General Items Flashcards
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)
Screening tool for psychiatric illness designed to be used in primary care
4 versions available, from a 12 item to a 60 item scale
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)
Clinician rated
100 items
Looks at overall level of functioning (psychological, social, occupation)
Clinical Global Impression (CGI)
Often used in drug trials to monitor effectiveness
2 items;
Global Severity - clinician rates the severity of illness relative to others with the same diagnosis
Global Change - rates change relative to a baseline assessment
Quality of Life Scales
Numerous scales available
Can be patient or carer rated
Brief Symptom Inventory
Three six-item scales (somatisation, depression and anxiety) as well a global severity index
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID)
Clinician administered assessment which takes form of a semi-structured clinical interview
Usually used in research / epidemiological studies
SCID II used to diagnose personality disorders