General Concepts Lesson 1 Flashcards
Define anatomy
The study of normal body structure
Define pathoanatomy
The study of abnormal body structure
Microscopic Anatomy
Study with microscope, including cytology or cell biology ( study of cells ) and histology ( study of tissues)
Define integumentary system
Covering of the body such a skin hair and nails etc.
Define skeletal system
The bodies framework such as bones cartilages joints etc.
Define muscular system
Body movement, such as skeletal muscles, )
(tendons connecting muscle to bone ,while ligaments connect on the phone)
Define nervous system
Controlling system including central nervous system a.k.a. brain and spinal cord and peripheral nervous system (cranial in spinal nerves)
Define endocrine system
Controlling system, including endocrine glands, such as pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.
Define circulatory system
Blood and lymph circulation including cardiovascular system and lymphatic system
Define respiratory
Exchange respiratory gases including those Lara Knicks trachea lungs etc.
Define digestive system
Digestion absorption and elimination including mouth oesophagus stomach intestines etc.
Define urinary system
Production, transportation, and excretion of urine, including kidneys, your readers, urinary bladder, urethra, etc.
Define reproductive system
Reproduction, including testes, ovaries, genital track, etc. 
Define superior
Superior is above or upper
Define inferior
Inferior is below or lower
Define anterior
Is toward the front
Define posterior
Toward the back
Define interior
Is inside
Define exterior
Is outside
Define medial
is toward the centre or midline