General Knowledge Flashcards
What is the name of the procedure consisting in the removal of the gallbladder?
In the presence of diffuse pancreatic disease, what is the preferred site to perform a pancreatic biopsy?
Tip of the right limb of the pancreas (
When treating portosystemic shunt surgically in dogs and cats, complete occlusion of the shunt is rarely possible because of a high risk of?
Portal Hypertension
Which cardiac arrhythmias is most commonly noticed after splenectomy?
Ventricular premature complex
Which liver lobe is more challenging to resect completely?
Right medial
When performing a “fast” splenectomy, how many main vessels irrigating the spleen need to be tied off?
What is the procedure of choice to treat a gallbladder mucocele?
In cats, what anatomical structure is preserved when performing a subtotal colectomy but resected when performing a total colectomy?
The ileocecocolic valve
In which breed of dogs are intrahepatic shunts most commonly recognized?
Golden retriever
What is the procedure of choice for the resection of a simple noninvasive rectal polyp?
Rectal pull out
Which of the landmarks have been suggested as delineating the colorectal junction?
The 7th lumbar vertebra.
The pelvic brim.
All of the above.
The level at which the cranial rectal artery enters the intestinal seromuscular layer.
All of the above
A 4-month-old male French Bulldog is presented with a red cylindrical oedematous protrusion from the anus. How will you differentiate a rectal prolapse from a prolapse of small or large intestine which has formed an intussusception?
Manual palp with blunt probe
A blunt lubricated probe should be pressed between the prolapse and the anus. In a rectal prolapse, it will not be possible to pass the probe as it will press against the mucocutaneous junction. If the bowel has prolapsed and has an intussusception, the probe will pass between the rectal wall and the prolapsed bowel with the intussusception.
In cases of rectal perforation which of the following factors is most strongly linked to a positive outcome?
The speed at which the perforation is identified, and treatment.
The age of the patient.
The size of the perforation.
The location of the perforation.
The speed at which the perforation is identified, and treatment.
Which of the following treatment combinations will give the best chance of long term survival in a dog with apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal sacs (AGASACA)?
En bloc surgical excision of the primary tumour.
A universally optimum treatment protocol has not been established and plans should be adjusted for individual patients.
Radiotherapy alone.
En bloc surgical excision of the primary tumour with adjunctive chemo and radiotherapy.
A universally optimum treatment protocol has not been established and plans should be adjusted for individual patients.
An adult male Shih Tzu has presented with a 3rd episode of rectal prolapse in a 2-month period despite attempts to medically manage this problem. Which surgical procedure is most appropriate for this situation?
Anchoring the descending colon to the left abdominal wall musculature via an appositional or incisional technique can be used in cases of severe or recurrent rectal prolapse. Colectomy techniques carry much greater risk of complications and are not usually appropriate for prolapse of the rectum.
You are performing a colectomy in a Labrador Retriever to resect a neoplastic mass from the proximal descending colon. At which level should the blood supply to the section to be resected be ligated?
Individual vasa recta
Which out of the following conditions is the most common reason for cat to develop acquired megacolon?
Sacral spinal cord deformity.
Gastrointestinal ileus.
Pelvic canal stenosis.
Pelvic canal stenosis. (although 60%- idiopathic)
Which of the following tumours can be commonly seen in addition to a perianal adenoma in an entire adult male dog?
Sertoli cell testicular tumour.
Interstitial cell testicular tumour.
Apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal sac (AGASACA).
Prostatic adenocarcinoma.
Interstitial cell testicular tumours are found in 10% of dogs with perianal adenomas, possibly due to the hormonal influence. Histology of testicular tissue from castrations performed concurrently can be considered in cases of perianal adenomas.
In a closed anal sacculectomy, the initial incision is best described as follows:
A curved incision along the lateral border of the anal sac.
Which of these are appropriate methods of sampling the feline liver?
Guillotine technique.
16G Tru-cut core biopsy needle.
18G Bard Mission core biopsy.
Baker biopsy punch.
Guillotine technique.
16G Tru-cut core biopsy needle.
Baker biopsy punch.
When using the surgical stapling device, demonstrated in the video, the first handle is partly closed to…
Deploy retaining pin.
Which liver lobe lies in the median plane of a dog?
Which procedures involves incising the gall bladder?
Which of these are common congenital extra-hepatic portosystemic shunts found in dogs?
Right gastric vein based shunts.
Right gastro-phrenic.
Left gastro-phrenic.
Left gastro-azygous.
Right gastric vein based shunts.
Left gastro-phrenic.
Left gastro-azygous.
Which of these shunts may be approached and attenuated near the epiploic foramen?
Left gastro-azygous.
Right gastric vein based shunts.
Left gastro-phrenic.
Right gastric vein based shunts.
Which of the following findings would mean a surgical approach was required?
An ascitic dog with bilirubin levels in the ascitic fluid 3 times that in the serum.
Bile stones identified on an x-ray taken for a dog presenting with coughing.
A pyrexic, jaundiced cat with no distension of the gall bladder on ultrasound.
A jaundiced dog suspected of having primary pancreatitis causing extra-hepatic obstruction to bile flow.
A stellate, or kiwi-fruit appearance to the gallbladder on ultrasound of a dog.
An ascitic dog with bilirubin levels in the ascitic fluid 3 times that in the serum.
A stellate, or kiwi-fruit appearance to the gallbladder on ultrasound of a dog.
Which ONE of these is a particular concern in the peri-operative period when performing a cholecystectomy for gall bladder mucocele?
Ventricular arrhythmias.
Atrial fibrillation.
Which of these would be the most common liver vascular anomalies in a 1-year-old Yorkshire Terrier showing signs of hepatic encephalopathy?
Microvascular dysplasia.
Acquired arteriovenous fistula.
Congenital arteriovenous fistula.
Acquired extra-hepatic portosystemic shunts.
Congenital extra-hepatic portosystemic shunt.
Congenital intra-hepatic portosystemic shunt.
Portal vein hypoplasia.
Microvascular dysplasia.
Congenital extra-hepatic portosystemic shunt.
Portal vein hypoplasia.
Which of the following statements regarding pancreatic abscessation is most correct?
A) Following surgical treatment, canine pancreatic abscess cases have an excellent prognosis.
B) Pancreatic abscesses in dogs occur following the majority of acute pancreatitis cases.
C) Pancreatic abscesses in dogs are caused by ascending infection from the gastrointestinal tract and respond to extended courses of potentiated amoxicillin.
D) Pancreatic abscesses in dogs are often sterile, but multiple culture samples should be taken to minimise the chance of missing a septic process.
D) Pancreatic abscesses in dogs are often sterile, but multiple culture samples should be taken to minimise the chance of missing a septic process.
Which of the following diagnostic tests gives a definitive diagnosis of canine pancreatitis?
Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (cPLI).
Amylase and Lipase levels.
None of the these.
Trypisn-like Immunoreactivity (cTLI).
None of the these.
Following pancreatic surgery, what complications is most likely?
In which of the following scenarios might a partial splenectomy be appropriate?
A focal discoloured splenic nodule.
A splenic abscess.
A focal ruptured splenic mass.
Focal splenic hyperplasia.
A splenic abscess.
Which of the following situations provides the most convincing evidence of an insulinoma?
High serum insulin concentrations during a period of hypoglycaemia.
High serum insulin concentrations during a period of hyperglycaemia.
Low serum insulin concentrations during a period of hypoglycaemia.
Low serum insulin concentrations during a period of hyperglycaemia.
High serum insulin concentrations during a period of hypoglycaemia.
An adult cavalier King Charles Spaniel presented for vomiting, lethargy and abdominal pain has a fluid filled mass is identified in/associated with the left limb of his pancreas on abdominal ultrasound. The fluid is aspirated and found to be sterile with increased pancreatic enzyme concentrations with respect to serum.
Based on the information provided, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Pancreatic pseudocyst
During an exploratory coeliotomy, you find a splenic torsion with an engorged, dark blue grey spleen. Which course of action is most appropriate?
Complete splenectomy without de-rotation.
A Labrador Retriever has been diagnosed with a ruptured splenic hemangiosarcoma and haemoabdomen. Complete splenectomy alone is being considered as a treatment option, what advise could you give the owner regarding prognosis?
Complete splenectomy will provide survival to discharge and short to medium term survival in most cases.
How much of the pancreas can be resected without affecting the endocrine and exocrine functions?
Up to 75%