General Knowledge Flashcards
What is the name of the place that can diagnose and treat sexually transmitted infections.
Genitourinary Medicine (GUM Clinic).
What is normal body temperature
37 degrees
Is the following statement true or false?
We should always try to give the caller a diagnosis if possible.
We are trying to ensure they get the right care in the right place at the right time.
Complete the following statement:
Fainting means passing out for a short period of time never lastlonger ………………. minutes
One or Two minutes.
What 3 things are essential in keeping the body supplied with oxygen.
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
Complete the following statement:
The largest artery in the body is the…………
What is the function of the kidneys?
Remove unwanted salt & chemicals from the blood, this waste combines with water to form urine.
Give one reason for needing to know whether someone has diabetes?
More prone to infections which in turn can lead to further complications.
What is anaphylaxis?
Is a sudden and very severe allergic reaction.
Children under ………. are more vulnerable to abuse than any other age group (NSPCC 2003).
Under … One … are more vulnerable
What takes first priority when conducting a telephone assessment over the phone?
To establish whether the patient call is life threatening.
Are antibiotics effective against viruses or bacteria?
There question within the NHS pathways system which try to establish whether someone has suffered from cancer?
Give 2 reasons why it might be important to find out whether someone has suffered from cancer?
- ) More prone to infections (immuno compromised)
- ) May be an underlying cause to illness
“Any new symptoms could be related to treatment they on”
When an artery is cut the blood “spurts” or “pumps” out. Why is this?
Spurts out with every heart beat.
What is an AAA?
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
List 3 possible symptoms of meningitis in adult
- Severe headache
- Nausea
- Fever
List 3 possible symptoms of meningitis in a baby?
- Fever
vomiting refusing feeds
sleepy, reluctant to wake
Sometimes if a person experiences bleeding high up in the digestive tract they vomit. This may appear bright red or have lots of dark brown bits in it resembling soil or coffee -grounds what causes the vomit to look dark like soil or coffee - grounds ?
Blood comes in contact with stomach acid
Why can some ear problems cause a person to feel dizzy
It can effect the balance mechanism which can lead to vertigo and dizziness
List 4 possible causes of breathing problems?
- Airway blocked
- Asthma
- secondary drowning
- COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
When assessing someone who has fallen on their arm, the system will present you with a question which asks whether the arm is cold, or pale in colour or blue to the area beyond the injury.
What is this question trying to exclude?
Trying to exclude any damage to any of the blood vessels
Is the following statement true or false?
The pain of the heart is never felt in the abdomen?
Describe 2 words or phrases people might use to describe the sensation of palpitations
- Fluttering
2. Skipping Beat
What is the most common cause of a mouth ulcer
- Biting the tongue
2. Overreaction by the bodies own immune system
What is sepsis and what causes it?
Bodys reaction to an infection, causing the body to attack its own organs. Causes by common bacteria
List 4 symptoms of sinusitis
- Blocked Nose
- Pain, swelling tenderness around cheeks, eyes, foreheads
- High Temperature
- Green/ yellow mucus from nose
List 2 factors associated with a head injury that mean the person should be taken to the Emergency Department in an ambulance.
- High energy head injury
2. Unconsciousness
How might unconsciousness affect a person airway?
The tongue drops back into the throat
What is rigor?
Very severe violent shivering brought on by the body high temperature.
What is shock
When the cardiovascular system fails and is unable to adequately circulate blood around the body to the vital organs
Is the following statement true or false?
If a man complains of sudden pain and swelling in the testicular areas it is normally nothing serious and does not require further assessment.
It could be twisted which will also mean it could be affecting circulation of oxygenated blood to the tissue.
List 5 injuries which may be potentially life-threatening.
- Major Wound
- Major Force
- Major Burn
- Suffocation
- Suicide attempts
State one problem associated with the over-use of antibiotics
They lose effectiveness
“Antibiotic Resistance”
State one symptom of possible spinal cord damage
Loss of movement / sensation below the location of injury.
What is wheezing?
A whistling or musical sound that comes from inside the individual chest when breathing.
Why must someone who has been involved in a near drowning incident receive treatment even when unharmed?
Secondary drowning
List 3 signs of a possible wound infection
- Pus in or around wound
- Raised temperature
- Swelling
List 3 symptoms of anaphylaxis
- Swelling of face, tongue, throat
- Swelling/itching where allergen entered
- Rash over body
What is another name for low blood sugar?
Is the following statement true or false?
Fruity smelling breath can be a sign of hyperglycaemia
Is the following statement true or false?
During an adrenal crisis the person’s blood pressure becomes dangerously high which leads to unconsciousness if untreated
“Causes a drop in blood pressure which will lead to unconsciousness”
Why are women more prone to urine infections?
Urethra is shorter and opening closer to the back passage
Where is the flank?
Fleshy part of the back between bottom of the rib cage and top of the hips on either side
What is crush syndrome
It’s the effect that happens when someone is trapped for longer than 15 minutes
Is the following statement true or false?
It is normal for contractions during labour to become very painful.
“Pain should not be constant, should ease between contractions”
If a person is experiencing pain on passing urine, which 2 body systems might be affected by an infection.
Reproductive System
Urinary Tract System
How many people are said to suffer from a mental health disorder
1 in 4
List 3 common mental health disorders
Depression Generalised Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
What is Anaphylaxis
Severe Allergic Reaction, can cause airways to tighten and be life threatening
Symptoms of Shock
Weak, Unable to stand
Cold skin, clammy, wet
Pale, blue, grey
Causes of Shock
Severe blood loss
Heavy fluid loss
Failure of the heart
Severe infections, low blood sugar, lack of certain hormones
What does AED stand for
Automatic External Defibrillator
Major Trauma
Gunshot Stabbing Major Burn Major Wound Suffocation / Strangulation Suicide Attempts Drowning Major Force Fall from height Struck by lightning Explosion
Heart Attack
SBS Symptoms
Difficulty staying awake
Trouble breathing
Severe Mental Health Disorders
Bi polar Psychosis Schizophrenia Puerperal Psychosis Dementia
Symptoms of Mental Health
Difficulty Sleeping Low Mood Low self esteem Negative thinking Suicidal thoughts
Must every question be verbally asked
No, every question must be answered, not necessarily asked as patients may volunteer information without being prompted
Inferred Question
Question that does not need to be asked because the answer is likely obvious
How are Not Sure Answers dealt with by the system
Balance of risk,
What is disposition compromised of
Time frame and Skill set
What does Clicking Restart Triage do
Wipes all questions and answers
Takes you to beginning of pathways system
Change from 1st-3rd vice versa
Why are pathways gender and age specific
Accomodate different range of conditions and anatomical differences between different age groups and gender
What is purpose of key points
Tell you what pathway should and shouldnt be used for
Individual told to follow particular course of action
Identify patients with known health problem, advised to follow a particular course of action when they are ill and full symptom triage not appropriate
What info is collected in MOD 0 that affects body map choices
Trauma or Non Trauma
5 Age groups in system
Neonate 0-1hr Infant 1hr-12month Toddler 1-5 years Childer 5-16 years Adult 16 years +
What pathway used when someones symptoms vague
Other Symptoms
Major Blood Loss volumes
Adult 2 mug 2 hour
Child 1 mug 30 mins
Toddler 1/2 mug 30 mins
Infant 1/4 mug 30 mins
Significant Blood Loss Volumes
Adult 1 mug 2 hr
Child 1/2 mug 30 mins
Toddler 1/4 mug 30 mins
Infant egg cup 30 mins
Why is it important to know if feeling unwell led to an injury
underlying illness may be more serious than injury
Signs Baby is in Resp Distress
Grunting when breathing
Head bobbing with effort
Unable to cry properly
Upper back pain before or after body map
Headache in pregnancy indicates what
Pre Eclampsia
Severe Illness
Cannot think or do anything apart from the illness
Why is glass test not advised
Can’t see if its being conducted properly, wastes valuable time
What care advise always present in selected topics
Why is Worsening Advise so essential
Informs caller what to do should things change, new symptoms develop, deterioration, worsening of symptoms, other queries.
Difference between Summary and Call Report
Summary - Significant Answer
Call report, All questions, positive and negative
What is KFC
Known Health Problem
Firm Plan
Current Symptoms
In House clincian Dispositions
Speak to Clinician from our service immediately
Speak to Clinician from our service within 30 minutes
Speak to Clinician from our service within 2 hours
Speak to Clinician from our service for home management advise`
Rash that occurs with sepsis
Bruising under skin, pinpricks, splotchy, blood blisters
Child confused symptoms
May not know who or where they are
Not recognise friends or family
Behave oddly
Not know time of day or day of week
Adrenal Insufficiency
Failure of adrenal glands, Addison’s disease
Condition that persists over a long period of tiem
Chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease
De gloving
Skin pulled right off fingers or toes, exposing underlying tissue
Progressive irreversible damage, may experience memory loss, disorientation, change in personality
Blood does not clot properly
First green motions passed by new born baby
Sensation of the heart beating irregularly or more rapidly or forcefully that it should, slowly or different from normal
Puerperal Psychosis
Mental Health disorder affecting mothers, behave strangely, seeming puzzled and perplexed, sleeping poorly, erratic
Sickle Cell Disease
Inherited illness, abnormal shaped red blood cells
Symptoms of Heart Attack
Persistent Chest pain Breathlessness, gasping for air Faintness, dizziness, collapse Sweating Impending sense of doom Nausea Grey, pale skin
Symptoms of Aortic Rupture
Extreme Constant, Sudden pain
Nausea, vomiting
sense that something is wrong
Nervous System
Controls processes of the body, voluntary and involuntary
Seizure Symptoms
Loss or impairment of consciousness
Causes of seizures
Epilepsy, high fever, head injury, infections in central nervous system, lack of oxygen or glucose to brain.
Can get auras or feelings when seizure on way
Stroke symptoms
Weakness of arm or leg on same side of body
New facial weakness on one side, lopsided and drooling
New numbness or tingling
New confusion
New difficulty speaking
Headache, dizziness, unsteadiness, problems with vision, problems swallowing
unconsciousness, difficulty breathing
Respiratory System
Responsible for exchange of gases to and from body
Common indicators of breathing difficulties, adults
Gasping for breath Unable to talk in full sentences Wheezing Noisy Breathing Visibly struggling to breathe Blue tinge around mouth Rapid breathing May want to be outside for fresh air
Causes of obstruction of airways
Infection Severe allergies Asthma Panic attacks Being overweight Inhalation of toxic vapours
Digestive System
Breakdown food so can be used by cells for energy
Causes of Diarrhoea
Infection, Sensitivity to certain foods, antibiotics and laxatives, stress,
Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Protects organs, frame work under skin. Bones, ligaments and tendons
Treatment for fracture
Plaster casts
Metal plates
External fixators
Medical treatment induced immunocompromised, chemo and radio therapy, drugs following organ transplant
HIV Aids
Allergic Reaction Symptoms
Watery, itchy, red eyes Gritty feeling in eyes Sneezing Itchy throat Runny/blocked nose Loss of smell or taste
Endocrine system
Glands that release hormones into the bloodstream
Urinary System
Eliminates waste from the body in form of urine
Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms
Slight vaginal bleeding lower abdominal pain Severe pelvic pain Shoulder tip pain Low blood pressure Nausea Vomiting
Symptoms of STI
Unusal genital discharge
itching, soreness, inflammation in genital area
Pain passing urine
Pain during sex
Sores, rashes, warts on genitals or other parts of body
Perforated Eardrum causes
significant Change in atmospheric pressure
blow to side of head