General Anatomy- muscles of the arm Flashcards
What is the nerve supply for biceps brachii, BRACHIALIS, and coracoBRACHIALIS?
What are the muscles of the ANTERIOR ARM?
biceps brachii (2), brachialis, brachioradialis, coracobrachialis, pronator teres
What is the nerve supply of the brachioRADIALIS?
What is the nerve supply for pronator teres?
What is the blood supply of the biceps BRACHII, BRACHialis, BRACHioradialis, and coracoBRACHialis?
What is the blood supply of pronator teres?
What is the action of biceps brachii?
flexes elbow and supinates forearm
What is the action of brachialis and brachioradialis?
flexes elbow
What is the action of the coracobrachialis?
flexes and adduct arm
What is the action of pronator teres?
pronates forearm
What is the origin/insertion of biceps brachii?
Origin SHORT head: coracoid process
Origin LONG head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Insertion: radial tuberosity
What is the origin/insertion of the brachialis?
humerus/tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
What is the origin/insertion of pronator teres?
humeral and ulnar head/ radius
What are the muscles of the POSTERIOR ARM?
triceps and anconeus
What is the nerve supply for the triceps and anconeus?
What is the blood supply of the triceps and anconeus?
What is the action of the triceps and anconeus?
What is the insertion of the triceps and anconeus?
olecranon process of the ulna