General Knowledge Flashcards
When rigging the safety zone should be at least ???
Equal in radius to the height of the tree
Potentially dangerous condition whereby a limb or treee under pressure splits while being cut
What does the downward hinge allows you to do ?
Allows the branch to fall slowly , brush end first
Whats the general rule to reach for a victim??
Use the safest , fastest method available to get to a victim.
How its included bark created ???
Where 2 branches compete for the same space . Forming a “ V “ crotch
Electricity tends to run through the body via ?
Blood vessels , bones and nerves rather than over the surface of the skin
The faster a tree grows …
The more porous and less dense its the wood. Density of wood is a leading factor in how easily a tree will break
T/F One and one -third kilowatts is equal to about one horsepower
T/f A delta circuit does not have a voltage difference between phase wires
T/F the climbing rope shall not be used for rigging
Use other work ropes to lower limbs and handle chainsaws over 15 pounds
What type of rope should be use to rescue a victim??
Clean and dry extra 1/2 rope
The carbon created on a limb makes the tree?
More conductive than it was before
100 milliamperes can cause
The heart to go into fibrillilation
1 way to avoid barberchair is ?
To secure the trunk with a log chain and wedges or a pole binder similar to a ratchet strap on a heavy duty dolly.
The MAD are based on ?
The maximum potential operating voltage phase to phase in the energized conductors
When the trees are excurrent like pines rigging should start ?
From bottom and work up
Whats inside a tree?
Bark- phloem- cambium - xylem and heartwood
Rigging on decurrent trees may start?
From the top and work down
When its the upward hinge useful?
When pulling overhangs in line clearance
Dropping a limb on two phase wires will??
Cause a flash , a loud noise and an interruption to electric service
All line clearance tree pruning can de divided into the following five general types
Row Top Side Under Overhang
T/F grass its a non-woody plant
The meristem is located just below the soil level
When the stem bark ridge turns upward …
The stems have a strong union
First task on any removal job ??
Inspection of the job site and job briefing for the entire crew
After how many minutes the brain damages starts to occur??
When the brain its without oxygen after 4 minutes .. rescuers should try to rescue the victims in 4 mins if possible
Reclosers in descending order from substation to single phase line
100 amps from substation to 3 phase line largest number of customers .
100 amps 3 phase line - second largest number of customers.
50 amps single phase line - third highest number of customers
25 amps single phase cutouts or reclosers are the smaller number of electric customers
A switch that functions like a circuit breaker protecting circuits from fault conditions
To break the contact between a victim and energized conductor what should you do ??
Use a non-conductive or insulated tool
One ampere is equal to
1000 milliamperes
When deciduous tree branches have sprouts growing into utility lines what should you do ??
Remove the entire branch and not just the tips
What are the dielectric testing requierements for pole pruners??
50,000 volts for 1 minute per foot on wood poles
75,000 volts for 1 minute per foot on fiberglass poles
Dr alex shigo in 1983 develop a revolutionary theory for ??
Identifying a process by which trees respond to wounding CODIT
When the stem bark ridge turns inward (arrows going down) …
Th stems have a weak union , climbers should be careful tree eventually fail
T/F its OSHA a federal law ??
Copper and aluminum have ??
Low resistance and are good conductors
A qualified line clearance arborist can work up to ?
2’ 4” with a maximum potential operating voltage of 1.1 to 15.0 kv phase to phase
Arborist climbing line should be what size when new ??
Shall have a minimum diameter of 1/2” and be constructed of synthetic fiber with a minimum nominal breaking strength of 5,400 pounds when new
What does a hinge cut does ?
The branch in hinged up and away from the electric conductor using a fall crotch and a pulley in the tree , a hinge cut is made on the opposite direction where the arborist wants the limb to swing
T/F The fatality of a worker in 1968 was the impetus behind the development of the original standard
Whats the first rule in pruning?
No cutting without a reason
0.05 to 1.0 at an elevation of 5000 feet sea elevation
Avoid direct or indirect contact
T/F crotch the climbing rope around the main leader rather than on a lateral branch
Most common kind of non-lethal harm suffered by electric shock ???
Neurological problems
T/F trees grow by stem elongation?
Tree branches always add new growth beginning where the old growth stopped.
Whats the most conductive part of a live tree ??
Sapwood (xylem)
Type 2 climbing saddles
Must have drop forged support D rings
Appropiate rope size for block size
Sheave diameter ———rope diameter
4” ——— 1/2” 5” ——— 5/8 6” ———3/4 7” ———-7/8 8” ———- 1”
T/F silver maples grow faster than sugar maples
Should a a tree thats its leaning heavily due to ice or snow should be removed with normal notch and backcut??
No . There is unusual pressure on the trunk of the trees and barberchair could occur