General Info Flashcards
Most common anatomy of a bicuspid aortic valve?
- R/L Fusion
- R/N Fusion
- L/N Fusion
Most common coronary artery pattern in D-TGA?
Usual coronary arteries
Most common coronary artery abnormality seen in D-TGA?
Circumflex from RCA
Fibrous continuity of which valves seen in majority of ToF?
ToF in South American and Southeast Asian patients?
- Complete absence of infundibular septum
- Continuity between aortic/pulmonary valves
- Double committed sub-arterial VSD
Mitral arcade?
Shortened/absent chordae
Leads to direct insertion of leaflets to papillary muscles
What does kidney release in response to decreased renal perfusion?
What does angiotensin II do?
ADH/Vasopressin secretion
Most common aortic arch malformation in asymptomatic patients?
Left arch with aberrant right subclavian
- 0.5% general population
- Common in trisomy 21
Surgery for DORV with subpulmonary VSD?
Arterial switch with VSD closure
-Physiology is like TGA
Most common additional defect seen in ToF?
ASD or PFO (80%)
Right aortic arch (25%)
% of ToF with right aortic arch?
Most common type of AVSD in trisomy 21?
Complete AV canal defect
Rastelli Type A
Most common reason for reoperation following partial or complete AV canal repairs?
AVVR (usually left)
LVOTO occurs more commonly after which type of AVCD repair?
Whale tail?
Primary heart field cells become what cardiac structures?
LV and bilateral atria
Secondary heart field cells become what cardiac structures?
Majority of RV and conotruncal outflow tracts
Migration of neural crest cells into developing heart causes what embryologic process?
Septation of conotruncal outflows into aorta and pulmonary arteries
What fetal remnant delivers blood from hepatic veins to RA?
Ductus venosus/Ligamentum venosus
What is position of sinus venosus ASD relative to fossa ovalis?
Where is sinus node found in left sided juxtaposition of the atrial appendages?
Anterior or Inferior
Left juxtaposition of the atrial appendages is associated with that types of cardiac defects?
Abnormal ventriculo-arterial connections
Where is sinus node found in right juxtraposition of the atrial appendages?
What types of lesions are seen in right juxtaposition of the atrial appendages
ASD, VSD, PDA (simple lesions)
What structure most likely damaged in patient with stridor following coarctation repair or surgical PDA ligation?
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Most common additional defect seen in HLHS and what % of patients?
What shifts Hgb-O2 dissociation curve left?
Increased pH (Decreased H+)
Decreased CO2
Decreased 2,3-DPG
Decreased temp
What shifts Hgb-O2 dissociation curve right?
Exercise Decreased pH (Increased H+) Increased CO2 Increased temperature Increased 2,3-DPG
Ca stored where?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Most common morphology of truncal valve
Most common abnormal morphology of truncal valve
Quadricuspid (20%)
Truncal valve is most commonly in continuity with what other valve?
Best anatomical hallmark of LA?
Valve of fossa ovalis (septum primum)
Triangle of Koch
Tricuspid valve annulus (septal leaflet)
CS ostium
Tendon of Todaro
Most reliable anatomical feature that distinguishes RV?
Level of insertion of AV valve
Which aortic arch do the PAs and ductus come from?
Left 6th
Majority of true aortic arch comes from which arch?
Left 4th
Which arch gives rise to proximal right subclavian?
Right 4th
Which coronary supplies posteromedial papillary muscle?
Anterolateral papillary muscle is supplied by which coronary artery?
LAD and Circumflex
Fetal circulation, highest O2 content?
Umbilical vein (blood from Mom)
Fetal circulation, lowest O2 content?
Umbilical arteries
Ligament of Marshall
Remnant of left SVC
What are distinguishing features of RA?
Limbus of fossa ovalis
Connection of IVC
Large pyramidal appendage
What is Libman-Sacks endocarditis?
Non-infective endocarditis associated with SLE affecting mitral valve
Normal location of sinus node?
Junction of SVC and crista terminalis
Blood supply to sinus node?
RCA (60%)
Circumflex (40%)
AV node blood supple
Dominant coronary artery- 80% RCA
Where is conduction system in inlet VSD?
Anterior/superior to defect
Gradient indicative for pulmonary balloon valvulplasty?
> 40mmHg (cath or echo)
-No gradient criteria is significant symptoms
Balloon size for pulmonary valvuloplasty
Gradient indicative for aortic valvuloplasty?
- AS with decreased LV function regardless of gradient
- Cath peak >50
- Cath peak >40 with symptoms
Balloon size for aortic valvuloplasty?
Goal gradient for aortic valvuloplasty?
<25-35mmHg by cath
Catheter based gradient indicative for recoarctation angioplasty?
- > 20mmHg
- <20 mmHg is significant collaterals, single ventricle, ventricular dysfunction
Balloon size for recoarctation?
-2-3 times stenosis, but <1mm larger than smallest proximal/distal vessel
Gradient indicative of need for branch PA angioplasty?
- > 20-30mmHg
- RVP > 1/2 to 2/3 systemic
- Flow discrepancy
Balloon size for branch PA angioplasty?
- 3-4 times narrowest segment
- 15-20% restenosis rate
Normal location of AV node?
Triangle of Koch
What population are sub-arterial VSDs most commonly seen in?
Which aortic cusp is most likely cause of AI in perimembranous and subarterial/supracristal VSDs?
What type of VSD is a overriding AV always associated with?
Abdominal features of asplenia?
- Midline liver
- 2 Mirror image right lung lobes
- Patent biliary tree with single gallbladder
- Malrotation common
- Aorta/IVC on same side of vertebral column
Abdominal features of polysplenia?
- Visceral situs varies
- Single gallbladder, but biliary atresia common
- Interrupted IVC with azygous continuation
- Multiple spleens on same side
Most common aortic-pulmonary position in DORV?
Side by side
Aorta to right
Crescent shaped valve at ostium of CS?
Thebesian valve
What is Chiari network?
Weblike structure from enlarged/persistent Eustachian and/or Thebesian valve or remnant of the valve of the sinus venosis
Extends from crista terminalis to Eustacian/Thebesian valve
Coronary artery features seen in truncus?
- Left coronary system arises from posterolateral suface
- LAD usually small and displaced leftward
- RCA from anterolateral surface
- Conal branch of RCA usually large
- Left dominance in 25-30%
What coronary branch determines dominance?
Posterior descending
What % of population is right dominant v. left dominant v. co dominant for coronary arteres?
Right: 70%
Left: 10%
Co: 20%
Most common coronary artery anomaly?
- Left circumflex from right main (no clinical significance)
- Left main from right sinus can be problematic if tracks between aorta and RVOT
Vertical vein embryology?
Connection between splanchnic plexus of lung buds and cardinal veins
-NOT a left SVC… this is more posterior than left SVC
Anterior indentation on barium esophagram?
Pulmonary artery sling
- Tracks between trachea and esophagus
- Associated with tracheal stenosis
CHD in Williams Syndrome?
- Supravalvar AS and PS
- Coronary stenosis
- Renal artery stenosis - Leads to HTN
Most common association with right aortic arch?
Gene in Alagille?
-Liver disease, right heart disease (pulmonary stenosis, both valvar and branches)
NOTCH 1 mutation?
Aortic valve pathology
PTPN11 mutation?
LEOPARD Syndrome
Noonan Syndrome
TBX1 mutation?
22q11 or DiGeorge
Features of DiGeorge?
Hypocalcemia Immunodeficiency IAA type B Truncus ToF
TBX5 mutation?
- Limb anomalies (missing thumb)
- Heart defects (ASD)
- 75% have heart defects
How many papillary muscles with a classic parachute mitral valve versus most common type of parachute mitral valve?
1 with classic
2 with most common (asymmetric chordal attachments to one of the papillary muscles)
Features of sinus of valsalva aneurysms?
- Mostly male
- 2/3 right sinus
- Associated with outlet VSD
- Right sinus to RV rupture most common
- Non-coronary to RA rupture second most common
Posterior indentation on esophagram?
Vascular ring
Restrictive cardiomyopathy?
- Reduced ventricular volumes
- Preserved ventricular function
- Normal wall thickness
- Dilated atria
What anesthetic to avoid in muscular dystrophy?
What post-op RV pressure should a VD be reopened following RV-PA conduit in PA/VSD?
> 70%
Most common cause of vascular ring?
Double aortic arch
2nd most common cause of vascular ring?
Right arch with diverticulum of Kommerrell
Embryonic origin of right arch with left sided diverticulum of Kommerell?
- Right dorsal aorta
- No left 4th
- Left 6th persists
Which aortic arches disappear?
1, 2, 5
Embryology of IAA?
Absence of both 4th arches
Most common arch anomaly?
- Left arch with retroesophageal right subclavian (aberrant right subclavian)
- 38% of Trisomy 21 patients
Embryonic origin of left aortic arch with retroesophageal right subclavian?
Dissolution of right 4th and right 6th arches
Embryonic origin of left aortic arch with diverticulum of Kommerell?
Dissolution of right 4th and persistence of right 6th arches
Embryologic origin of right arch with mirror image branching?
- No left dorsal aorta or right 6th
- Persistence of left 6th and left 4th
Most common arrhythmia in restrictive cardiomyopathy?
- Atrial flutter
- 2nd and 3rd degree heart block
Describe Barth syndrome?
- X-linked
- Hypotonia, neutropenia, dilated cardiomyopathy
- Diagnosed by elevated 3-methylglutaconic acid in urine
CS is derived from what?
Left common cardinal vein
Left SVC is derived from?
- Persistence of left sinus horn
- Left anterior cardinal and left common cardinal veins
Right SVC is derived from?
- Right anterior cardinal vein
- Right common cardinal vein
IVC is derived from?
Subcardinal and supracardinal veins
Which end of the PDA are vegetation seen with in endocarditis?
Pulmonary end
RF for conotruncal defects?
- Diabetes
- Maternal PKU
- Retinoic acid
- Trimethadione
What is the primary management for mild and moderate MR?
Medical: Diuretics and afterload reduction
What echo and ECG findings are seen in cor triatriatum?
RA and RV enlargement
Describe Scimitar Syndrome
- Anomalous connection of right pulmonary veins to IVC
- Usually have right lung hypoplasia
What screening is recommended for 1st degree relatives of HCM patients?
- ECHO every 12-18 months starting at age 12
- ECHO every 5 years after 21 if no hypertrophy is seen
Best imaging modality for partial pericardial defect?
- Absence of portion of pericardium
- 80% left sided
- Heart displaced to left
- Bulge of great vessels
Which aortic valve cusps most commonly prolapses with VSDs
Right (followed by non)
Classic ECG findings with Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
Deep Q in I, aVL, V5, V6
What is mitral arcade?
Shortened or absent chordae which leads to stenosis and insufficiency
Uhl’s anomaly?
- Complete absence of RV myocardium with marked RV dilation (parchment heart)
- Large P waves with diminished RV voltages
- Cyanosis
- Normal endocardial potentials (differs from Ebstein’s)
- Similar pressure wave contours form RA/RV/PA
Where is AV node in L-TGA?
Anterior aspect of atrioventricular ring neat atrial septum
-Normally located in posterior position in subendocardium within triangle of Koch
When is coarctation repair recommended in asymptomatic infants?
2-3 years
What is most likely cause of myocarditis/dilated cardiomyopathy in a patient from Latin or South America?
Chagas disease
-Trypanosoma Cruzi
-Otherwise viral or coxsackie B is most common
Most common cause of bacterial pericarditis?
- S. Aureus
- H. Influenzae
- S. Penumonia
- Fluid will be predominantly neutrophils
- Most likely due to hematogenous dissemination from lung
- Very ill at presentation
- Need Abx + Drainage
- Abx: Nafcillin/Oxacillin or Vanc + 3rd gen cephalosporin
- Constrictive pericarditis is a more common complication with bacterial compared to viral
Most common cause of pericarditis?
-Viral: Coxsackievirus
- Fluid is predominantly lymphocytes
- NSAIDs for treatment
- Constrictive pericarditis is rare
S2 changes with varying degrees of AS?
- Mild-Mod: Normal splitting
- Severe: Single S2 due to prolonged ejection time
Formula for wall stress?
Stress = (Pressure * Radius) / Wall Thickness
Poiseulle’s Law of Resistance?
(8 * Viscosity * Length) / Radius ^4
Delayed gadolinium is ideal to assess for?
-Myocardial perfusion including infarction (hyperenhancement on delayed imaging)
Dark blood imaging good for?
Anatomic diagnosis and structure
Bright blood imaging good for?
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of ventricles and valves
Most common defects seen in rubella?
Which type of IAA is most commonly seen in AP septation defects like AP window?
A (1/3 of IAA
-Distal to left subclavian
Which type of IAA is most commonly seen in DiGeorge?
-Between left subclavian and left carotid
Heart defect associated with WPW?
- Ebstein’s
- LAD and WPW suggests Ebstein’s
What BP is seen with supravalvar AS?
Higher BP in right arm compared to left (due to Coanda effect)
Which genetic syndromes are associated with PAPVR?
What defects are most commonly seen in Noonan?
- PS
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- PTPN11 gene mutation
- 80% have CHD
Which defect is most commonly associated with cc-TGA?
- VSD (80%)
- LVOTO (subpulmonary) (30-50%)
Most common cause of viral myocarditis?
AR murmur heard best in what position?
Patient leaning forward with breath held after exhalation
What position is MR best heard from rheumatic fever?
- Left lateral decubitus
- Holosystolic, apical, radiates to the left axilla
What genetic syndrome is associated with congenital polyvalvular dysplasia?
Trisomy 18
High pitched click immediately after S1 at the apex?
Down sloping ST segments in V1 and V2 are characteristic of what?
- Na channelopathy
- Loss of function SCN5A mutation
- Cove type ST elevation in V1-V3
- Unmasked with class 1 Na channel blockers (flecainide, procainamide)
Auscultation findings with worsening PS?
Murmur peaks later in systole and split widens (P2 is delayed)
Most common cardiac tumor in children?
- Well circumscribed, noncapsulated, ventricular
- Benign, spontaneous resolution
What defects are highly associated with NEC?
HLHS, Truncus
Most common major manifestation of RF?
Migratory polyarthritis
- Pedunculated
- Friable
- Most commonly in LA
- Classic Triad: Obstruction, embolism, systemic illness
Systemic venous baffle obstruction more common after?
Most common CHD in Cri-Du-Chat?
5p Deletion
Recoarctation rate for infants undergoing angioplasty for native coarctation
Ellis-can Creveld?
- Post axial polydactyly
- Dwarfism
- Abnormal fingernails
- Amish
- Large ASD/common atrium
Max total dose of non-ionic contrast during cath?
Lung segment with highest blood flow?
Which systemic vein has the highest O2 saturation?
Which systemic vein has the lowest O2 saturation?
Equation for FS?
-FS maximal during 1st month
Causes of holodiastolic flow reversal in aorta?
- Large PDA
- Severe AI
- Systemic to pulmonary shunt
- Large AV fistual
Anatomic hallmarks of complete AVSD?
- Cleft in anterior leaflet of left AV valve
- AV valves at same level
- Left papillary muscles rotated laterally
Anatomic hallmarks of RA?
- Broad based appendage
- Connections of the IVC and CS
Most diagnostic echo finding in pericardial tamponade?
Collapse of RV in diastole
WOW associated with what CHD?
Morphologic features of LV?
- Higher insertion of AV valve
- Lack of AV valve chordal attachments to septum (septophobic)
- Smooth walled
- Elliptical shaped
Most common fetal arrhythmia?
Normal orientation of the aorta?
Right and posterior to PA
Typical aorta location in d-TGA?
Anterior and right to PA
Typical aorta location in L-TGA
Anterior and left to PA
Typical aorta location in DILV?
Left and anterior or PA
RIsk of fetal exposure to lithium?
Ebstein (1%)
Indomethacin exposure?
Ductal constriction
Heart defect associated with fetal alcohol snydrome?
Heart defect associated with isretinoin?
-Conotruncal defects
Heart defect in fetal hydantoin syndrome from phenytoin?
Coarctation and LVOTO
Most common heart defect in diabetic pregnancies?
Heart defect with ACEi use?
Septal defects
Heart defect with SSRI use?
Septal defects
Tei index
(Isovolumetric contraction time + Isovolumetric relaxation time) / Ejection time
Most common complication of subpulmonic VSD?
AR from prolapse of right cusp
Most common type of VSD seen with coarctation?
Treatment of choice for fetal tachycardia with evidence of hydrops?
Sotalol 80mg PO BID
Most common associated lesion in DORV?
PS or PA
Valsalva does what to venous return?
Valsalva does what to a Stills murmur?
Softer (decreased venous return)
AAIR pacing is indicated for?
Sinus node dysfunction
Hyperthyroid patients are prone to which cardiac arrhythmia?
Chagas disease causes what rhythm disturbance?
AV block
ECG changes in hyperkalemia?
- Peaked T waves
- Widened QRS
- Flat P waves
- VF or cardiac standstill is not treated
Valsalva does what to HOCM murmur?
Louder (decreased venous return)
Load independent method for assessing LV systolic function
Stress-velocity index
Treatment for neonatal atrial flutter?
What HR is in an indication for pacemaker in absence of CHD?
< 50
M band is composed of?
Myosin only
I ban consists of
What 2 myocyte proteins prevent actin and myosin interaction?
Troponin I
What HR is an indication for pacemaker in presence of CHD?
< 70
Kearns Sayre Syndrome?
- Chronic opthalmoplegia
- Heart block (pacemaker indicated with bifasicicular block)
A band consists of?
Actin and myosin (all filaments = A band)
Treatment for Torsades de Pointes
IV Mg Sulfate
Pompe’s disease?
- Short PR interval
- Glycogen storage disease
- Hepatomegaly
Typical ECG pattern seen in CPVT? Hos is it treated?
- Normal at rest
- Bidirectional VT with exercise or emotion
- Treat with beta blockers
What does amiodarone do the effect of warfarn, digoxin, cyclosporine and phentyoin?
Increases effect (will need to decrease dose)
Which immunotherapy is associated with the development of diabetes?
Amiodarone can have what effect on fetus?
Neonatal hypothyroidism
WPW most commonly seen what 2 forms of CHD?
(Also HOCM)
Brugada classic ECD findings and treatment?
- ST elevation in V1/V2
- T waves deeply coved negative
- Caused by congenital defect of Na Channels (SCN-5A)
- Causes young healthy people to develop VF, potential for death
- Procainamide challenge used for diagnosis
- Treatment = Defibrillator
Lyme carditis causes what conduction distrubance?
AV nodal conduction abnormalities (heart block)
-Treatment: Ceftriaxone, doxycycline, amoxicillin
Position of displaced conduction system in AV canal?
Posterior and inferior to VSD
What does a short HV interval (<25ms) indicate?
Accessory pathway to ventricles
LQTS1 typically presents during what?
LQTS1 is caused by what mutation?
Most likely diagnosis for tachycardias with RP longer than PR
- Atypical AVNRT
- PJRT (AVRT via slowly conducting accessory pathway
- Atrial tachycardia
- Atrial flutter
Short RP regular narrow complex tachycardia?
- Typical AVNRT
- Orthodromic SVT
- Atrial tachycardia with AV block
- Junctional tachycardia with 1:1 retrograde activation
Contradictions to exercise testing?
- Severe AS
- Recent MI or RF
- Severe pulmonary hypertension
Chief determinant of symptoms in primum ASD?
Degree of left AVVR
Risk of IE coincides with what abnormality of a valve?
Degree of regurgitation (not structure)
Paradoxical emboli are most common with what type of ASD?
Secundum (preferential flow from IVC goes towards mid-septum
What is the incidence of CHD in patients with Trisomy 21?
50% of patients with Down Syndrome have CHD (most commonly ACSD - 2/3)
Lab criteria for Kawasaki?
- Albumin < or equal to 3g/dL
- Anemia for age
- Plts > or equal to 450,000/mm
- WBC > or equal to 15,000/mm
- Elevation of ALT
- Sterile pyuria > or equal to 10 WBCs/hpf
AHA IE guidelines?
- Prosthetic valve
- Prosthetic material used for valve repair
- History of IE
- Completely repaired CHD with prosthetic material or device for 6 months
- Residual defect at side of prosthetic device
- Valvulopathy in transplanted heart
- Unrepaired cyanotic CHD
- NOT needed for GI/GU procedures
Most common organism in endocarditis?
Alpha hemolytic strep (S. Viridans)
Second most common cause of endocarditis?
S. Aureus
PCN allergic IE prophylacis?
Cephalexin, clindamycin, azithromycin or clarithromycin
Most common cause of sudden death in athletes?
Marfan Gene?
Loeys-Dietz gene?
- AD
- TGF Beta 1 or 2
- Aterial tortuosity, hypertelorism, bifid uvula, clef palate, craniosynostosis, aortic dilation/dissection, pectus excavatum/carinatum, scoliosis, joint laxity, arachnodactyly, talipes equinovarus
-LDS2: Velety smooth, translusent skin, overlaps of LDS1
Ehlers Danlos Gene?
-Loose joints, chronic join pain, early onset arthrtiis
Deep, wide Q waves in I/aVL/V3-V6
High pitched early diastolic murmur?
Early low pitched decrescendo diastolic murmur?
Diastolic, mid to late peaking, low-pitched murmur
MS or TS
Gold standard for diagnosis and classification of myocarditis
Endomyocardial biopsy
Jones Criteria?
- Joints: Migratory polyarthritis
- Carditis: New-onset murmur (pericarditis)
- Nodules: Subcutaneous
- Erythema marginatum (red ring on trunk and extremity)
- Sydenham chorea
Minor: Prolonged PR, elevated ESR/CRP/Temp, arthralgias
Most common symptoms in rheumatic heart disease?
Migratory polyarthritis
BP does what with inspiration and expiration?
- Decreases with inspiration
- Increases with expiration
-Pulsus Paradoxus: Exaggerated change in BP with inspiration (tamponade)
Describe MR seen in rheumatic heart disease?
Posterolateral direction of jet
Prolapse of anterior leaflet
PVR is lowest at what lung volume?
Functional residual capacity
Which VSD types are highest risk for post-op heart block?
MOA of heparin?
Potentiates effects of anti-thrombin III (inhibits thrombin formation and prevents conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin)
MOA of streptokinase?
Converts plasminogen to plasmin (which then cleaves fibrin)
This is a “clot buster”
MOA of tPA?
Binds to fibrin converting plasminogen to plasmin
MOA for enoxaparin?
LMWH- Catalyzes ATIII formation and activation
Drug of choice for suicidal RV after pulmonary valvotomy?
Beta blockers
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus mechanism?
Inhibit calcineurin,
Decrease T-call activation
Major side effect of calcineurin inhibitors?
Gingival hyperplasia
Most common lipoprotein disorder in childhood?
Familial combined hyperlipidemia
MOA of sirolimus?
Decrease T cell production
Anti-coagulation following mechanical mitral valve?
Warfarin (2.5-3.5) and ASA
Anticoagulation after AVR?
- Mechanical: Coumadin for INR 2-3 + low dose ASA
- If RF, increase INR to 2.5-3.5
- Bioprosthetic: ASA 75-100mg
- If RF, coumadin for INR 2-3
Most likely rhythm with an irregularly irregular wide complex rhythm in an otherwise health person?
- Pre-excited a-fib
- Avoid AV blocking agents (digoxin, Ca channel blockers, adenosine)
- Cardioversion is best option, amiodarone if medication used
Treatment of choice for CPVT VT/VF storm?
IV beta blocker
What type of AV block can be seen with long QT?
2:1 AV block
Most common indication for reoperation in truncus arteriosus?
RV-PA conduit failure
Where does the AV node course in membranous VSD?
Posterior-inferior rim
Double chambered RV typically seen with what type of VSD?
- Perimembranous
- High association with discrete subaortic stenosis
Most common indication for re-operation in partial AVC defect?
- Left AVVR
- LVOTO more common with partial AVCD
Deficiency of which rim of the ASD is an indication for surgical repair?
-Also other abnormalities which would benefit from intracardiac repair (TR)
Which deficient ASD rim is most associated with erosions?
Retro-aortic (anterior/superior)
What is recommended following ASD device closure?
ASA + SBE ppx x6 months
What is recommended following PDA device closure?
SBE ppx x6 months
Conduit size needed for Melody valve?
16mm or greater
What is the AV node supplied by?
Embryological origin of the CS?
- Left horn of sinus venosus
2. Proximal left common cardinal vein
What course of left main from right sinus is associated with sudden death?
If it passes between aorta and PA
LAD from right sinus is commonly seen in what heart defect?
-ToF (usually passes in front of RVOT)
Most frequently seen post-operative complications after atrial switch?
- Baffle leaks (10-20%)
- SVC obstruction (5-10%)
- IVC obstruction (1%)
Most common reason for re-operation following Ross procedure?
Pulmonary homograft failure
Most common indication for re-operation in complete AVCD?
Strongest predictor for development of post-op MR following CAVC repair?
Post-op severe MR
What lab test need regularly checked while taking amiodarone?
Most common short term complication following arterial switch procedure?
Supravalvar PS (LeCompte maneuver reduces incidence)
Most common long term complication in repaired Scimitar?
PV obstruction
Strongest predictor of CVA in Eisenmenger?
Microcytosis from Fe deficiency
Which syndrome is associated with hypertelorism and bifid uvula?
-Treat with ARBs
IPAH is associated with what gene abnormality?
What lab monitoring should be performed with endothelin antagonist?
Liver function
Which side is PA absent in ToF v. Truncus?
ToF = Opposite arch Truncus = Same as arch
Most common associated lesions with Ebsteins?
1st aortic arch gives rise to?
Part of maxillary artery (branch of the external carotid)
2nd aortic arch gives rise to?
Stapedial and hyoid artery (facial arteries)
3rd aortic arch gives rise to?
Common carotid and proximal part of internal carotid
5th aortic arch gives rise to?
Nothing- it regresses
Phase 0 of AP?
Rapid depolarization, Na rapidly into cell, Ca slowly into cell
Phase 1 of AP?
Repolarization, inactivation of Na channels and opening of few K channels (K out)
Phase 2 of AP?
Ca in… Repolarization is slowed by influx of Ca via L-type Ca (slow) channels balancing theoutward K current (some Na involved in creating plateau)
Phase 3 of AP?
K out… Rapid repolarization
Phase 4 of AP?
Resting potential, K in
Where is I-band in sarcomere?
Light band, made up of actin and thin filaments
Z: Line in the center
Where is A-band in sarcomere?
Dark band, made of myosin and thick filaments which may overlap with actin filaments (has both myosin and actin)
What is H-zone in sarcomere?
Zone of myosin filaments only (no overlap with actin filaments) within the A-band
-The lighter stripe in the center of the A-band
Where is the M line in a sarcomere?
Middle of the H-band, myosin only
Describe T-tubules of sarcomere?
- Envelope the myofibril at the level of the Z disk forming couplings with the SR
- Allows transmission of teh AP to cellular interior
What embryological structure does the SVC arise from
Right common cardinal vein and anterior cardinal vein
What embryological structure does the outflow tract of the LV arise from?
Bulbus cordis
What fetal structures have the lowest O2 saturation?
CS and SVC
Where is the AV node in L-TGA?
- Anterior aspect of AV ring near atrial septum
- Anterior to VSD if present
Where is AV node located in CAVC?
- Posterior to VSD
- Inferior to CS
Where is AV node located in tricuspid atresia?
- Posterior to VSD
- Floor of RA
Where is AV node located in DILV?
Anterior to AV ring
Hypokalemia changes?
- U wave
- Prolonged QTc
Hyperkalemia changes?
- Peaked T-waves
- Prolonged QRS
- AV block
Characteristics of manhaim tachycardia?
Delta wave with normal PR interval
Hypokalemia increases arrhythmogenic effects?
Broad based T waves seen in long QT type?
Low amplitude or notched T waves seen in long QT type?
Long ST segment seen in long QT type?
Exertion or swimming related sudden death?
Auditory stimulation or postpartum sudden death seen in?
Sleep related sudden death seen in?
Beta blockers most effective in LQT…?
Hyperthyroidism can cause what arrhythmia?
What AH jump is associated with dual AV node physiology?
> 50msec
Short HV interval seen in?
Accessory pathways <25-35msec
What type of VSD must be there for straddling tricuspid valve and straddling mitral valve?
Tricuspid: Inlet
Mitral: Malalinged
Short PR interval seen with?
- Glycogen storage disease
- Normal
WPW seen commonly in waht CHD?
Describe absence of a pulmonary artery in relationship to arch sidedness in truncus v. ToF
- Truncus: Same side as arch
- ToF: Opposite side of arch
Ductus commonly absent in what CHD?
- Truncus
2. ToF-Absent pulmonary valve
Main reason for reoperation in truncus?
Conduit replacement
What gradient and RV pressure is considered severe conduit stenosis?
> 50mmHg
RVSP >75% systemic
ToF with AVSD is seen in what syndrome?
Trisomy 21
Most common cardiac tumor in children?
What cardiac tumor shows delayed enhancement on CMR?
Single, friable, pedunculated mass within LA? Treatment?
Myxoma, Resection
Multiple, well circumscribed, echo bright lesions seen within the ventricular myocardium are most likely?
What genetic syndrome should be ruled out in the presence of multiple ventricular tumors?
Tuberous sclerosis
“Spider cells” are found with which cardiac tumor?
Single, firm, intramural tumor seen within LV free wall or interventricular septum?
Fibroma (usually don’t regress)
Cardia myxomas are associated with what?
Multiple lentigines syndrome
Most frequent malignant primary cardiac tumor?
Angiosarcoma - Hemorrhagic effusion seen
Coronary artery fistulas are most likely to empty where?
What septal thickness is associated with sudden death in HOCM
> 30mm
Cyanosis and dyspnea on exertion in a Fontan when standing upright is concerning for?
Pulmonary AVM
LAD in newborn raises suspicion for?
- Tricuspid atresia
- AVCD (superior axis)
Treatment for mild-mod and severe carditis in acute rhaumatic fever?
- High dose ASA for 4-6 weeks
- Steroids for 2 weeks then taper and add ASA is severe
Norepinephrine MOA is predominantly?
- Alpha agonist - Vasoconstriction
- Very little beta
Dobutamine MOA?
- Mostly beta 1
- CO increases, SVR decreases
Left pressures > Right pressures?
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
RVSP > 50mmHg
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
LV pressure = RV pressure?
Constrictive cardiomyopathy
RVSP < 50mmHg
Constrictive cardiomyopathy
Pulmonary venous baffle obstruction more common after?
Systemic baffle obstruction more common after?
Cyanosis following hybrid procedure most likely caused by?
Restrictive atrial septum
Most common associated defect with congenital absence of pericardium?
Most common VSD in DORV?
Estimated rate of erosion of ASD devices?
Type 1/Alpha error?
- Incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis
- Saying there is a difference when there isn’t
Type 2/Beta error?
- Incorrectly accepting the null hypothesis
- Saying there is no difference when there is
First line therapy for idiopathic pulmonary HTN?
Ca channel blockers
Doppler gradients for PS?
Mild <40
Moderate 40-60
Severe > 60
Cath based gradient for coarctation intervention?
> 20mmHg
Most common associated defect with Ebstein?
Second most common associated defect with Ebstein’s
Clefts in mitral valve are in what leaflet?
Embryology of normal left arch
- Left dorsal, left 4th, left 6th, right 4th
- No right 6th or right dorsal
Embryology of right aortic arch with mirror image branching?
- Right dorsal, left 4th, left 6th, right 4th
- No right 6th or left dorsal
Embryology of left arch with aberrant right subclavian?
- Left dorsal, left 4th, left 6th
- No right dorsal, right 4th or right 6th
Embryology of right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian/diverticulum of Komerell?
- Right dorsal, right 4th, left 6th
- No left dorsal, left 4th