General Category Flashcards
(Manual Handling Risk Assessment)
T. ask
I. ndividual
L. oad
E. nvironment
There are four methods that can be used to identify Hazards: legislation, incident data, manufacturers information and:
Task Analysis
S. elect the task R. ecord the stages of the task E. valuate the risks associated with each stage D. evelop the safe work method I. mplement the safe working method M. onitor to ensure its effectiveness
(I.T. I.S)
I. nformation
T. raining
I. nstruction
S. upervision
Non-Mechanical Hazards
N.E.V.E.R. F.I.B.S
N. oise E. lectrical V. ibration E. rgonomic R. adiation
F. ire
I. (high) and (low) temperature
B. iological
S. substances
Mechanical Hazards
F.I.S.H. D.E.C.C.S
F. riction
I. mpact
S. hearing
H. igh impact injection
D. rawing in E. ntanglement C. utting C. rushing S. tabbing
Types of Guards
F. ixed I. nterlock A. utomatic T. rip T. wo handed
External influences on health and safety
S. takeholders L. egislation I. nsurance companies T. rade unions S. ociety
Reasons to review the safety policy
P. remises E. nforcement notice (change) A. rrangements R. egular review R. isk assessment L. egislation (change) S. tructure, (personnel change)
Some causes of accidents
N. oise and Vibration E. lectricity C. hemical T. emperature R. adiation E. xplosion.
Hazard identification can help create a safe system of work
P. eople
E. quipment
M. aterials
E. nvironment
Hierarchy of Hazard Control (Analysis)
(E.R.I.C. P.D) Eric prevents deaths
E. liminate R. educe I. solate C. ontain P. rotect (PPE) D. iscipline
Health and Safety (Policy structure)
S. tatement of intent
O. rganisation
A. rrangements
(of the) P. olicy
Elements of a Safe Systems of Work
M. aterials
E. quipment and Plant
E. nvironment
P. eople
The four (C.C.C.C) of positive health and safety culture
C. ompetence
C. ontrol
C. o-operation
C. ommunication
Competence in health and safety
S. kills K. nowledge A. ttitude T. raining E. xperience
As Low As Reasonably Practical
(Chemical Hazards)
I. rritant
T. oxic
C. orrosive / Carcinogenic
H. armful