General Coagulation Notes (Dr. Salazar) Flashcards
What tests are usually run
using the citrated tube (light blue top) ?
- fibrinogen
- factor assays
- thrombosis assays
- vWD assays
What is the EDTA tube used for ?
- purple top tube
- used for CBC and platelet counts
How is the prothrombin time (PT) or
extrinsic pathway set up ?
- 1 part citrated plasma
- 2 parts reagent
- tissue factor, phospholipid, calcium)
Sensitive to:
- 7, 10, 5, 2, and fibrinogen
What can cause a prolonged
PT ?
- warfarin therapy or vitamin K deficiency
- liver disease
- acquired or hereditary factor deficiency
- factor or assay inhibitors (drugs, antibodies)
What is the activated partial thromboplastin
time (aPTT) sensitive to ?
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 2, fibrinogen, heparin
- called the intrinsic pathway
What can cause a prolonged
aPTT ?
- Heparin therapy or heparin contamination (IV line)
- Lupus anticoagulant
- Hereditary or acquired deficiency
- Severe liver disease
- factor or assay inhibitors
- Contact system deficiencies
- Not associated with bleeding
- Factor 12, HMWK, Pre-Kallikrein
What is thrombin time a
measure of/sensitive to ?
- Heparin
- Fibrinogen
What can cause a prolonged thrombin time ?
- heparin therapy or contamination
- severe fibrinogen degradation (DIC)
- dysfibinogen
- thrombin inhibitor (lepirudin, drugs, antibodies)
What can produce increased D-dimer ?
- D-dimer: are fibrin degradation products
- Increased in:
- thrombosis (DVT, PE, extensive arterial thrombosis)
- quantitative NPV >95% for PE and proximal DVT
- DIC ( > 8 ug/mL suggests DIC)
- Thrombolytic therapy
- thrombosis (DVT, PE, extensive arterial thrombosis)
What causes an increased
PFA (platelet function analysizer) result?
- thrombocytopenia
- anemia
- antiplatelet drugs
- von Willebrand disease
- other hereditary or acquired platelet dysfunction
What can cause decreased
antithrombin activity ?
- Heparin therapy
- ongoing extensive thrombosis
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Hereditary deficiency
- asparaginase therapy
What causes decreased
protein C activity ?
- warfarin therapy
- vitamin K deficiency
- liver disease
- ongoing extensive thrombosis
- hereditary deficiency
What can cause a decrease in
free protein S antigen and activity ?
- increased levels of Factor VIII (false low)
- thrombin inhibitors (false high)
- Warfarin therapy
- vitamin K deficiency
- liver disease
- ongoing extensive thrombosis
- pregnancy
- Inflammatory syndromes causing an increase in C4b binding protein
- hereditary deficiency
What should you suspect if the
PTT and TT are both prolonged ?
- the sample may contain heparin
- or there is a direct thrombin inhibitor
- check the patient drug history
What is the differential diagnosis
if the PTT is normal and the PT is prolonged?
- deficiency or inhibitor of factor 7
- early warfarin therapy, factor 7 falls first
- atypical lupus inhibitor
What is the differential diagnosis of
prolonged PTT and normal PT ?
- lupus inhibitor
- deficiency or inhibitor of factor 8,9, 11, 12, or contact phase factor
What is the differential diagnosis with
prolonged PT and PTT ?
- warfarin therapy
- vitamin K deficiency
- liver disease
- deficiency or inhibitor of factor 2, 5, or 10
- thrombin inhibitor
- fibrinogen deficiency