General Deduction Formula Flashcards
PE electric tramway
In production of income
Expense has to be closely connected to the income earned.
Is expense a necessary concomitant of the trade
General deduction formula
- carrying a trade
- expenditure and losses
- actually incurred
- during the year of assessment
- in the production of income
- no of a capital nature
- laid out/expensed for trade purpose
Joffe & Co
Expenses and losses
= “Voluntary” vs “involuntary” payment
In the production of income
=Compensation paid for negligence = Deductible
Negligence is a part of business/trade
In the production of income
- loan acquired for income producing activity incurs finance cost which is Deductible.
- Recurring annual royalties are expensed for the production of income
So as long as they don’t provide an enduring benefit = deductible
Rand Mines
Not of a capital nature
Contract to produce service is capital in nature
- not deductible
ie: legal fees to initiate contract.
Carrying a trade
If no trade is being carried - no expenses deducted
Very wide interpretation.
PN 31
Golden dumps
Actually incurred
Only when court makes its decision- expense is actually incurred
Assuming no appeal
Take note of sec 24M
Edgars stores
Actually incurred
Before expense can be deducted it must be unconditional and not contingent
Expense can only be deducted once event has taken place
Nasionale Pers
Actually incurred
If payment is conditional on event, expenses will only be deducted once condition is met - until then, no deduction
Suspensive condition postpones accrual.
News state area
Not of a capital nature
Determine if cost is part of income earning operation
income earning structure - creating enduring benefit
Caltex oil
Actually incurred
Include amounts paid but also liabilities
Income earned in YOA
Prepaid expenses= sec 23H
expense is only deductible in year incurred
Accrual principle is irrelevant
Labat (2011) SCA
Expenditure and losses
Shares issued as consideration are NOT expenditure!
- no shift of asset
Take note of sec 24BA & 24CA
Drakensburg Garden Hotel
In the production of income
Shares were not acquired for the purpose of acquiring exempt dividend income …. Interest on loan was deductible
COT vs Provider
In the production of income
Simple act of gratitude for pasts service
Benefit offered in advance as an inducement
(Golden handshake for long service)