General audit procedures Flashcards
Obtain client schedules supporting the classes of transactions and account balances.
Re-perform the casts and cross-casts on these schedules
Agree the closing balance of these schedules to the amounts in the general ledger, trial balance
and annual financial statements.
If applicable, agree the opening balance of these schedules to the prior-year working
papers/audited financial statements.
Inspect the schedules and general ledger accounts for any unusual entries (e.g. negative, zero,
large and round numbers, and back-dated journals) and follow up with management
Perform overall analytical review procedures (e.g. by comparing current to prior year, budget,
similar industries, etc.) and follow up on discrepancies by enquiry from management and
inspecting supporting documentation.
Inspect the financial statements for adequate financial disclosures in relation to the International
Financial Reporting Standards or the relevant accounting framework
Obtain a signed management representation letter relating to all assertions regarding the classes
of transactions and account balances being audited.
Consider the effectiveness of internal controls regarding classes of transactions or account
balances and its impact on the nature, timing and extent of the substantive procedures