General Knowledge ATM Written Flashcards
What is RIL stands for?
Runway Intersection Lights
Lets pilot know that there is another high speed traffic on the intersecting runway.
Color is RED
uninhabited region
is a place where no people live permenantly
circadian low meaninng
the hours between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m
consistent and restorative sleep.
without: sleeping problems, including insomnia
supplemental operations
usually a for-hire operation that doesn’t fall under the normal operations of the 121 carrier and are generally unscheduled operations.
deadhead operations
one who is traveling to a destination to be repositioned as part of an on-duty assignment.
pyrotecnic signal
visual distress signal which is widely used even amidst today’s highly advanced ship navigation and communication systems.
unaugmented flight crew
Extra flight crew in flight
flightcrew members to work in shifts and rest during the flight.
What is the following?
Take off Hold Light (THL)
Difference between RIL and THL?
Takeoff Hold Lights (THL): Red unidirectional lights in a double-longitudinal row, located parallel to runway centerline lighting.
Runway Intersection Lights (RIL): Similar to THLs, but located on a runway, prior to intersection with another runway.
What is FAROS System
Aircraft or vehicle on a runway, PAPI will start flash to let the pilot on approach know
For the line check requirements, do you need to fly the different types of the planes?
No, One is good.
What does ETOPS stand for?
Extended-range twin-engine operational performance standards
CRM includes:
All resources; Hardware; information, human
what us FOD?
Foreign Object Damage
What is (RVSM)
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
What is the use of RVSM?
reduces the vertical separation of aircraft from 2,000 feet to 1,000 feet from FL290 to FL410
Takeoff distance available
Takeoff run available
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available
Landing Distance Avaliable
Runway End Identifier Lights
Controlled Flight Into Terrain
Braking Action Advisories are in affect meaning?
When tower controllers receive runway braking action reports which include the terms “medium,” “poor,” or “nil,” or whenever weather conditions are conducive to deteriorating or rapidly changing runway braking conditions, the tower will include on the ATIS broadcast the statement,
What is RWSL?
a series of red in-pavement lights that warn pilots of high-speed aircraft or vehicles on runways
What is RwyCC
RUnway condition code
increase of CO2 in blood
Standard operating procedures
Speed in Class B
ILS Category 2 Minimums
DH 100 RVR 1200
Procedure turn Speed
What is Gate Hold Procedures?
Procedures at selected airports to hold aircraft at the gate or other ground location
How can you start the engines if gate hold is in affect?
contact ground before starting engines for sequencing
When does the hold gate process start?
departure delays exceed or are anticipated to exceed 15 minutes
Head-Up Display
W is for?
WAAS outage may accord daily
DRY line
A boundary separating moist and dry air masses,
Bad weather
Visual Glide Slope Indicator
Pilot don’t have 100 hours in SIC. Regulation?
100 hour requirement by as much as 50%, down to 50 hours
If you have 100 hours PIC in another Part 121 plane— subtract 1 hour from the 100 hour requirement for each landing up to 50
Don;t have 100 hour and can’t apply the 50 % reduction. Regulation?
DA: +100
Visibility: 1/2
What is cruise control?
Flying the plane to meet the long range cruise condition
What are the factors need adjustments for cruise control?
Airspeed, Altitude, Power and Weight
Explain the long term cruise control as the fuel is burned:
Weigh goes down as we burn fuel.
Airspeed and power setting may decrease as a result
altitude may increase
Specific range will increase
Pilots need to make the adjustment to keep the optimum conditions
What is EPR?
Engine Pressure Ratio
What is FPD?
Freezing Point Depressant
Compare water and ICE FPD
FPD is very soluble in water but ICE absorbs it slow and slow to melt when it is contacted
What is TDZ?
Touchdown Zone Lighting
Where do you find the string windhsear?
On the low pressure side of a 100 knot jet stream core
Highest wind-shear occur ?
near tropopause on the pollard side
METAR “VV” is for
Vertical Visibility
What is Glidepath Qualification Surface?
limits the height of obstructions between DA and runway threshold (RWT).
When obstructions exceeds, Glide slope is not authorized
How many FT in 1 NM
Fly by vs Fly Over
window of circadian low,”
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. for individuals adapted to a usual day-wake/night-sleep schedule.
Physiological nights rest
10 hours rest between 1am to 7am
15 bank::: induced drag?
Force Divergence Number
Drag Rise
Drag Divergence
Same meaning
30 degrees bank:::: induced Drag?
33 %
Standard Operating Procedures
What is Vmcg speed?
Vmcg minimum speed to maintain directional controls using aerodynamic controls during take off
Vmcg must not be greater than V1.