General Knowledge Flashcards
When should you check PPE???
Before use every time and any faulty equipment replaced
PPE what is it for ???
To protect : eyes , lungs , body , head , feet , hands
Where should PPE be stored???
PPE should be stored away from pesticides
What does LD50 mean ???
The level of pesticide required to kill 50% of a test population usually rats
Which is least toxic
- 2000mg/kg
- 3600mg/kg
36000 mg/kg
The higher the number the less toxic
What is the tank filling procedure of a sprayer???
Water , pesticide then rest of water and mix
What is the pressure for spray treatments ???
- 1 ltr sprayer - 1 - 1.5 bar
- 5 ltr sprayer - 1 - 3 bar
What information is in the site file???
- MITIE contact details
- visit summary sheet
- inspection reports : findings , recommendations , actions
- pesticides used
- health and safety and coshh , risk assessments
- location plan
What is detailed on a pesticide label???
- statutory box
- instructions for use
- safety and PPE
- trade name active ingredients and %
- HSE number
- manufacturers and contact
What is a hazard ???
An action or activity with the potential to cause harm
What is a risk ???
The likelihood of a hazard causing harm
When using a pesticide what should we take into account before use ???
Elimination- is use necessary can none chemical method be found
Substitution- if unavoidable least toxic method should be used
Control process - use of controls that will ensure safety of all
Explain complete metamorphosis???
Egg , Pupae , larvae , Adult
Explain Incomplete metamorphosis???
Egg , Nymph , Adult
How many eggs in an oriental cockroach ootheca???
average of 16 eggs
How long before an oriental cockroach ootheca is deposited???
6-12 weeks longer if cooler
How long before an oriental cockroach reaches maturity???
6 - 18months
How many eggs in a german cockroach ootheca???
average of 30-40 eggs
How long before a german cockroach reaches maturity???
average 3 months.
How long before a german cockroach egg case is deposited and hatching ???
egg case is carried for 2-4 weeks until just before hatching.
What are the characteristics of a Norway rat???
Blunt muzzle , Heavy larger body , Smallish eyes ears, Tail shorter than head and body.
What are the characteristics of a ship rat ???
Large eyes , ears , slender body , tail longer than head and body
What are the characteristics of a bank vole???
Rounded muzzle , short ears , furry short tail.
What is new object reaction (neophobia)???
This is the avoidance of any change of or adding of new objects to the rodents environment and can be for weeks even months
What is the litter size of a house mouse???
5 - 8
What is the litter size of a norway rat ???
6 - 11
What is the litter size of a ship rat ???
5 - 7
What is the gestation period of rats ???
average 21 - 24 days
What is the gestation period of mice ???
average 19 - 20 days
How often can rats give birth ???
average of 28 days
How often can mice give birth???
average of 21 days
When determining a management for a pest infestation what should you consider???
The pest involved
The environment
The legislation
State 2 reasons for control of pests ???
Control disease
Prevent prosecution
Prevent damage to property
What body function do carbamates effect???
Transmission of nerve signals.
State Advantages of using powder formulations???
Dusts can be applied to voids , can be applied through sprayer , dont need to be mixed/diluted
State advantages of using smoke formulations???
useful in confined spaces , do not need to wash out sprayer.
How often should you check a feral pigeon trap???
Every 24 hours in the day time.
What is the average weight of a mouse???
What is the average weight of a brown rat???
State 5 pieces of evidence you would look for when carrying out a rodent survey???
Gnawing , urine pillars , swipe marks , Droppings , rodents
Name 3 wild mammals native to the uk which should not be intentionally taken???
name 2 species of insect which feed on human blood.
what order are Bugs from???
What order are cockroaches from???
What order are Moths and butterflies from???
What order are beetles from???
What order are flies from???
What order are fleas from ???
What order are ants wasps and bees from???
What order are spiders mites and ticks from ???
House mice are sporadic feeders explain this???
It means that they take small amounts of food from many feeding sights whilst moving around.
What insect links humans in the the outbreak of bubonic plague???
which species of rat is commonly linked with Bubonic plague???
Black rat
Fumigant products which liberate phosphine are approved for use against which pest mammals???
Moles , rabbits , rats
Name 5 legal methods of taking rats excluding rodenticides???
Glue boards , Traps , shooting , proofing , Gassing
If you found droppings characteristic of a house mouse in a loft how could they be distinguished from bat droppings???
By rolling them between the finger and thumb and feeling the consistency.
As well as the common rat and house mouse there are other rodents in britain name them???
Gliss gliss , Squirrel , water vole , Bank vole.
At what stage of any treatment should a risk assessment take place???
Before the treatment takes place.
What situation would give cause for a further risk assessment to be carried out ???
Any changes to the area being treated.
If the treatment is not working and is changed.
How far from a building is the requirment for using phosphine gas???
10 Metres
What does diptera mean???
2 wings
Where do cluster flies lay there eggs???
Damp soil , Rotting veg
What do cluster fly larvae feed on ???
Why do we control flies???
Contamination of food and spread of disease
Where do cluster fly larvae pupate???
In soil
What time of year are cluster flies a problem???
Autumn , Winter - cold months
what treatment can you use for cluster flies in a loft space???
Hoover nozzle method
Most pyrethrin sprays
What should you check for before any treatment of loft space or roof voids???
Is it possible to control cluster flies at pre adult stage???
Name 3 common blow fly species???
Blue Bottle , Green bottle , Flesh fly
if blow flies are present following a rat treatment this is a sign of what???
Dead rodents
Do blowflies have a sense of smell???
Up to how may eggs can blue bottles lay in one batch???
How long will it take for a blowfly adult to emerge from pupae???
What is the difference between the way that blue bottle and flesh fly larvae emerge???
Flesh fly larvae are born
What is the average size of a fruit fly???
What is the favoured foos source for drosphila???
Sour milk
How many eggs can a female fruit fly lay???
Around how many eggs will a female fruit fly lay a day???
How long will it take for a fruit fly to develop from egg to adult??
1 month
Why are fruit flies a problem???
Food contamination and spread of disease.
What is the best way to control fruit flies???
Good hygene and housekeeping
What type of life cycle do ants have???
What do black ants feed on ???
Sweet substances , insects , aphids
What do pharaohs ants feed on ???
Suppurating wounds
How many queens in a black ants nest???
What do rogers ants feed on ???
Live prey - larvae and pupae
What would you use to treat pharaohs ants???
Slow acting bait poisons - imidacloprid
What time of year would you get black flying ants???
Late summer as they emerge to mate
what temperature do pharaohs ants breed at???
18-30 degrees
How long can a black ant queen live for ???
several years
How long does a black ant egg take to hatch ???
3-4 weeks
How would you treat ghost ants???
It has to be bait teatment
Are you likely to find a ghost ants nest outside???
How long can a pharaohs ant live for ???
10-12 weeks - queen 10 months
Why are you likely to find pharaohs ants in hospitals???
Attracted to wounds
If a pharaohs ants nest is threatened what are the workers likely to do???
they will bud off and make new colonies
Do ants need water???
It can be illegal to shoot within what distance of the middle of a road???
A chronograph is used to measure what???
The speed / power of a rifle
Are pigeons protected???
Under what legislation are the general licences for birds made???
the wildlife and countryside act 1981
Name the birds which can be taken on general licence for public health and safety???
Crow , lesser black backed gull , Jackdaw , Jay , Magpie , Ferral pigeon , Rook , Canada goose
What insect pests are linked to birds???
Fur beetle , Pigeon fleas , Bird mite , Larder beetle , Biscuit beetle.
What bird is the ferral pigeon related to???
Rock dove
What is the weight of a ferral pigeon???
If conditions are good how many pigeon broods can be produced a year???
When is the main breeding period for pigeons???
March - July
How long is the incubation period of a pigeon egg???
17-19 days
Which adult incubates pigeon eggs???
What are young pigeon squabs fed on???
Protein rich secretions
How much can an adult pigeon eat each day???
What weight of droppings does a pigeon produce in a year???
12 kgs
How old is a pigeon before it starts breeding???
6 months
What is the most important factor to consider when carrying out treatment for pigeons???
Food source
State five main objectives of a rodent survey to determine the existence of an alleged infestation???
Source of activity , extent of infestation , breeding sites , non target species at risk , population size
The larvae of which insect are known as woolly bears???
Carpet beetle
What feature of the life cycle of a flea should workers who visit empty sites be aware of???
The pupal stage as this can last for up to a year until disturbed by a potential host
State 2 factors which make a cockroach survey difficult???
The pests are mainly active at night
They live in hard to reach places
What do adult fur beetles feed on???
Explain the cascade effect???
This is where an insect has died from slow acting poison and is then eaten by other insects which in turn die from the poison.
You are about to start a treatment with a dust gun the lid is insecure and blows off covering you in insecticide what should you do???
Place gun in safe place take off coveralls remove and dust and bag up take off mask shower off any residual insecticide If any problems see medical attention
What is the minimum gap which a house mouse can squeeze through???
Name 5 parasites transmitted by rodents???
Fleas , Fur mites , Worms , lice , liver worms
Section 11 of the wildlife and countryside act prevents the use of certain methods for taking and killing wild mammals name some of these???
Asphyxiating , Drowning
How does an anticoagulant rodenticide work???
It causes internal bleeding.
What is the usual antidote for anticoagulant poisoning???
Vitamin K
There is a rodenticide which is not an anticoagulant but a vitamin what is it???
Vitamin D
State 2 characteristics that help distinguish the rodent incisors from other animal incisors???
Rodent incisors constantly grow
Rodents have a top and bottom set
What disease links bats and man???
Why could insects never be as large as rats???
Their cuticle is to weak
Why do crickets stridulate (sing)???
To attract a mate
Name 3 species of ant that will infest warm buildings such as hospitals???
Rogers ant
Ghost ant
Pharaohs ant
name insects that can damage structures or fabrics of buildings???
Death watch beetle
Carpet beetle
Furniture beetle
What is the difference in mode of action between fipronil and bendiocarb??
Bendiocarb is a nervous system poison fast acting
Fipronil is a stomach poison slow acting
Why is it recommended that post treatment monitoring be carried out???
To identify the target pest
To get an idea of the level of infestation
State safety requirements related to the fixed storage cabinet for gassing compounds???
Made of metal or other fire proof material
Marked clearly on the outside
Kept out of direct sunlight
What are the 2 most common types of wasp???
Common and german
Will a wasp nest survive winter???
What is a wasps nest made of???
Bark leaves and timber with saliva
What do wasps young feed on ???
insects and other invertibrates
How are wasps beneficial???
Eating other crop destroying insects
What do wasps eat???
Other insects
what is the name of the larger relative of the wasp???
What time of year will a queen wasp start to build a nest???
Mid April
Once the egg hatches how long will it take for a wasp to become and adult???
6 weeks
What is the name given to a squirrels nest???
When are squirrel young born???
Feb - March , June - july
What is the gestation period for grey squirrels???
45 days
What is the litter size of a grey squirrel???
What is the average weight of a grey squirrel???
When controlling squirrels outside with poison what should be used???
Warfarin 0.02%
How do squirrels damage trees???
Stripping bark
What is the purpose of treatment reports???
Conformation of the customers details and vice versa.
The name of the technician.
The type of visit.
A record of the job and client order numbers.
The date works where carried out and follow ups.
The signature of the responsible person on site to show acceptance.
To provide assisted legal protection to the technician
To provide customer with written conformation of their commintment for due dilligence.
What is a COSHH assessment???
A risk assessment for working with a hazardous substance
What should a pesticide store be???
Able to hold 110% of any leakage Made from non porous material 4 meters from any fire risk Fire resistant labelled with warning and no smoking signs
What are the 4 main ways that pesticides enter the body???
Through cuts
What properties should coveralls have for handling pesticides??
Waterproof Disposable Built in hood Elasticated hood Right size
How many hours does an efk tube last for ??
How many black ants in a colony ???