General and Molecular Basis of Medical Physiology Flashcards
What proportion of body weight is total body water?
40% of total body weight is ICF
20% of total body weight is ECF
What are the constituents of ECF volume?
ECF volume is 20% of total body weight (or 1/3 of total body water)
15% of total body weight is interstitial fluid
5% of total body weight is blood plasma
What is Total blood volume?
Total blood volume = blood plasma + blood cell volume
What is the difference in K+ and Na+ in the ICF and ECF compartments?
ICF is high in K+ and low in Na<span>+ </span>
ECF is high in Na<strong>+</strong> and low in K+
What are the major anions in ECF?
Cl- and HCO3-
What are the major anions in ICF?
Phosphate and protein
The proccess by which small non-polar molecules passively cross a membrane down their electrochemical gradient
What are aquaporins?
A group of membrane proteins that transport non-ionised molecules across membranes
Give 3 types of endocytosis
1) Phagocytosis - bacteria and dead tissue engulfed by cells
2) Pinocytosis - “Cell drinking” invagination of the cell mrmbrane to form a pocket which then pinches off into the cell to form a vesicle
3) Clathrin mediated - Clathrin accumulates in indentations on the cell surface and facilitates endocytosis of receptors and ligands
What type of transport is thought to be responsible for regulation of cholestrol absorption?
Calveoli-mediated transport
What is secondary active transport?
When the active transport of Na+ generates an electrochemical gradient, the energy in this gradient is used to transport another molecule across the membrane
Counter-transport eg The Na+/Ca2+ counter-transport system in myocytes by the NCX(Na/C exchange transporter
Co-transport eg Na+, glucose co-transport in the proximal tubule and the GIT
Describe the structure of the Na+/K+ ATPase
- alpha and beta subunits which are both transmembrane
- alpha subunit has intracellular binding sites for Na+ and ATP, and extracellular binding sites for K+
- beta subunit has no binding sites
What is Fick’s law?
The magnitude of diffisuion tendency is proportional to the concentration gradient and cross sectional area across which diffusion takes place and is inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane
What is the Gibbs-Donnan effect?
Describes the observed phenomenon whereby two diffusible ions are predictably distributed across a membrane which has a non-diffusble ion on one side.
The diffusible ions distribute themselves such that at equilibrium their concentration ratios are equal
ie [K+x][Cl-x]=[K+y][Cl-y]
What are 3 physiological consequences of the Gibbs-Donnan effect?
1) Normal cell volume and pressure depend on the Na+/K+ ATPase because there are more osmotically active particles in cells than interstitial fluid (protein)
2) At equilibrium the distribution of permeant ions across the membrane is assymetric - an electrical difference exists across the membrane. Its magnitude can be determined by the Nernst equation
3) Since there are more proteins in plasma than interstital fluid, there is a Donnan effect on ion movement across the capillary wall
What is the Nernst equation?
The Nernst equation calculates the equilibrium potential based on the charge of the ion (its valence) and its concentration gradient across the membrane.
Equilibrium potential is the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane that exactly balances the concentration gradient for an ion
Give 4 ways by which chemical messengers are passed between cells?
1) Gap junctions - allow transfer of chemical messengers directly to neighbouring cell
2) Neural communication (synaptic) - when neurotransmitters are released into a synaptic junction from nerve cells
3) Paracrine communication - cell products diffuse into the ECF and affect cells some distance away
4) Endocrine communication - Secretion of hormones and growth factors into circulation allowing them to exert an effect on cells throughout the body
By what 4 mechanisms can chemical messengers act on a receptor?
1) Ion channel activation eg Ach acting on nicotinic receptors
2) G protein activation
3) Activation of enzyme activity within the cell eg tyrosine kinase (insulin) or phospholipase C
4) Direct activation of transcription eg steroids/thyroid hormone
What are the most common second messenger systems?
1) Calcium
2) G-proteins
3) IP3 and DAG
4) cAMP
5) cGMP
Describe the role of calcium as a second messenger in cells
- There is normally an inwardly-directed electrocehmical gradient
- This gradient is maintained by 2 antiports - the Ca2+, H+ ATPase and the Na+/Ca2+ antiport (driven by Na+ gradient). Both transport Ca2+ out of the cell
- Intracellular increases are brought about by:
- IP3 activing on the IP3 receptors on the ER to release Ca2+
- Increased Ca2+ into the cell
- Calcium binds to many intracellular proteins to exert its effects eg troponin, calmodulin, calbindin
- Removal of calcium from the cytosol is against its electrocehmical gradient. SERCA pump back into ER
Describe the structure of a G-protein-coupled receptor
- Large hetrotrimeric proteins made up of 3 subunits - a, b and g
- Serpentine receptors which span the membrane 7 times
- The a subunit is bound to GDP
- Upon ligand binding, the protein exchanges GDP for GTP the a subunit dissociates from the b and g subunits
- Both subunits (a and bg) can act as second messengers and have a variety of functions
- GTPase activity converts GTP to GDP resulting in inactivation and reassociation as heterotrimer
Give some examples of ligands for G-protein coupled receptors
Neurotransmitters eg epinephrine, dopamine, histamine, acetylcholine
Tachykinins eg substance P, neurokinin A, neuropeptide K
Angiotensin 2, vasopressin, oxytocin
Glycoprotein hormones eg TSH, FSH, LH
Describe the role of IP3 as a second messenger
- Ligand binding activates phospholipase C either directly or via the Gg subtype to catalyse the reaction
PIP2—-> IP3 + DAG
- IP3 binds to Ca2+ receptors on the ER to release Ca2+. Ca2+ causes translocation of PKC to the membrane
- DAG stays in the cell membrane and activates PKC
- PKC is an enzyme involved in multiple downstream signalling cascades
Describe the role of cAMP as a second messenger
- cAMP is created by adenylyl cyclase acting on ATP
- Adenylyl cyclase can either be activated or inhibited
- Gs proteins will increase activity whereas Gi proteins will decrease activity
- cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA) which acts similarly to PKC
- cAMP is inactivated by phosphodiesterases
- Methylxanthines are phosphodiesterase inhibitors and therefore increase cAMP
Describe the mechanism of cGMP signalling
cGMP is created by guanalyl cyclase in response to NO > activates protein kinase G (PKG) > causes myosin light chain dephosphorylation > vasodilation