
What is the optimal rate of fire for the M3P .50 CAL machine gun?
1025 RPM
What is the minimum and maximum operating pressure for the Argon bottles?
3500psi minimum, 6000psi maximum
The Laser Range Finder (LRF) is used to determine what?
Fire permit and angle information
After the missile flight motor ignites how long until the missile self-destructs if it does not find a target?
17 seconds
During MANPADS configuration; Hangfire, missfire, or dud missile conditions are hazardous. For the first 10 minutes, all personnel within ___ distance must remain undercover.
The BCU should be removed after ___ but must be removed within ___ and activation to prevent damage to the grip stock.
45 seconds, 3 minutes
What is the machine gun no fire zone?
between 270 to 20 degrees azimuth and -10 to +10 degrees elevation.
What are the two versions of Battery Coolant Units (BCU)?
Calcium/Calcium chromate thermal battery, Lithium-ion battery.
What toxic material does the Stinger captive flight trainer (CFT) contain and where?
Mercury thallium in the vicinity of the seeker head dome.
On the TC what key will allow you to perform a BIT?
What is the primary purpose of the M3P .50 CAL machine gun?
missile dead zone, limited self-protection
What are the different support relationships?
general support,
general support reinforcing,
What are the seven ADA employment guidelines?
Ballance of fire
Overlapping fire
Weighed coverage
Mutual support
Early engagement
Defense in depth
What does THT stand for?
Tracking Head Trainer
What IFF response is Beeeeeeeeeeeeep?
Possible Friendly
What IFF response is Beep-quiet-beep?
What IFF response is beep - beep - beep?
What are the Local Air Defence Warnings?
Snowman, Lookout, Dynamite
What are the Air Defense Warnings?
White, Yellow, Red
What are the ADA Employment Principals?
Mixed, Massed, Mobility, Integration, Flexibility, Agility
What method is used to identify aircraft and what does the acronym stand for?
WEFT, wings, engine, fuselage, tail
What are the weapon control statuses?
Weapons Hold, Weapons Tight, Weapons Free
What does ADW White mean?
No aircraft pose a threat at this time.
What does LOCAL ADW Dynamite mean?
Aircraft are inbound or are attacking now. Respond immediately
What are the Fire Control Orders?
Hold Fire
Cease Fire/Cease Engagement
What is the distance for the EPLRS ground-to-ground?
What does DAGR stand for
Defense Advanced GPS Receiver
What is the SINCGARS radio voice planning range for Avenger fire units?
What can the SINCGARS radio transmit?
Voice and Data
Which training device can be used in the Avenger missile pod?
What identification markings are on an FHT?
1in bronze square
What identification markings are on a FIM-92 Weapon Round?
1in yellow square
What is the minimum distance personnel evacuate if there is a Hangfire, Misfire, or Dud missile on the Avenger?
How long must personnel wait before approaching a missile that was a Hangfire, Misfire, or Dud missile?
60 minutes
If 52 or more rounds have been fired within 10 minutes how long must you wait before handling the M3P .50 CAL machine gun?
10 minutes
What color represents the humidity indicator on the missile is bad?
If you have to replace the Desiccant cartridge how long do you wait before inspecting it again?
24 hrs
What color should be on the heat-sensitive indicator to show that the BCU is good?
True or False. If the humidity indicator on a wooden container/metal container containing a missile round is less than 50% blue the missile is considered FMC?
How long does the BCU provide coolant for?
45 seconds
What is the maximum elevation angle for firing the Stinger Missile in MANPADS configuration?
65 degrees
What is check #1 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the blowout disk to ensure that it is not cracked or broken
What is check #2 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the launch motor squib leads to ensure that they are not damaged or broken. (Do not remove the adhesive cover; just run your fingers along the wires).
What is check #3 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the launch tube, while you are doing your other checks, to ensure that it is not cracked or broken.
What is check #4 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the color in the humidity indicator window. If tan, replace it at once with a green desiccant cartridge. Do not use the launch tube for 24 hours. If the indicator turns tan again within those 24 hours, there is too much moisture in the launch tube. Turn the tube into the ASP.
What is check #5 of the 13 critical checks?
Remove the front cover and inspect the IR window 5 to ensure that it is clean and not scratched, broken, or cracked. If the window needs cleaning, use lens cleaning tissue.
What is check #6 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the range ring to ensure that it is not loose or defective.
What is check #7 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the rear sight reticle to ensure that it is not loose or defective.
If the paint seals on the screws holding the range ring or rear sight reticle to the sight assembly are broken, assume that they have been tampered with and do not use the launch tube until the boresight has been verified.
What is check #8 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the two acquisition indicators and wires to ensure that they are not damaged.
What should you do before moving from check 8 to check 9 of the 13 critical checks?
Before conducting these checks, check to see if a Battery/Coolant Unit (BCU) is installed. If a BCU is installed, do not inspect the gripstock assembly. Do not remove the BCU. The following checks will be done during weapon firing.
What is check #9 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the safety and actuator device by pressing and releasing the lever. A click should be heard and the lever should return to the normal position.
What is check #10 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the uncaging switch, in three positions (center and both ends), by pressing and releasing the switch. A click should be heard each time and the switch should return to the caged position.
What is check #11 of the 13 critical checks?
Check the firing trigger by squeezing and releasing the trigger. A click should be heard and the trigger should return to the normal position.
What is check #12 of the 13 critical checks?
Check that the latch mechanism holds the gripstock assembly securely to the launch tube.
What is check #13 of the 13 critical checks?
- Check the color of the heat-sensitive indicator. It should be pink. If not, discard the BCU.
a. Check the holes over the burst disc diaphragm. If the silver foil has been ruptured, discard the BCU.
NOTE: Do not remove an installed BCU to do the following checks.
b. Check the rubber cap over the needle to ensure that it has not been punctured. If so, the BCU may only be used in an emergency.
c. Check the needle without removing the rubber cap to ensure that it is not bent. Do not attempt to straighten a bent needle; instead, discard the BCU.
d. Check the BCU housing to ensure that is not cracked. If so, discard the BCU.
What is REDCON1
A FU is capable of completing its target engagement drill within the drill.
What is REDCON2
A FU is capable of beginning its target engagement drill within 5 minutes.
What is REDCON3
A FU is capable of beginning its target engagement drill within 30 minutes.
What is REDCON4
A FU is moving or released from its mission.
What is REDCON5
A FU is NMC.
What are the priorities of work in the first hour of the N-Hour Sequence?
Establish security/clear area of CBRN hazard
Verify location/PTL/sectors of fire
Select vehicle location and orient FU with the PTL
Perform emplacement crew drill
Emplace RCU 50 meters to the front of the FU to a position
Establish communication with higher
Emplace JCAD (remote 150m, if applicable)
Select alternate position
What are the priorities of work in N+1 of the N-Hour Sequence?
Camouflage vehicle
Dig hasty fighting position –OP/CP
Dig in ammo cache point as necessary
Complete range card
What are the priorities of work in N+2 of the N-Hour Sequence?
Emplace special equipment as necessary
What are the priorities of work in N+3 to N+9 of the N-Hour Sequence?
Dig in OP/CP fighting position
What are the priorities of work in N+10 to N+24 of the N-Hour Sequence?
N+10 to N+24
Rehearse movement to alternate position
Establish a sleep/security/maintenance plan (PMCS)
What are the priorities of work in N+24 and beyond of the N-Hour Sequence?
Constantly improve position to include alternate position and range card improvement
What are the Ten Lines of an Engagement Report
Line 1 Unit:
Line 2 Number of Aircraft:
Line 3 Type of Aircraft:
Line 4 Time (Zulu and Local):
Line 5 Location:
Line 6 Engaged or Observed:
Line 7 Heading:
Line 8 Speed:
Line 9 Result (Destroyed or Missed):
Line 10 Number of missiles Fired:
What are the 8 lines in a Green 1 SALUTE Report?
Line 1 Reporting Unit:
Line 2 Size of Enemy Unit:
Line 3 Activity of Enemy:
Line 4 Location of Enemy (Grid Coordinate)
Line 5 Unit/Uniform:
Line 6 Time Observed:
Line 7 Equipment of Enemy:
Line 8 Your Actions:
What are the 7 lines of a Green 2 Report? (Sensitive Items Report)
Line 1 Reporting Unit:
Line 2 Sensitive item Status (Green or Red)
Line 3 Item Lost with Serial Number:
Line 4 Approximate Loss Location:
Line 5 DTG of Loss:
Line 6 Circumstances Surrounding Loss:
Line 7 Initials of Reporter:
What are the 9 Lines to a MEDEVAC Request?
Line 1 Location of Pickup Site
Line 2 Radio Frequency, Call Sign, Suffix
Line 3 No. of Patients by Precedence.
Line 4 Special Equipment Required.
Line 5 Number of Patients by Type.
Line 6 Security of Pickup Site
Line 7 Method of Marking Pickup Site
Line 8 Patient Nationality and Status
Line 9 NBC Contamination (Wartime)
Line 9 Terrain Description (Peacetime)
What button on the hand station can override the gun cooldown?
Left Trigger Switch
What are the steps for Clearing the M3P .50 CAL machine gun?
1 Set ARM switch on gunner’s console to SAFE
2 Rotate turret away from HMMWV cab (down range)
4 Driver verifies that the machine gun bolt is to the rear.
5 Remove mounting pins from the side of the collector shelf and tray.
6 Remove collector tray assembly
7 Look through the view hole in the collector shelf to ensure the machine gun chamber is clear of ammunition.
8 Check for ammunition in the feed chute. If present Release the Latch, Open the feed cover, and Release the ammunition belt from the machine gun.
9 Push ammunition down and out of the machinegun bolt T-slot and into the collector tray.
10 Set the MAIN PWR selector to ENGAGE.
11 Ensure the feed cover is open and perform the following Set the ARM switch to ARM and close the feed cover. Set ARM switch to SAFE.
12 Download/upload ammunition as required.
What tools would you use to clear a machine gun with a malfunctioning remote charger?
Loop tool and safety rod.
What do the following Symbols represent?
Friendly FW
Unknow FW
Suspect FW
Hostile FW
What should the Gunner be checking inside the missile pod when conducting missile upload?
Inspect electrical automated connectors for burnt, bent, or broken PINS.
Check argon gas receiver PORTS for dirt, dust, moisture, or physical damage.
Check argon LATCHES are closed and secure to make room for CFT or STINGER round
Which TM covers Guided Missile Battery control Central Vehicle Mounted Avenger?
TM 14-1430-1433-10
What dangerous substance coats the outside of the forward looking infrared radar and Laser Range Finder?
Thorium fluoride (-10 page 5 warning summary subsection)
What is the distance a missile in container could fall and be considered unsafe and only to be handled by qualified personnel?
7 Feet (-10 page warning summary subsection)
What dangerous chemical is produced when firing the stinger missile?
Hydrogen Chloride gas (HCI) (-10 page 6 Warning summary subsection)
What is the full capacity and approximate operation time of Environmental control unit/Prime power unit (ECU/PPU)
5 gallons and 8 Hours (-10 page 47 general characteristics subsection)
Missile pods on the turret can be elevated between ____ and ____ degrees
-10 and +68 (-10 page 47 general characteristics subsection)
Turret rotates at ____ degrees per second and reduced to _____ degrees per second when missile is activated
60 degrees and 30 degrees (-10 page 47 general characteristics subsection)
What is the maximum Effective range of the M3P machine gun.
2000 yd (1850m) (-10 page 47 general characteristics subsection)
What is the optimal rate of fire for the M3P Machine Gun?
1025 (-10 page 47 general characteristics subsection)
The minimum operating pressure of the argon gas bottle is _____ and the maximum is ______.
3500 and 6000 (-10 page 48 general characteristics subsection)
What does the ready light indicate on the FLIR monitor?
Indicated the flir has completed cooldown (approximately five minutes) (-10 Page 76 table 1)
Assign IFF Responses to appropriate target designation
Unknown beep-beep-beep-beep
Mode 3 possible friend beeeeeeeeeeeep
Mode 4 friend beep quiet beep
(-10 page 272 when to fire from turret subsection)
What missile will be used when simulating an engagement from the Avenger?
CFT (Captive Flight Trainer)
What missile will be used when simulating an engagement from a MANPADS configuration?
THT (Tracking Head Trainer)
What Missile will be used when in a training environment various tasks to include missile reload and convert to MANPADS?
FHT (field handler trainer)
What are 3 areas of emphasis to check when loading a missile round into Avenger missile pods?
Pins, Ports and latches (-10 page 332 loading missile pods subsection)
What is the amount of time required to open the feed tray cover after firing if you suspect a round is stuck in the chamber?
10 minutes (-10 page 335 unloading/loading procedures)
If no other option is available how can you manually safe the M3P machine gun while it is still uploaded to the AVENGER?
(loop tool and safety rod)
In what position must the M3P be in to have ammunition loaded.
(Safe -10 page 336 unloading/loading)
In case of hang fire misfire or dud personnel other than gunner should evacuate area around missile how far?
670 feet (204 meters) (-10 page 381)
How long until the seeker head of the missile cools down after a misfire or hang fire?
1 hour (-10 page 381)
A misfired/dud missile is safe for transport and storage T/F
False (-10 page 388)
How far must personnel and fire unit be away from dud missile placed for supervision and EOD disposal?
670 feet (204 meters) ( -10 page 388)
What are two options for hang fire and misfire missile placement while waiting for EOD personnel?
Dud pit or down range (at least 670 feet) (-10 page 388)
What is a hangfire in relation to M3P machine gun?
A delay in ignition of propellant charge after primer has been struck by firing pin.
What is a misfire in relation to M3P machine gun?
Failure of chambered round to ignite when firing mechanism is actuated. (-10 page 389)
What lubricant is used when performing Maintenance on the M3P machine gun?
TW-25B (-10 page 511)
What portions of the machinegun should NOT be lubricated?
Bore, Chamber and T-slot (Points of ammunition contact) (-10 page 516)
When removing the backplate of the M3P machine gun what should be considered?
The machine gun must be in the ARM position with no round in the chamber and the area behind the backplate is clear of personnel and equipment. (-10 page 529)
If machinegun rate of fire is too high you should rotate turn plug on backplate what direction?
Clockwise (-10 page 548)
What TM covers STINGER Guided missile system?
TM 9-1425-429-12
How long after removing a used BCU can it be handled?
30 minutes (-12 page 5)
at what time after launch will a missile self-destruct if not contacting target?
17 seconds (-12 page 48)
After firing the stinger missile from man pads configuration gunner and TC should either move or hold their breath for how long to avoid breathing in harmful gasses?
Until exhaust cloud dissipates (-12 page 72)
To fire safely in any direction, the area must be clear of obstructions and personnel for a distance of what?
45 meters (150 feet) (-12 page 72)
Following a hang fire or misfire with the STINGER missile how long does it take for the battery to fully drain?
10 minutes (-12 page 77)
What is the importance of the 10 minute time window for voltage decay?
The missile could be in a hang fire status and potentially fire.
When placing a missile in the dud pit at what degree should it be elevated.
Slightly but no more than 20 Degrees (-12 page 77)
What are 4 methods of destroying the STINGER missile if necessary?
Firing the missile, burning, demolition and gunfire. (-12 page 131)
what local air defence warning applies to Dynamite?
Aircraft are in bound or attacking locally now (STP44-14s14-sm-tg page 173)
What local air defence warning applies to lookout?
Aircraft are in the area of interest, but are not threatening, or are inbound)
What local air defence warning applies to snowman?
No aircraft pose a threat at this time.
What are the three air defence warnings?
Red, Yellow and White.
What weapons control status applies to weapons tight?
Engage aircraft only positively identified as hostile
What weapons control status applies to weapons hold?
Do not fire except in self-defense or in response to a formal order.
What weapons control status applies to weapons free?
Fire at any aircraft not positively identified as friendly.
What fire control order applies to cease fire?
Gunner continues to track but does NOT fire.
What weapon control status applies to hold fire?
Gunner ceases all tactical actions to include tracking.
What fire control order applies to engage?
Gunner fires
What fire control order applies to cease engagement?
Gunner does not fire and stops tracking the target to engage a higher priority.
What are the air defense principles?
Mix, mass, mobility flexibility integration (stp page 285)
What are the employment guidelines?
Balanced fires, overlapping fires, mutual support, early engagement, defense in depth resiliency. (stp page 286)
In reference to establishing your primary position, How far can you move from initial placement when arriving to a position before having to request permission from higher?
100 meters.
How far should your alternate positions be located when establishing a primary avenger site?
200-300 meters.
What is REDCON 1?
FU is capable of completing target engagement within drill standard
What is REDCON 2?
FU is Capable of completing target engagement within 5 minutes.
What is REDCON 3?
FU is capable of completing target engagement within 30 minutes.
What is REDCON 4?
FU is moving or released from its mission
What is REDCON 5?
FU is non mission capable.