General Anesthesia Flashcards
Mention imporatnce if pre-anesthetic medication
- Amnesia, dec anxiety and facilitate induction
- Suppress autonomic reflexes, dec salivary and bronchial secretion and gastric motility
- Potentiate weak anesthetics
Inhalation anesthetics are mainly for….., while IV anesthetics are mainly for……
Mention general anesthetics actiong on glutamate and antgonism and mention receptor
Ketamine, nitrous oxide
MAC is decreased by……., and increased by…….
Opioids, sedative hypnotics, clonidine
Alcohol abuse, catecholamines
Mention adverse effects of halothalne
Hypotension, heart bardycardia/arrhythmia, hepatotoxic and malignant hyperthermia
Respiratory depression, dec muscociliray function, uerine relaxation (bleeding) inc ICT (CI head injury and cerebral tumours)
……may precipitate ischemia in coronary patients, and ……is used for day surgery.
Mention the new halogenated agent which is not a respiratory irritant & the precaution of using it
Degraded by soda lime producing nephrotoxic compound A
Mention uses of nitrous oxide
Low potency anesthetic
Effective analgesic (dental, obstetric)
Safest inhalation agent
Mention adverse effect of N2O
- Expands closed gas spaces, inc pressure in middle ear-CI: bowel obstruction, pneumothorax
- Hypoxia
- Abuse, euphoria
- Megaloblastic anemia and abortion , chronic exposure in medical staff
Mention clinical uses of thiopental
- Most widely used IV anesthetic for induction followed by maintenance with ihalation agents for major operation
- Given alone for short procedures
Memtion adverse effects of thiopental
- Respiratory and CV depression (toxic doses)
- Severe vasospasm if injected intra-arterially (gangrene)
- Can precipitate porphyria
Mention uses, advantages, disadvatanges of propofol
Induction amd maintenance of anesthsia, concious and deep sedation
A, antiemetic
D, respiratory and CV depression pain at injection site
Mention uses of Ketamine
- Dissociative anesthesia
- Profound analgesia
- CV stimulant (can be used in shock states)
- Potent bronchodilator
Mention disadvatanges of Ketamine
Inc cerebral blood flow and intracranial tension, avoided in head injuries
Hallucination and disorientation, emergence phenomenon (blocked by diazepam)
GR: BZDs are more commonly used in sedation than anesthsia
Because prolonhed amnesia and sedation can result from anesthetic doses
Mention uses of BZDs
- Conscious sedation
- Pre-anesthsia
- Balanced anesthesia, anesthetics adjuncts
Mention techniqie of total intravenous anesthsia
Combining opioids with propofol rathrr than an inhalation agent
Mention anesthetic used IM