General IFR Flashcards
What are IFR take off minimums?
One half statute miles or as indicated on the procedure
What does the weather have to be at your destination to list on your IFR flight plan?
Weather at ETA must be authorized landing minimums
What weather items are we looking for at the in route portion of the I F our flight?
Freezing level, SIGMETS, AIRMETS, cloud tops, winds
How do we determine whether we need an alternate?
- If for one hour prior to one hour after, the weather must be 2000 feet and 3 miles visibility or 1500 feet above the lowest circling them and lowest approach minimum +2 miles whichever is higher to not need an alternate
If we need an alternate, what weather is required and when?
At ETA plus an hour, weather must be 200 feet above minimum and at least 1 mile, but never less than approach minimum for the approach to be flown
Well being vectored to a localized final approach course, it is obvious the last assigned heading will cause you to fly through the final course. You have not been cleared for the approach, what action should you take?
The pilot must not deviate from the clearance but should query ATC immediately
You are complying with the requirement for a VOR check by utilizing a VOT. What is the maximum bearing error for the receivers to be considered legal for IFR flight?
Plus or -4°
You are complying with the requirement for a VOR check by utilizing and airborne checkpoint. What is the maximum bearing for the receivers to be considered legal for flight?
Plus or -6°
You are complying with the requirement for a VOR check by comparing the indications of two VOR receivers. What is the maximum error for the receivers to be considered legal for IFR flight?
Maximum variations between the two receivers is 4°
Utilizing a low altitude instrument approach chart; determine the pilots knowledge of IFR take off minimums an alternate take off procedures
1/2 mile unless authorized otherwise by the administrator which is in our op specs
When preparing to conduct an instrument approach you determine that landing minimums are predicted on RVR values and the RVR is unavailable. The lowest applicable RVR for this approach is 1600, what is the corresponding visibility value?
One quarter statute mile
Utilizing a low altitude in recharge and VFF sectional; determine that the pilot has the knowledge to select a minimum IFR altitude for AN off airway route.
In designated mountainous terrain 2000 feet above the highest obstacle within for nautical miles of the route of flight. And non-mountainous terrain 1000 feet above the highest obstacle
When would you need a take off alternate?
At any time and take off minimums are lower than the IFR landing minimums for the departure airport there must be an alternate within one hours flying time and normal cruise, and in still air.
You wish to list an airport as your destination, or alternate, but the terminal airspace associated with that airport is an uncontrolled airspace. May you do so? If yes, what conditions must exist? If no, why not?
Yes. The airport must be served by an authorized instrument approach; and approved source of weather; a suitable means of obtaining air traffic advisories and status of airport services and the facilities; and the services and the facilities necessary to safely contact IFR operations are available and operational
For IFR, what does AO21 allow us to do?
Allows us to proceed from missed approach point to another point within three nautical miles using 600/2 day 600/3 night if in class G airspace. If in controlled airspace GOM SVFR minimums must be used of 700/2 day and 800/3
What do you need to Declare AN alternate?
Alternate- to declare it, the alternate needs to be 200 feet above the minimum approach to be flown and 1 mile visibility?
What information must be obtained prior to flight?
Each pilot shall before beginning a flight become familiar with all available information concerning that flight: including for IFR or a flight not in vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel requirements,alternatives available if planned flight can’t be completed, and any known delays which the PIC has been advised.
What about at an airport what additional information needs to be obtained and IFR flights?
For any flight you need to know runway length said airports of intended use and takeoff and landing distance information
During a part 135 flight when was the pilot utilize supplemental oxygen?
Between 10,000 feet MSL and 12,000 feet MSL for more than 30 minutes and anytime about 12,000 feet MSL.
What is the service volume of a T, terminal VOR?
1000–12,000 feet for 25 statute miles
On an ILS approach what are the anticipated angles and distances you can expect a navigable signal for the localizer? The glideslope?
35° either side of the centerline out to 10 nautical miles and 10° either side of the centerline out to 18 nautical miles. The glideslope is normally usable out to 10 miles. At some locations the glideslope has been extended beyond 10 nautical miles.
Do you need a current database to conduct a GPS approach?
Yes the AIM states the database must be current.
Prior to beginning a GPS approach you have a message on the GPS receiver that indicates RAIM is not available. What are your actions?
If the RAIM status annunciation indicate they RAIM failure another approach must be utilized.
Should/can you file an alternate airport that is only served by a GPS approach?
What are you expected to respond to in a clearance by ATC?
Pilot should read back those portions of clearances which contain altitude and vectors.
Do you operate below decision height, DH or MDA, minimum descent altitude, you must have?
Aircraft must always be in a position to land with normal maneuvers and rate of descent, flight visibility for cockpit not less than visibility minimums, one of 10 visibility references identifiable,
may not begin approach to an airport unless?
the airport has approved weather reported weather is at or above landing minimums for approached usend
, if passed final approach and weather reports are below mentioned you may continue???
and land of actual weather is at or above published minimum and in addition you must always be in a position to land with normal maneuvers flight visibility in airport runway environment inside must be able to land in touchdown zone
When do you execute a missed approach procedure?
When aircraft is below in DA, arrival at missed approach point/decision height, or losing sight of runway during circling approach other then due to aircraft parts