general key quotes Flashcards
finish the quote:
is foul and foul is fair
finish the quote:
Unseamed him
from the knave
to the chaps
(speech to captain)
finish the quote:
Why do you
dress me in borrowed robes?
finish the quote:
me here
finish the quote:
look like
the innocent flower but be the serpent undern’t (LM)
finish the quote:
When you durst
do it then you were a man
finish the quote:
Is this a dagger I
see before me, the handle towards my hand? Come let me clutch thee.
finish the quote:
I shame
To wear a heart so white.
finish the quote:
Macbeth shall
Sleep no more
finish the quote:
Full of
Scorpions is my mind
finish the quote:
But now I am cabined
Cribbed, confirmed bound in saucy thoughts and fears (Macbeth)
finish the quote:
There the grown
serpent lies the worm thats fled
finish the quote:
Out damned
spot, Out I say.
finish the quote:
Life is a tale
told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. (macbeth)
finish the quote:
Dead butcher
and fiend like queen
Finish the quote:
Stars hide
your fires let not light see my black and deep desires.