When was Othello written?
- Between 1601 and 1604 - across both the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras
- This mixture of contextual influences may explain the unusual nature of the play itself
- e.g. Desdemona’s non-stereotypical portrayal as a strong-willed woman, able to match Iago’s witty banter.
What was the status of women in the Elizabethan era?
- Husband was head of the household - men were deemed physcially and mentally stronger due to perception that women needed constant supervision and care.
- Women were not permitted to have jobs - they would keep the household and perform domestic duties.
Morality rates high - pressure on woman to have a large family once married. - Not permitted to inherit money or titles in the event of the death of their father or husband - all was passed to closest male heir.
What was a woman’s education like?
- Only girls brought up in upper class families were educated via a private tutor - girls of other classes taught domestic duties in prep for married life.
- All girls taught to obey male members of family - obedience was closely linked to religion - disobedience treated as a crime against God.
The links between women and cuckoldry
- Women were distrusted simply as they were women, and all women were believed to cheat on their husbands due to their lack of mental strength.
- A man would demonstrate his own abundance of strenght by effectively controlling his wife and preventing her from cheating.
What message did the Common book of prayer propound on women?
- '’Ye women, submit yourselves onto your husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the wife’s head, even as Christ is the head of the Church, and he is the saviour of the whole body.
- Therefore as the Church in congregation is subject onto Christ - so likewise let the wives be in subjection unto their own husbands in all things.”
What dates did the Elizabethan era range from?
- 1580-1603
What was the Elizabethan era like?
- Saw country flourish - Shakespeare wrote most of his comedies during this era.
- Elizabeth was a powerful and long running monarch - had a hard act to follow after her father split the Catholic church from England - many Europeans tried to kill Elizabeth and they planned to get Mary on the thrown, but Elizabeth kills Mary.
What is the chain of being?
- The hierarchical chain of being is an Elizabethan belief inherited from medieval theology - everything from God through to man and woman, vegetavle and mineral appear in an ordained position - this provides an explanation for why there was no objection to male superioirty, as it was believed
- God had positioned men as above women - Iago’s actions in the play threaten the establshed hierarchy, which is already percieved to be under threat since there is a black outsider at the top.
What religious beliefs were present in Shakespeare’s day?
- Reason is a religious notion relevant to the play
The Elizabethans blamed Adam and Eve for the failure of reason - believed any characters who could not control their emotions were heading for a fall - Thus, they would come to this conclusion upon seeing Othello in his heightened state of jealousy and passion. - Fear of damnation and hell itself was prevalent at the time & Elizabethans also believed in witches and that the Devil could appear in human form at any time.
Any form of deception was seen as a sin - links deceiver with Satan when he deceived Adam and Eve.
Any form of chaos at all was feared - meant destruction of God’s creation. - Attending church in the Elizabethan era was mandatory - non-attenders were fined.
What new kind of political power was emerging during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras?
- The Machiavellian manipulator/politician.
- Bowen’s critical perspective sees the play as more about Robert Cecil, advisor to Elizabeth and James - a new type of political influencer was being discovered, the advisor, who could plant ideas and not do the dirty work for himself (like Iago).
- Chivalric gentlemen were in charge, their code however became outdated because Machiavellian influences came into power, and Shakespeare is perhaps suggesting that these men need to become more aware of subtle techniques of gaining/maintaining/using power.
What are the origins of the story of Othello?
- Shakespeare created Othello using a short story by an Italian writer named Cinthio - entitled ‘Un Captiano Moro’, written in 1565.
- Moral of this story is that European women should not marry foreigners - Shakespeare conveyed this in his play.
What were Shakespeare’s adaptations of Cinthio’s tale?
- He added many characters, such as Brabantio and Roderigo.
Roderigo now loves Desdemona, not Iago. - Manner of Desdemona’s death changes - not beaten to death with sand bag but is suffocated by Othello - also only kills his wife alone (not with Iago).
- Shakespeare includes Iago’s motives for revenge that he has been passed over for a promotion, rather than just mere sexual jealousy.
EMilia is not aware of Iago’s plot throughout. - Othello takes his own life as opposed to being murdered by Desdemona’s relatives.
- Iago will still be tortured like in the original, but in Shakespeare’s he lives.
- Desdemona is notably a stronger character than her counterpart in Cinthio’s tale and all the characters are extended by Shakespeare into interesting individuals, rather than purely serving as plot devices or stereotypes in the original story.
What were the military positions in the Venetian army?
- General
- Lieutenant
- Ancient
What was involved in the role of the General?
- Highest rank
- Commanded a large number of troops and gives orders to a number of lower ranking officers.
- Would plan operations of the army rather than being a big part of the battle itself.
- Logical, brave, trustworthy and courageous.
- Othello is the general.
What was involved in the role of the Lieutenant?
- Position assigned by the General.
- Iago covets this position but Cassio has been promoted to this rank at the very beginning of the play.
- Expected to ensure the general’s orders are carried out.
- In charge of roughly 20-50 soldiers.
- Essentially 2nd in command to the general and is in charge when the general is absent - hence the name ‘lieutenant’, meaning place-holder.
- Iago believes Cassio lacks tthe age and military experience to be lieutenant.