General diagnosis Flashcards
Normal temperature range
98.4 to 99.5
Causes of fever > 99.5
Drugs, infection, heat stroke, lymphoma
Normal pulse range
60-100 BPM
> 100 BPM
Causes of tachycardia (5)
drug reaction, fever, panic disorder, hyperthyroidism, severe anemia
<60 BPM
Causes of bradycardia (3)
hypothyroidism, athletes heart syndrome, raised intracranial pressure
Normal respiratory rate
14-20 breathes/min
> 20 breathes/min
Causes of tachypnea (7)
asthma, lung infection, diabetic ketoacidosis, congestive heart failure, emphysema, sarcoidosis, panic disorder
<14 breathes/min
Causes of Bradypnea (2)
drug reaction, brainstem compression
Blood pressure normal range
> 130/ 80
Causes of high Blood pressure
hypertension, Cushing’s syndrome, Conn’s disease, unilateral renal artery disease, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma
Causes of low Blood pressure
shock, depression, Addison’s disease
Low MCV and MCHC
Iron deficiency
Lead poisoning
Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia
Normal MCV and MCHC
Chronic disease
Normocytic Normochromic Anemia
High MCV
Folic acid and Vitamin B12 deficiency
Macrocytic Normochromic Anemia
High MCV and MCHC
Chronic alcoholism
Hereditary spherocytosis
Macrocytic Hyperchromic Anemia
one pupil is dilated and
reacts poorly to light
benign condition
affects young women
Adie’s pupil
AKA Prostitute’s pupil
one pupil is small,
reacts poorly to light, but
reacts well to accommodation
Tertiary syphilis; FTA-Abs confirms, VDRL may be (+)
Also seen in multiple sclerosis, SLE, and diabetes mellitus
Argyll Robertson
Sudden increase in the intra-ocular pressure
Presents with painful red eye and a hard eye ball
Urgent referral to hospital
Acute glaucoma
Gradual increase in the intra-ocular pressure due to excessive production of aqueous humor
Presents with gradual loss of vision in the periphery; tunnel vision
Chronic glaucoma
Blue sclera in infants with many fractures
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Enlarged tongue (macroglossia)
Hypothyroidism in infants
Gray ring around cornea (arcus senilis)
Ptosis bilateral
Mysathenia gravis, lambert eaton disease
Ptosis unilateral
Horner’s syndrome
Lid lag
Pupil is small and constricted (miosis)
Horner’s syndrome
Tongue (beef red color)
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Tongue (magenta color)
Riboflavin deficiency
Tongue (pale)
Iron deficiency
Yellow sclera
Autoimmune disorder caused by antibodies to Ach receptors at NMJ
Commonly seen in middle aged females (85%)
Presents with: BILATERAL ptosis and diplopia
(+) Tension, ice pack, and Ach receptor antibody tests
Myasthenia gravis
Caused by overactive thyroid gland with excess production of thyroxin
Presents with: Goiter, Tachycardia, diarrhea, unblinking stare, lid lag, and a fine tremor of outstretched hands
T3 & T4 high
TSH low