General Bible: Nature, Themes, Content Flashcards
The 5 times repeated use of the phrase, the Day of the Lord, in this prophetic book signals the major contribution of this book which is an explanation of that phrase. It shows that the Day of the Lord is now and is yet to come in its fullest. God’s judgment in present events and events yet to come highlight his call to repentance.
a. Obad b. Joel c. 1Thess d. 2 Thesse. e. Rev
The two books dealing with the time of the charismatic leaders during the period of time in which Israel was in the land but had no centralized authority are (mark both answers)
a. Deut b. Josh c. Jud d. Ruth e.1 Ki
A book, which shows that God’s judgment on Edom will come through allies, is deserved and is part of His overall justice.
a. Obad b. Nah c. Joel d. Zech e. Rev
A book containing many portions authored by David.
a. 1 Ki b. 2 Ki c. 1 Chron d. Psa e. SOS
The one book which tells of Israel’s initial conquest of the promised land is …
a. Deut b. Josh c. Judd. Gene. Num
The one book which retrospectively views the fall of Jerusalem in poetic language and with great pathos.
a. Lam b. SOS c. Ecc d. Isa e. Jer
The book which contains the biographical story of the prophet/judge Samuel.
a. Jud b. 2 Sam c. 1 Ki d. Josh e. none of these
None of these - 1 Samuel
A major prophetical book usually attributed to a well educated man whose ministry was dominantly to the southern kingdom during the times of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.
a. Isa b. Mic c. Jer d. Eze e. none of these
a. Isaiah
Which of these are among the four books which treat the problems concerning the return of Israel to the land after the exile. Mark all that are correct.
a. Joel b. Job c. Eze d. Zeph e. Obad f. none of these
e. None of these
The prophetical book which traces the final decline of the southern kingdom and God’s attempts to bring about repentance before its end.
a. Isa b. Jon c. Joel d. Dan e. Jer
c. Joel
The one book which gives in poetic language the intimate love relationship between a man and woman and which is sometimes taught figuratively to show New Testament truth about Christ and his love for the church.
a. Psa b. Ecc c. Lam d. SOS e. Job
The book which traces events during the time of Israel’s wilderness wanderings and contains a census of the major descendants of the tribes of Israel as well as the many failings of the people to obey God from the heart.
a. Gen b. Ex c. Lev d. Num e. Deut
A book which traces redemptive history from the origin of the human race until the death of Joseph.
a. Josh b. Ex c. Acts d. Gen e. none of these
A book which shows how a spiritual leader persevered through many obstacles to lead the Jerusalem remnant’ to rebuild the Jerusalem wall and to renew their covenant with Jehovah. That leader was,
a. Job b. Samson c. Nehemiah d. Ezra e. Zechariah
Two Old Testament books which shows how a leader who was well versed in God’s word affected renewal among the remnant who had returned to Jerusalem.
a. Ezra b. Neh c. Zech d. Dan e. Est
Which of these are among the six books which trace leadership during the united kingdom of Israel and the split kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Mark all correct answers.
a. Josh b. Jud c. 1 Sam d. 2 Sam e. 1 Ki f. Eze
Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings
2 Kings is the 6th of these books
A book in which any name for God is not mentioned directly but which gives strong implication that God providentially protects His people.
a. Lam b. Obad c. Zeph d. Est e. Ruth
The two books which record the law (10 commandments) that Moses was given by God. Mark the correct two.
a. Gen b. Ex c. 1 Chron d. Lev e. Deut
A book which shows that “the mystery of a righteous person’s sufferings becomes clearer when it is seen that God allows it and uses it to bring unreserved consecration to the sufferer.”
a. 1 Pet b. 1Thess c. Heb d. Job e. 2 Sam
A book which highlights the call of Moses as God’s leader, the miraculous events, which accompany the release of God’s people from slavery in Egypt, the initial formation of Israel into a people of God’s law, and the design of the tabernacle–focusing on God’s presence among them.
a. Gen b. Ex c. Lev d. Acts e. none of these
The book which gives the most detailed biographical information about the first king of Israel, Saul
a. Jud b. 1 Sam c. 2 Sam d. 1 Ki e. 2 Ki
1 Samuel
Two books used to stimulate worship to God.
a.Num b. Lev c. Psa d. Lam e. Prov
The book which reviews the wanderings of Israel in the wilderness and gives Moses final summary/ warnings/ expectations for Israel’s entering the land is,
a. Gen b. Ex c. Lev d. Num e. Deut
Which of these are among the three books which give details of life during the exile or prophetical messages to those in the exile. Mark all correct answers.
a. Joel b. Dan c. Est d. Eze e. Zeph f. Obad
Daniel, Esther