General Inspection, Vital Signs & Skin through Cardiac Flashcards
GENERAL START: Introduce self to patient
- Wash hands before touching patient.
- Ask how he/she would like to be addressed.
- Inquire about why patient is being seen, in patient’s own words.
General Inspection
Observe patient - noting general state of health, facial expression, stature, build posture, level of distress, hygiene, speech, mobility, mental alertness, etc.
• “I am inspecting the patient for general state of health, stature, signs of distress, hygiene, and mental alertness.”
Vital Signs: Height, weight, & temperature
• “I have noted your ht, wt, and temperature.”
Radial pulse (apical pulse if radial pulse is questionable)
- Palpate the patient’s radial pulse, using the pads of the distal 1st and 2nd fingers.
- Count for 15 seconds and multiple by 4 (if any irregularity noted, count for 60 seconds).
- “I am noting the patient’s pulse by counting for 15 seconds and multiplying by 4.”
Radial pulse statement
• “I am noting the patient’s pulse by counting for 15 seconds and multiplying by 4.”
- While continuing to palpate the radial pulse, count the patient’s respirations for 15 seconds and multiple by 4.
- “The patient’s respirations are ___ and unlabored.”
Respiration statement
• “The patient’s respirations are ___ and unlabored.”
Blood Pressure
- 1st use the BP cuff to estimate BP or ask the patient what his/her usual BP reading is. Inflate cuff to 30 mmHg above this # before determining BP.
- “The patient’s blood pressure is ___.”
BP Statement
• “The patient’s blood pressure is ___.”
SKIN START: Inspect skin - noting color, rashes, any lesions including color, type, location, and distribution. (and statement)
- Expose legs and torso if necessary.
* “I am inspecting the skin noting the color and looking for any rashes or lesions.”
Skin statement- general
• “I am inspecting the skin noting the color and looking for any rashes or lesions.”
Palpate skin – noting temperature, texture, and turgor
- Palpate the skin of the upper and lower extremities using the dorsum of the hands.
- Check skin turgor on the dorsum of the forearm.
- “The skin is warm and dry and turgor is normal.”
Skin palpation statement
• “The skin is warm and dry and turgor is normal.”
HEAD START: Inspect the facial features (and statement)
• “I am inspecting the facial features noting that they are symmetric.”
Test function of facial muscles (CN VII)
- Ask patient to squeeze eyes shut, wrinkle forehead, smile, puff out cheeks.
- “CN 7 is intact.”
Facial muscles statement
• “CN 7 is intact.”
Test light touch on the face (CN V sensory)
- Ask patient to close eyes. Using a Q-tip, lightly touch the patient’s forehead, cheeks, and chin.
- Ask patient to say “now” each time he/she feels the light touch.
- “CN 5 sensory is intact.”
Light touch on face statement
• “CN 5 sensory is intact.”
Palpate the facial bones and sinuses
• Ask the patient if he/she experiences any tenderness.
Palpate the TMJ and test ROM
• While palpating the TMJ, ask the patient to move his/her jaw from side to side.
Palpate the masseter muscles (CN V, motor)
• Ask patient to clench his/her teeth.
Inspect and palpate the hair, scalp, and skull
and statement
• “The head is normocephalic. The hair is course and straight with symmetric hair distribution.”
EYES START: Inspect external eyes
- Inspect the lids, conjunctivae, sclera, cornea, and iris.
* “I am inspecting the eyes for symmetry, exophthalmos, ptosis, injection (hyperemia), and icterus.”
Inspect external eyes statement
• “I am inspecting the eyes for symmetry, exophthalmos, ptosis, injection (hyperemia), and icterus.”
Test visual acuity (CN II)
- Hold hand-held eye chart 14” from patient’s eyes. Ask him/her to cover 1 eye and read the lowest line that he/she can, then cover the other eye and read the lowest line that he/she can.
- “The patient’s vision is ___.”
Visual acuity statement
• “The patient’s vision is ___.”
Assess depth of the anterior chambers
- Shine light toward side of patient’s eye (bilaterally) and look for a shadow on the medial aspect of iris.
- “No crescent shadows noted.”
Depth of ant. chambers statement
• “No crescent shadows noted.”
Corneal light reflection (and statement)
• “Corneal light reflections are symmetric.”
Direct and consensual pupillary light reflexes (and statement)
• “Pupils are equal round and reactive to light.”
EOMs (CNs III, IV, VI) and accommodation
- Using H pattern, evaluate EOMS in 6 cardinal positions.
- “EOMs are intact bilaterally, without nystagmus.”
- “Eyes converge and accommodate to near vision.”
EOMs (CNs III, IV, VI) and accommodation statements
- “EOMs are intact bilaterally, without nystagmus.”
* “Eyes converge and accommodate to near vision.”