General Knowledge Flashcards
What is the name of the style of karate you are studying?
Okinawan Uechi-ryu Karate-do
What does “Uechi” mean?
It is the name of the family that founded Uechi-ryu.
What does “ryu” mean?
Style, System, or Method
What does the word Karate mean?
Empty Hand or Chinese Hand
What does “do” mean?
Way or Path
By what other names has the style been known?
Pon-gai-noon “half-hard, half soft” and Sho-hei-ryu “shine-brightly” + “peace, equality”
In what year was the term “Uechi-ryu” first used? “Shohei-ryu”?
Uechi-ryu - 1940
Shohei-ryu -1995
Who were the 1st & 2nd grandmasters of Uechi-ryu?
1st: Kanbun Uechi (1877-1948)
2nd: Kanei Uechi (1911-1991)
Who was Kanbun’s teacher in China?
Buddhist priest named Shushiwa
How long was Kanbun in China?
13 years
Where did Kanbun study in China?
Fukien Province, Southern China
What is the name of our association?
Shingitai Karate-do Association; abbreviation = Shinkukai
What does Shingitai mean?
Shin (kokoro) = Heart, mind, spirit;
Gi (waza) = Technique, craft, art;
Tai (karada) = Body, form
Who is the head of the ShinkuKai?
Rober Dus and Lisken Van Pelt Dus
What are Robert’s and Lisken’s ranks?
Bob Kyoshi Hachidan; Lisken - Kyoshi Hachidan
Who is Robert’s and Lisken’s teacher?
Shintoku Takara, Hanshi Judan
Who was Robert’s and Lisken’s first teacher?
Frank Gorman, Hanshi Kudan (Teaching in Florida)
On the movements of what three animals is Uechi/Shohei-ryu based?
Tiger, Crane, and Dragon
What are the four main techniques used in Uechi/Shohei-ryu?
Shoken (Single-knuckle punch), Wauke (circle block), Sokusen (toe kick), Nukite (spearhand)
What are the three main/original kata?
Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseiryu
What are the five bridging kata?
Kanshiwa, Kanshu, Seichin, Seiryu, Kanshin
What is the name of the ninth kata?
What are red and red/black belts called?
Red = Sempai (senior student); Red/Black = Jun Shodan
What are the three master levels?
Renshi (6 Dan); Kyoshi (7 & 8 Dan); Hanshi (9 &10 Dan)
What does “Sanchin” mean?
“Three Steps” or “Three Conflicts”
What are the five factors of Sanchin development?
- To build a strong physique
- to consolidate the basic stance
- to master the proper breathing technique
- to develop penetrating eye/acute insight
- to foster spiritual and Mental Cooncentration
Who created Sanchin Kata?
Bodhi Dharma, an Indian Priest, the first Zen Patriarch, known as Daruma in Japanese
What is a Karate school called?
What is a teacher called?
What are a uniform and belt called?
Gi and Obi
How do you say “right foot forward” & “left foot forward”?
Right foot forward = Magi ashi mae. Left foot forward = Hidari ashi mae
What does “Go kura sama” mean?
Thank you for working hard/for your efforts
What does “Domo arigato gozai mashita” mean?
Thank you very much
What is the Dojo no Chikai (Dojo Code) part 1
Okinawan Karate begins and ends with respect. I intend to treat myself and others with courtesy and consideration.
What is the Dojo no Chikai (Dojo Code) part 2
Recognizing that the techniques I am learning can be dangerous, I intend to develop self-discipline and to use my karate only in self-defense.
What is the Dojo no Chikai (Dojo Code) part 3
I intend to follow the true path of karate-do, using it as a way to bring out the best in myself and others. In and out of the dojo, I will act in the spirit of Ganbarimasu: doing my best and persevering.
What are the ten Black Belt ranks?
Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Rokudan, Nanadan, Hachidan, Kudan, Judan
What are the eight kyu ranks?
Hachikyu, Sichikyu, Rokkyu, Gokyu, Yonkyu, Sankyu, Nikyu, Ikkyu