General Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
The study of the structures of the human body and the substances these structures are made of. It is the science of the interconnected detail of organisms, or of their parts
Is the study of the functions and activities performed by the body’s structures
Also known as microscopic anatomy, is the study of the structure and composition of tissue
The basic units of all living things-from bacteria to plants, to animals, to human beings. Without ____, life does not exist.
A colorless, jelly like substance found inside cells in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts & water are present. You can visualize the protoplasm of a cell being similar to the white of a raw egg.
Is the dense, active protocols found in the center of the cell. It plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism. You can visualize the ________ as the yolk of a raw egg
is what determines our genetic makeup, including the color of our eyes, skin and hair
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
The part of the protoplasm that exists outside of the nucleus and inside the cell wall. The protoplasm surrounds the nucleus and is needed for growth, reproduction, & self repair.
Take in nutrients, break them down, and create energy for the cell. __________ work to keep the cell full of energy
Chemical energy used within the cells for metabolism
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Or nerve cells (cells that transmit nerve impulses)
The part of the cell that encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave
Cell Membrane
A chemical process that takes place in living organisms, through which the cells are nourished and carry out their activities
Called constructive metabolism because it is process of combining smaller molecules to build larger and more complex molecules. During this process, the body focuses on storing water, food, and oxygen for a later time when these substances will be needed for cell growth, reproduction or repair
The phase of metabolism in which larger, more complex molecules are broken down within the cells to create smaller, simpler molecules. As a result of this breakdown, energy is released so that it may be used or stored for later use.
Why is cell metabolism something you should consider as a nail tech?
As a nail tech, cell metabolism is something you will consider when working on your clients arm, hands, legs, and feet. A clients response to different services and response to active ingredients in the skin care products you use will be influenced by the efficiency and speed of their metabolism
A collection of similar cells that performs a specialized function
_________ ___________ are composed of large amounts of water, along with various other substances. The human body is about 60% water.
Body tissue
Fibrous tissue that binds together, protects and supports the various parts of the body.
Example: bone; cartilage; ligaments; tendons; etc.
Connective tissue
A protective covering on body surfaces.
Example: skin; mucous membranes; the tissue inside the mouth; etc.
Epithelial tissue
Contracts and moved various parts of the body
Muscle tissue
Carries messages through the central nervous system to control and coordinate all bodily functions.
Nerve tissue
Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body; works with the lymphatic channels
Example: heart with blood vessels
Breaks down food into smaller and smaller particles to absorb nutrients or for excretion
Example: esophagus, stomach, liver, small and large intestines
Affects the growth development, sexual activity and normal regulatory processes of the body. consists of specialized glands
Adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas
Purifies the body by eliminating water matter
Example:. Kidneys, bladder
Largest organ of the body, first line of defense against infection and water loss; regulates temperature, perceives sensation, produces vitamin d; and has absorption capabilities
Examples; skin & accessory organs, such as oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors
Protects the body from disease by developing resistances and destroying disease causing toxins foreign material and bacteria
Examples; spleen and lymph
Covers, shapes and supports the skeletal tissue; contracts and moves various parts of the body
Examples; muscles
Controls and coordinates all other body systems inside of the body and makes them work harmoniously and efficiently. Carries messages through the central nervous system
Examples; brain, spinal cord, nerves
Produces offspring and passes on the genetic code from one generation to another; differentiates between the sexes
Examples; uterus, ovaries, penis, testes
Enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide and other gases as waste products
Examples; lungs, trachea, bronchi
Forms the physical foundation of the body; 206 bones that are connected by moveable and immovable joints
Examples; bones
The physical foundation of the body
Skeletal system
The study of anatomy, structure and function of the bones
Why is it important to understand the body’s skeletal structure and mechanics as a nail tech?
More than half of the bones in your entire body are found in your hands and feet, which are the support system for the entire body
What are the 5 primary functions of the skeletal system?
1) giving shape and support to the body
2) protecting various internal structures and organs
3) serving attachments for muscles and act as levers to produce body movements
4) helping produce both white and red blood cells (one of the functions of bone marrow)
5) storing most of the body’s calcium supply as well as phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium
The connection between 2 or more bones of the skeletal system
A muscle that separates the fingers and toes
A muscle of the foot that separates the toes
Abductor digiti minimi
A muscle of the foot that moves the great toe and helps maintain balance while walking and standing
Abductor hallucis
The muscle at the base of each finger that draws the finger together
A chemical energy used within cells for metabolism
Adenosine triphosphate ATP
The technical term for fat; it gives smoothness and contour to the body
Adipose tissue
Glands that control metabolic processes of the body, including the fight or flight response
Adrenal gland
Constructive metabolism; the process of combining smaller molecules to build larger and more complex molecules
The study of the human body structure that can be seen with the naked eye as well as what the body is made up of; the science of the structure of organisms or of their parts
Supplies blood to the lower leg muscles and to the muscles and skin on the top of the foot and adjacent sides of the first and second toes.
This artery goes to the top of the foot and becomes the dorsalis pedis artery
Anterior tibial artery
The largest artery in the body. The arterial trunk that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries throughout the body
Thick walled muscular and flexible tube that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the capillaries
One of the two upper chambers of the heart, through which blood is pumped to the ventricles
The part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles and regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels, and heart
Autonomic nervous system ANS
The front part of the human trunk below the ribs, containing the stomach and bowels
The muscle producing contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm; it lifts the forearm and flexes the elbow
Nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system (heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries) to supply oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste from them
Group of structures (heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries) that distributes blood throughout the body
Blood vascular system
A group of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions. The human body is composed of 11 major systems
Body system
Part of the central nervous system contained in the cranium; the largest and most complex nerve tissue; controls sensation, muscles, gland activity, and the power to think and feel emotions
A tiny, thin walled blood vessel that connects the smaller arteries to the veins
The involuntary muscle that is the heart. This type of muscle is not found in any other part of the body
Cardiac muscle
The wrist; a flexible joint composed of a group of eight small, irregular bones held together by ligaments
The phase of metabolism in which larger, more complex molecules are broken down within the cells to create smaller, simpler molecules.
The cell part that encloses and holds the protoplasm while still allowing soluble substances to enter and leave the cell
Cell membrane
A division of the sciatic nerve that extends from behind the knee to wind around the head of the fibula to the front of the leg, where it divides into two branches
Common peroneal nerve
The part of the protoplasm that exists outside of the nucleus and inside the cell wall; the protoplasm surrounds the nucleus and is needed for growth, reproduction, and self-repair
Also known as the anterior tibial nerve ; extends down the front of the leg, behind the muscles. It supplies impulses to these muscles and also to the muscles and skin on the top of the foot and adjacent to the first and second toes
Deep peroneal nerve