General Flash Cards
What is evolution?
The process of change over time that results in new varieties and species of organisms.
What is phylogeny?
Evolutionary relationships between organisms.
What are cardinal temperatures?
The minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures at which organism grows.
What happens at minimum cardinal temperature?
Membrane gelling occurs so that transport processes slow and therefore no growth can occur.
What happens at maximum cardinal temperature?
Protein denaturation occurs, along with the collapse of the cytoplasmic membrane and thermal lysis.
Name the four temperature classes.
What is the temperature range of a psychrophile?
4C, low
What is the temperature range of a mesophile?
39C, mid-range
What is the temperature range of a thermophile?
60C, high
What is the temperature range of a hyperthermophile?
88C-106C, very high
What is an acidophile?
A microbe that requires a pH of less than 6 to survive, can be obligate.
What is an alkaliphile?
A microbe that requires a pH of more than 9 to survive.
What is a halophile?
A microbe that requires a high osmolarity.
What is an extreme halophile?
A microbe that requires a high level of NaCl.
What is a halotolerant?
A microbe that tolerates some increase in osmolarity.