General Flashcards
I’ve missed the bus (lit. I have been left behind by the bus).
Kua mahue au i te pahi.
(noun) raft.
I want those shoes.
E hiahia ana ahau ki ēra hū.
for - indicating future possession. Used in this way when the possessor will have control of the relationship or is dominant, active or superior to what is possessed
I saw him.
I kite au i a ia.
(verb) (-tia) to have ill feeling towards, hate, loathe
Kirihas consumed the water.
Kua pau te wai i a Kiri.
by (on) horseback
mā runga hōiho
(noun) topic, policy, matter for discussion, plan, purpose, scheme, proposal, agenda, subject, programme, theme, issue, initiative.
The restaurant has been filled by all the people.
Kua kī te wharekai i ngā tangata katoa.
What is this? (definite question)
Ko te aha tēnei?
mōhio (experience verb, modifier, noun)
- (experience verb) (-hia -tia) to know, understand, realise, comprehend, recognise
- (modifier) be accustomed, known, skilful, wise, intelligent, clever, bright
- (noun) knowledge, wisdom, clever person, knowledgeable person, expert
(noun) level surface, floor, stage, platform, layer.
This book is for Mū.
Mā Mū tēnei pukapuka.
no longer - used to express the loss, absence, destruction or departure of something
kua kore
The boy hit the drum.
I patu te tama i te taramu.
Mā Mū tēnei pukapuka.
This book is for Mū.
What is this? (indefinite question)
He aha tēnei?
What are those? (definite question)
Ko ngā aha ērā?
by what means? by what way? via where?
mā hea?
I love her.
E aroha ana ahau ki a ia.
My tummy is full.
Kua kī tōku puku.
(noun) hatred, malice, antagonism, animosity, loathing
(stative) be left behind, deserted, given up, abandoned, passed by, left out, omitted, missed out, gone by, separated (marital status)
by foot, on foot
mā raro
Where were you?
I hea koe?
He’s forgotten the bread (lit. The bread has been forgotten by him).
Kua wareware te parāoa i a ia.
The boy is hitting the drum.
E patu ana te tama i te taramu.
taramu (noun x2)
(noun) tram - a passenger vehicle powered by electricity conveyed by overhead cables, and running on rails laid on the road
(noun) drum
for, about, concerning, for the benefit of, on account of, for the use of, in preparation for, at, on - indicates future possession. Used when the possessor will not have control of the relationship or is subordinate, passive or inferior to what is possessed. Mō is pronounced short before te.
mā hea?
by what means? by what way? via where?
(experience verb) (-hia -tia) to know, understand, realise, comprehend, recognise
(noun) drum
Mā tōku matua koe e whakahoki.
My father will take you back.
The crayfish have been boiled by Tama.
Kua hū ngā kōura i a Tama.
(noun) nest, nursery.
(noun) primary school operating under Māori custom and using Māori as the medium of instruction.
kura kaupapa
The food is nearly ready.
Kua tata te kai te reri.
I hear a bird.
E rongo ana au i tētahi manu.
(noun) seabed
kaupapa o te moana
mauāhara (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-tia) to have ill feeling towards, hate, loathe
2. (noun) hatred, malice, antagonism, animosity, loathing
What are those? (indefinite question)
He aha ērā?
You will become dead/sick by smoking.
Ka mate koe i te kai hikareti.
The cat has become missing because of the girl.
Kua ngaro te ngeru i te kōtiro.
kua kore
no longer - used to express the loss, absence, destruction or departure of something
Is your tummy full?
Kua kī tō puku?
Ka haere rātou mā Taupō.
They’ll go via Taupō.
My father will take you back.
Mā tōku matua koe e whakahoki.
They’ll go via Taupō.
Ka haere rātou mā Taupō.
(noun) main body of a cloak.
The cat is under the house.
Kei raro te ngeru i te whare.
tapahi (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-a) to cut, chop, hack, cut up, operate, amputate
2. (noun) cutting, cutting off, amputation
(verb) (-a) to cut, chop, hack, cut up, operate, amputate
oka (verb x2, noun)
- (verb) (-ina) to stab, pierce, stick, cut
- (verb) (-ina) to prick, vaccinate
- (noun) butcher’s knife, dagger
(noun) butcher’s knife, dagger
(verb) (-ina) to stab, pierce, stick, cut
at, in, on, with - sometimes used of future time or place
when will, when did - used in questions and statements about when something happened or will happen. For the past tense i will preceed the verb and ai will follow, but in the future tense ai will follow the verb, but no particle, ka or e may preceed the verb
Hei te ata tāua haere ai.
We will go in the morning.
for, to, as, as a means of - denoting future purpose, intention, etc. In this usage hei is followed by active transitive verbs, but is not used with intransitive verbs, verbs in the passive or with statives
Anei te oka hei tapahi i te mīti.
Here is the butcher knife to cut the meat.
Here is the butcher knife to cut the meat.
Anei te oka hei tapahi i te mīti.
(negative) is not for - affirmative sentences introduced by hei are negated by ehara
ehara hei
Ehara hei tapahi pepa tēnei naihi.
This knife is not for cutting paper.
This knife is not for cutting paper.
Ehara hei tapahi pepa tēnei naihi.
He aha tēnei? He tohutō.
What’s this? It’s a macron.
What’s this? It’s a macron.
He aha tēnei? He tohutō.
what for?
hei aha?
Hei aha ēnā moni?
What’s that money for?
What’s that money for?
Hei aha ēnā moni?
(noun) stern (of a boat or canoe)
NZ Public Radio
Te Reo Irirangi ō Aotearoa
- (verb) (-a) to cease
- (verb) (-a) to wipe out, forgive
- (stative) be ended, brought to an end, cut short, finished
— and others —
- (verb) (-a) to cease
(verb) (-a) to wipe out, forgive
(stative) be ended, brought to an end, cut short, finished
wā (noun x2)
(noun) time, season, period of time, interval, term, duration
(noun) area, region, definite space
noun) time, season, period of time, interval, term, duration
He aha ai?
He aha ai?
te tari
the office
the office
te tari
ope (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-ngia -a -hia) to scoop, scrape together, bail out water
- (noun) army, troop, party, entourage, contingent - group of people moving together
(noun) army, troop, party, entourage, contingent - group of people moving together
Do you have a pen?
Kei a koe he pene?
You have my pen.
Kei a koe tōku pene.
kūwaha (noun)
(noun) door, entrance, mouth, gateway
(noun) door, entrance, mouth, gateway
pātū (noun)
(noun) wall, screen, edge
(noun) wall, screen, edge
… in back of the school.
… i muri i te kura.
They are also hungry.
E hiakai hoki ana rātou.
to look at
… titiro … ki …
to want something
… pīrangi … ki …
to know someone
… mōhio … ki a …
to wait for someone
… tatari … ki …
to laugh at someone
… kata … ki …
Hūrai (modifier, noun)
- (modifier) Jewish
2. (noun) Jew
(verb) (-a) to trample, tramp, stamp, tread, abuse, disregard
(verb) (-a) to trample, tramp, stamp, tread, abuse, disregard
(noun) income, receipt
(noun) services, service
(noun) services, service
(noun) income, receipt
hauora (stative, noun)
- (stative) be fit, well, healthy, vigorous, in good spirits
- (noun) health, vigour
(stative) be fit, well, healthy, vigorous, in good spirits
(noun) health, vigour
(noun) Ministry of Health
Manatū Hauora
Manatū Hauora
(noun) Ministry of Health
(noun) disability, impediment
(noun) disability, impediment
whether, or - a particle to indicate alternatives. Follows the second phrase or word, but may also follow the first option as well
whether, or - a particle to indicate alternatives. Follows the second phrase or word, but may also follow the first option as well
Ko tēnei te wā tika, kāore rānei?
Is this the right time or not?
Is this the right time or not?
Ko tēnei te wā tika, kāore rānei?
He kānga papā rānei, he aihikirīmi rānei hei timotimo māu?
Do you want popcorn or ice cream to nibble on?
Do you want popcorn or ice cream to nibble on?
He kānga papā rānei, he aihikirīmi rānei hei timotimo māu?
(noun) place in which to swim or float
(noun) place in which to swim or float
a flower
he putiputi
(verb) to be eager, obstinate, persistent, strong, brave
(noun) wind, breeze, breath
(verb) to blow, shoot, fire (a gun), spout (as a whale)
(verb) to fall, fall over, lose, knock down
- (verb) (-a) to roast, broil, cook, bake.
2. (noun) cooking, roasting, baking.
(verb) (-a) to roast, broil, cook, bake
(noun) cooking
tunu kai
(noun) fire
Our fire was good for cooking food.
He pai tō māua ahi mō te tunu kai.
He pai tō māua ahi mō te tunu kai.
Our fire was good for cooking food.
nonetheless, no matter, nevertheless, never mind, it doesn’t matter, who cares, don’t worry - an idiom used to indicate that there is nothing to be concerned about
aua atu (rā)
(verb) (-a) to leave, depart, separate oneself
(stative) be struck, hit accidentally, injured, hurt, wounded
(noun) place, locality, waiting room, space
(noun) abundance, number, majority
tuatara (alternate name)
tuatete (also alt. name for tuatara)
(noun) film, movie, photographic slide
(verb) (-a) to sweep (e.g. the floor), scrape, peel (e.g. potatoes)
(verb) to be drunk, intoxicated, mad, deluded
(noun) drunkenness
(noun) drunkard
pākā, pāki
very well, you don’t say, yes indeed, for sure, certainly.
āe mārika
I am not drinking
kāhore ahau e inu ana
I will not drink
kāhore ahau e inu
I have not drunk yet
kāhore anō ahau kia inu
I did not drink
kāhore ahau i inu
E tunu ana ia i te kai
He/She is cooking the food
Kua wehe te whānau i te whare
The family has left the house
E whakapai ana koe i tō taiwhanga moe?
Are you cleaning your bedroom?
Kua patu te ngeru i te manu
The cat has killed the bird
E hoko ana ia i ngā tāmure
He/She is buying the snapper
Kua horoi ngā tamariki i ngā rīhi
The children have washed the dishes
I peke te kurī i te taiepa
The dog jumped the fence
The tribe is welcoming the visitors
E pōwhiri ana te iwi i ngā manuhiri
Ka tuhituhi a Mere i ngā kōrero
Mere will write down the dialogue
The girls are climbing the tree
E piki ana ngā kōtiro i te rākau
Kua oma au i ngā ara oma maha
I have run many running paths
Kāhore anō au kia oma i ngā ara oma maha
I haven’t yet run many running paths
E heke ana ia i te maunga
He/She is descending the mountain
Kāhore ia e heke ana i te maunga
He/She is not descending the mountain
negate - E patu ana te kurī i te tuatete
Kāhore te kurī e patu ana i te tuatete
negate - I hoko ia i ngā whare
Kāhore ia i hoko i ngā whare
negate - Ka mahi a Rīhari i taua mahi
Kāhore a Rīhari e mahi i taua mahi
negate - Kua oma au i ngā ara oma maha
Kāhore anō au kia oma i ngā ara oma maha
negate - E heke ana ia i te maunga
Kāhore ia e heke ana i te maunga
rīhi (verb, noun x 2)
- (verb) (-tia) to lease, rent, let
- (noun) lease, rent, leasehold
- (noun) dish, platter
Did you two hide?
I huna kōrua?
They (those two) are peeling potatoes
E waruwaru rīwai ana rāua
Did you two sweep the floor?
I tahitahi kōrua i te papa?
They (those two) are putting on clothes
E whakamau kākahu ana rāua
We (you and I) are listening
E whakarongo ana tāua
She’s crying for no reason at all
E tangi kurī ana ia
We (him and I) have already seen this movie
Kua kite kē māua i tēnei kiriata
Let’s (you and I) go and buy some food
Me haere tāua ki te hoko kai
Don’t you talk like that
Kaua koe e kōrero pēnā
I am a superhero
He tuatangata ahau
They (thise two) are fishing
E hī ika ana rāua
Has Hēni arrived atyour house?
Kua tae a Hēni ki tō whare?
She hasn’t arrived yet.
Kāhore anō ia kia tae mai.
Have you (not) called her?
Kāhore koe i waea atu ki a ia?
We are not speaking to each other.
Kāhore māua i te kōrero.
Are you two arguing?
E tohe ana kōrua?
Yes, indeed!
Āe mārika!
What are your parents doing?
E aha ana ō mātua?
They (those two) are sleeping.
E moe ana rāua.
Did they (those two) party?
I ngahau rāua?
They (those two) got drunk.
I haurangi rāua.
Are you going to the park?
E haere ana koe ki te papa rēhia?
Hēni and I are going.
E haere ana māua ko Hēni.
Are you going to take some food?
E hari ana koe i te kai?
I’m taking snacks.
E hari ana ahau i te paramanawa.
“You’re awesome all right!”
Ka wani kē koe!
Who cares!
Aua atu!
Where are you?
Kei hea koe?
(I am) At my house
Kei taku whare
What are you doing?
E aha ana koe?
Hēni and I are watching TV
E mātakitaki ana māua ko Hēni i te pouaka whakaata
Are you two hungry?
E hiakai ana kōrua?
I’ll buy some food
Ka hoko kai ahau
We bought some food, but it’s run out
I hoko kai māua engari kua pau
We will wait
Ka tatari māua
complain (verb, noun)
(noun) fund, finance, bank account, sum of money
(noun) leg, foot, footprint
She is washing her clothes
E horoi ana ia i ōna kākahu
One of my golf clubs snapped!
I whati tētahi o āku rākau hau pōro!
My parents are still alive
E ora tonu ana ōku mātua
Who are your older siblings?
Ko wai ōu tuākana?
Our pizza has run out!
Kua pau tā tāua parehe!
Our boss is angry
E riri ana tō tāua rangatira
How many houses do we have now?
E hia ō tāua whare ināianei?
Our work has ended
Kua mutu tā māua mahi
Our friend has arrived
Kua tae mai tō māua hoa
Do you (2) have one dog?
Kotahi tā kōrua kurī?
Do you (2) have three dogs?
E toru ā kōrua kurī?
Their (2) grandmother has passed away
Kua mate tō rāua kuia
Mere has a pen
He pene tā Mere
Mere has some pens
He pene ā Mere
They (2) have a house
He whare tō rāua
They (2) have some houses
He whare ō rāua
My nephew has a hat
He pōtae tō taku irāmutu
My nephew has some hats
He pōtae ō taku irāmutu
He / She has a pen
He pene tāna
Do you have some pens?
He pene āu?
Does he / she have a house?
He whare tōna?
He / She has some houses
He whare ōna
I have a hat
He pōtae tōku
Do you have some hats?
He pōtae ōu?
You have a cat
He ngeru tāu
I have shoes
He hū ōku
She has a bag
He pēke tāna
She has a house
He whare tōna
I have dogs
He kurī āku
I have an apple
He āporo tāku
Do you have a car?
He waka tōu?
Does she have some tickets?
He tīkiti āna?
Do you have some food?
He kai āu?
Do I have a brain?
He roro tōku?
He pūtea (āu, ōu)?
He pūtea āu?
E hia (āna, ōna) pōtae?
E hia ōna pōtae?
Kotahi (tāku, tōku) ngeru
Kotahi tāku ngeru
He waka (ō rāua, ā rāua)?
He waka ō rāua?
E hia (āu, ōu) pukapuka?
E hia āu pukapuka?
E hia (ā koutou, ō koutou) kōura?
E hia ā koutou kōura?
He kaiako pai (tāna, tōna)?
He kaiako pai tōna?
Tokohia (āku, ōku) tamariki?
Tokohia āku tamariki?
Tokohia (ā koutou, ō koutou) rangatira?
Tokohia ō koutou rangatira?
He roro (tāu, tōu)?
He roro tōu?
He whanaunga (āu, ōu)?
He whanaunga ōu?
Koia te tama (a, o) Mere rāua ko Māka.
Koia te tama a Mere rāua ko Māka.
Ko (tā, tō) rāua ngeru tērā.
Ko tā rāua ngeru tērā.
Ko ia te māmā (o, a) Pita.
Ko ia te māmā o Pita.
Ko (tāna, tōna) whare tērā?
Ko tōna whare tērā?
He pahikara (tāku, tōku)
He pahikara tōku
He whare ātaahua (tāna, tōna)
He whare ātaahua tōna
E rua (āku, ōku) inu?
E rua āku inu?
Tokohia (āu, ōu) mokopuna?
Tokohia āu mokopuna?
E rua (āku, ōku) waewae
E rua ōku waewae
They (2) have a boat
He waka moana tō rāua
We (you and I) have a house
He whare tō tāua
They (4) have some food
He kai ā rātou
We (she and I but not you) have a ball
He pōro tā māua
Have you (6) got a strategy?
He rautaki tā koutou?
How many fish have they (4) got?
E hia ā rātou ika?
Do we (all of us 6) have some firewood?
He wahie ā tātou?
Do they (2) have some tickets?
He tīkiti ā rāua?
Do you have some food?
He kai āu?
I am watching Mere’s TV
E mātakitaki ana ahau i te pouaka whakaata a Mere
I don’t have a house
Kāhore ōku whare
He / she doesn’t have a pen
Kāhore āna pene
Do you have some pens!
He pene āu?
I don’t have a pen
Kāhore āku pene
Does he / she have a house?
He whare tōna?
He / she doesn’t have a house
Kāhore ōna whare
He / she has some houses
He whare ōna
They (2) have a boat
He waka moana tō rāua
They (2) do not have a boat
Kāhore ō rāua waka moana
He / she has a dog
He kurī tāna
He / she doesn’t have a dog
Kāhore āna kurī
They (2) have funds
He pūtea ā rāua
They (2) don’t have any funds
Kāhore ā rāua pūtea
He / she has a waka
He waka tōna
He / she doesn’t have a waka
Kāhore ōna waka
You all have a strategy
He rautaki tā koutou
You all have no strategy
Kāhore ā koutou rautaki
We (he and I) have a snapper
He tāmure tā māua
We (he and I) don’t have any snappers
Kāhore ā māua tāmure
He / she has some firewood
He wahie āna
He / she doesn’t have any firewood
Kāhore āna wahie
I have some food
He kai āku
I don’t have any food
Kāhore āku kai
I have a ticket
He tīkiti tāku
I don’t have a ticket
Kāhore āku tīkiti
I have a TV
He pouaka whakaata tāku
I don’t have a TV
Kāhore āku pouaka whakaata
He kurī tāu? — kāo
Kāhore āku kurī
He pūtea āku? — kāo
Kāhore āu pūtea
He tōkena ōu? — kāo
Kāhore ōku tōkena
He waka tōu? — kāo
Kāhore ōku waka
He rautaki tāna? — kāo
Kāhore āna rautaki
He pōro ā rāua? — kāo
Kāhore ā rāua pōro
He whare ō tāua? — kāo
Kāhore ō tāua whare
He kai āu? — kāo
Kāhore āku kai
He taiaha āna? — kāo
Kāhore āna taiaha
He tamariki ā kōrua? — kāo
Kāhore ā māua tamariki
What are we (you & I) doing today?
E aha ana tāua i tēnei rā?
We (you and I) are walking to the beach
E hikoi ana tāua ki tātahi
I don’t have the energy (e.g. for some suggested activity)
Kāhore ōku kaha
You do have the energy (i.e. for the suggested activity)
He kaha tōu
Do we (you and I) have any food?
He kai ā tāua?
We (you and I) don’t have any food
Kāhore ā tāua kai
“That’ll do!”
Kā mātua i tēnā!
“You only live once!”
Ehara i te tī!
“So what!”
Kia ahatia!
Mere and Māka are entering the classroom
E kuhu ana a Mere rāua ko Māka ki te akomanga
Oh no, I don’t have any books!
Auē, kāhore āku pukapuka!
Are you two hungry to learn?
E hiakai ana kōrua ki te ako?
I have new pens
He pene hōu āku
Ka wani kē!
Do you two have hats?
He pōtae ō kōrua?
The sun is shining brightly
E tino whiti ana te rā
Yes, I have a hat
Āe, he pōtae tōku
I have a hat, too
He pōtae hoki tōku
You all have one cat
Kotahi tā koutou ngeru
namely, in other words, that is - a conjunction used to introduce an amplification or explanation
namely, in other words, that is - a conjunction used to introduce an amplification or explanation
Hēmi is their (3+) nephew
Ko Hēmi tā rātou irāmutu
Look at your (3+) cat
Titiro tā koutou ngeru
Netball is our (3+, but not your) favorite sport
Ko te poitarawhiti tā mātou tino tākaro
Our(3+, but not your) dog has gone into the house
Kua kuhu tā mātou kurī ki roto i te whare
There is a rat under (all of our) carpet
He kiore kei raro i tā tātou whāriki
This is your (3+) food
He kai tā koutou
Their (2) baby is sleeping
E moe ana tā rāua pēpi
Is this your computer?
He rorohiko tāu?
You do not have a computer
Kāhore āu rorohiko
He koti (tōna, tāna)?
He koti tōna?
He does not have a coat
Kāhore ōna koti
He ngeru (ā, ō rātou)?
He ngeru ā rātou?
They (3+) do not have any cats
Kāhore ā rātou ngeru
He waka (ā, ō koutou)?
He waka ō koutou
You all do not have any wakas
Kāhore ō koutou waka
He pukapuka akoako (āu, ōu)?
He pukapuka akoako āu?
He pātai (ā, ō koutou)?
He pātai ā koutou?
You all do not have any questions
Kāhore ā koutou pātai
He kōrero (tāu, tōu)?
He kōrero tāu?
You (1) do not have any stories
Kāhore āu kōrero
He mokopuna (ā, ō tāua)?
He mokopuna ā tāua?
He hiahia (āu, ōu)?
He hiahia ōu?
You (1) do not have any wishes
Kāhore ōu hiahia
He whakaaro (ā, ō kōrua)?
He whakaaro ō kōrua?
You two do not have any opinions
Kāhore ō kōrua whakaaro
(verb) (-hia -tia) to ill-treat with violence, rape, torture, destroy, abuse, maltreat, violate, mistreat.
(noun) bus
(noun) place, locality, waiting room, space
- (verb) (-ngia -tia) to steal, cheat, rob, embezzle
- (modifier) stealing, thieving, dishonest, fraudulent
- (noun) thief, cheat, robber, crook, theft, dispossession
tāhae (verb, modifier, noun)
- (verb) (-ngia -tia) to steal, cheat, rob, embezzle
- (modifier) stealing, thieving, dishonest, fraudulent
- (noun) thief, cheat, robber, crook, theft, dispossession
eke (verb x 4)
- (verb) (-a -ngia -tia) to get on, embark, board (a vessel), mount (a horse, vehicle, etc.), ride, accede - generally to place on something else
- (verb) (-a -ngia -tia) to come in to land, reach, beach, land and settle
- (verb) (-a -ngia -tia) to climb, ascend
- (verb) to rise (as a star, etc.)
(verb) (-a -ngia -tia) to get on, embark, board (a vessel), mount (a horse, vehicle, etc.), ride, accede - generally to place on something else
(verb) (-a -ngia -tia) to come in to land, reach, beach, land and settle
(verb) (-a -ngia -tia) to climb, ascend
(verb) to rise (as a star, etc.)
He embarked on his friend’s yacht
I eke ia ki runga i te iata o tōna hoa
whakarērere (verb, modifier, noun)
- (verb) to sail about, fly about, run about
- (modifier) flying, sailing, running, flowing
- (noun) flying, sailing, running
(noun) elderly man, old man, elder, grandfather, granduncle
(noun) elderly man, old man, elder, grandfather, granduncle
Do we (2) have a car?
He waka tō tāua?
Good, we’re going to my mother’s house
Ka pai, e haere ana tāua ki te whare o tōku māmā
(noun) plan, chart, map
(noun) plan, chart, map
Do you have a map?
He mahere tāu?
I don’t have a map, but I know where it is
Kāhore āku mahere, engari e mōhio ana ahau kei hea
Have your mother’s grandchildren arrived?
Kua tae ngā mokopuna a tō māmā?
They (3+) are watching our (3+) TV
E mātakitaki ana rātou i tā mātou pouaka whakaata
He is washing their (3+) dishes
E horoi ana ia ā rātou pereti
He is running to your (3+) home
E oma anaia ki tō koutou kāinga
Ruapehu is our (3+) mountain
Ko Ruapehu tō mātou maunga
Here’s our (3+) friend. He has arrived.
Anei tō tātou hoa! Kua tae mai ia.
Rugby is their (3+) favorite sport.
Ko te whutupōro tā rātou tino tākaro
Waiapu is their (3+) river
Ko waiapu tō rātou awa
Our (3+) food has run out.
Kua pau ā tātou kai
paru (stative, noun x 2)
- (stative) be dirty, muddy, soiled
- (noun) dirt, mud, earth
- (noun) sewage
(stative) be dirty, muddy, soiled
(noun) dirt, mud, earth
(noun) sewage
Look at your (3+) dirty clothes.
Titiro ki ō koutou kākahu paru
Here are our (3+) friends! They (3+) have arrived.
Anei ō tātou hoa! Kua tae mai rātou
Here is their (3+) cloak
Anei tō rātou korowai
Their (3+) dog is playing.
E tākoro ana tā rātou kurī
pakaru (stative x 2, noun)
(stative) be smashed, shattered, broken, broken down, split, torn, ragged, rent
(stative) be dissolved (of parliament)
(noun) damage, damaged parts, split, rupture
(stative) be smashed, shattered, broken, broken down, split, torn, ragged, rent
(stative) be dissolved (of parliament)
(noun) damage, damaged parts, split, rupture
Our (3+) car has broken down.
Kua pakaru tō tātou waka
(verb) (-a -tia) to fashion, shape, sculpt, dress - especially of working timber with an adze
(verb) (-a -tia) to fashion, shape, sculpt, dress - especially of working timber with an adze
tarai (verb, noun)
(verb) to score a try (rugby and rugby league)
(noun) try (rugby and rugby league), score
(verb) to score a try (rugby and rugby league)
(noun) try (rugby and rugby league), score
“That’s amazing!”
Ka mau te wehi!
I’m absolutely stuffed / exhausted!
Kua pau te hau!
fruit juice
fruit juice
taputapu tākaro
kawe reo
cell phone
punua kurī
punua kurī
Here is our (3+) food.
Anei ā tātou kai
mōkai (verb, modifier, noun)
(verb) (-tia) to enslave
(modifier) enslaved
(noun) servant, captive, slave, pet
(verb) (-tia) to enslave
(modifier) enslaved
(noun) servant, captive, slave, pet
Their (3+) pet is a cat.
He ngeru tā rātou mōkai
Wiremu is her husband.
Ko Wairemu tāna tāne
I have four children.
Tokowhā āku tamariki
These are my grandchildren.
Ko āku mokopuna ēnei
My books are at school.
Kei te kura āku pukapuka
tōmuri (verb, modifier, noun)
(verb) to be late, last, too late, overdue, behind time
(modifier) late, last, too late, overdue, behind time, recent
(noun) latecomer, late arrival, lateness
(verb) to be late, last, too late, overdue, behind time
(modifier) late, last, too late, overdue, behind time, recent
(noun) latecomer, late arrival, lateness
Heta’s workers were late this morning.
I tōmuri ngā kaimahi a Heta i te ata nei
My relations are here.
Kei konei ōku whanaunga
That’s the family’s boat.
Ko te waka moana o te whānau
Let’s go back to our place!
Me hoki ki tō tātou whare!
His arms are long!
He roa ōna ringaringa!
Our (3+) sorrow is overwhelming.
Ka nui tō mātou pōuri
Put on your warm clothes!
Me kuhu i ō koutou kākahu mahana!
Who is this food for?
Mā wai tēnei kai?
This food is for the children.
Mā ngā tamariki tēnei kai
Who is this house for?
Mō wai tēnei whare?
This house is for those two.
Mō rāua tēnei whare
This car is for you.
Mōu tēnei waka
This apple is for you.
Māu tēnei āporo
tokotoko (verb x 2, noun)
(verb) to prop up
(verb) to walk with a stick
(noun) walking stick, pole, staff, cane, crutch
(verb) to prop up
(verb) to walk with a stick
(noun) walking stick, pole, staff, cane, crutch
(noun) harakeke fibre, flax fibre
(noun) harakeke fibre, flax fibre
(noun) box
(noun) box
sentence (i.e. part of speech or writing)
rerenga kōrero
Use the pictures to answer the questions.
Whakamahia ngā whakaahua hei whakautu i ngā pātai.
The cup of tea is for him / her.
Māna te kapu tī
The house is for him / her.
Mōna te whare
The car is for him / her.
Mōna te waka
The dog is for him / her.
Māna te kurī
The bicycle is for him / her.
Mōna te pahikara
This food is for them (2).
He kai tēnei mā rāua
The feast is for all of us.
Mā tātou te hākari
The new toy is for them (3).
Mā rātou te taputapu tākaro hōu
Jason is baking a cake for all of us.
E tunu keke ana a Jason mā tātou
That kete is for you (3+).
Mā koutou tērā kete
The blankets are for Hauata.
Mō Hauata ngā paraikete
Who is going with you (3+) as a mate?
Ko wai hei hoa haere mō koutou?
Use the pictures to construct sentences.
Whakamahia ngā whakaahua ki te hanga rerenga kōrero
“I’m with you on that!”
Ke konā au!
paddle your canoe, go on then and do it, go ahead then, go for it, please yourself, you’re on your own - an idiom to support or criticise someone’s proposed action or idea. It sometimes implies that the person won’t listen to advice but will find out eventually from his/her mistakes.
Hoea tō waka!
“Stop battering my ears!”
Kāti te patu taringa!
walking stick
(noun) tractor, traction engine
(noun) tractor, traction engine
(noun) trousers, pants
(noun) trousers, pants
raruraru (verb, noun x 2)
(verb) to be in difficulty, perplexed, troubled
(noun) trouble, problem, dispute, conflict
(noun) debt
(verb) to be in difficulty, perplexed, troubled
(noun) trouble, problem, dispute, conflict
(noun) debt (2)
rou mamao
(noun) remote control
(noun) remote control
rou mamao
(noun) harakeke fibre, flax fibre
(noun) trousers, pants
(noun) trousers, pants
tārau (noun x 2)
(noun) condiment, relish
(noun) dredge, grapnel
(noun) short trousers, shorts
tarau poto
(noun) jeans, dungaree trousers, denim trousers
tarau tāngari
(noun) underpants, briefs, panties, knickers
tarau roto
tōtika (modifier, noun x 2)
(modifier) straight, correct, right, suitable, appropriate
(noun) straight
(noun) straight (cards)
(modifier) straight, correct, right, suitable, appropriate
(noun) straight
(noun) straight (cards)
(verb) (-na -tia) to meet, encounter, make meet - usually followed by ki.
“Good to meet you.”
Ka pai te tūtaki ki a koe
turn left!
whakatē mauī
turn right!
whakatē matau!
lounge, living room
rūma noho
rūma moe
rūma horoi
laundry room
rūma horoi kākahu
karapu (noun x 2)
(noun) club (cards and association)
(noun) glove
(noun) club (cards and association)
(noun) glove
pene rākau
(noun) pencil
(noun) pencil
pene rākau
bull kelp
bull kelp
raruraru (verb, noun x 2)
(verb) to be in difficulty, perplexed, troubled
(noun) trouble, problem, dispute, conflict
(noun) debt
(verb) to be in difficulty, perplexed, troubled
(noun) trouble, problem, dispute, conflict
(noun) debt
rau (verb x 2, noun x3, numeral)
(verb) (-a) to put into, gather into, place into
(verb) (-a) to catch (with a net)
(noun) leaf, frond, plume, spray, feather
(noun) blade of a weapon
(noun) beat, rhythm (of a poi)
(numeral) hundred
(verb) (-a) to put into, gather into, place into
verb) (-a) to catch (with a net
(noun) leaf, frond, plume, spray, feather
(noun) blade of a weapon
(noun) beat, rhythm (of a poi)
(numeral) hundred
(verb) (-a -ia -tia) to say, speak, express, utter, call, mention, tell, designate
(noun) saying, word
(verb) (-a -ia -tia) to say, speak, express, utter, call, mention, tell, designate
(noun) saying, word
mea (numerous: verb, noun, personal name, location, etc)
- (verb) (meinga meingatia meatingia -tia) to say, speak, do, deal with, think, intend, make, use
- (noun) thing, object, property, one, reason, thingumajig, thingy, thingummy, whatcha-me-call-it, what-d’you-call-it, the one, that thing, whatsit - a word used to replace the name of something, often when a speaker has momentarily forgotten the correct word. It may function as a personal name, a location word, a noun or a verb (see other sub entries).
- (personal name) thingumabob, thingamy, what’s-his-name, so-and-so - a word used when one has forgotten, or does not know, the person’s name.
- (location) such-and-such a place - a word used for a place when one has forgotten the name.
- soon (to denote a lapse of time).
- Used with he and a verb as an alternative passive for past time.
- such-and-such, so-and-so, somewhere, at some time - used before a noun, location, people or time to generalise or avoid saying a specific name.
(verb) (meinga meingatia meatingia -tia) to say, speak, do, deal with, think, intend, make, use
(noun) thing, object, property, one, reason, thingumajig, thingy, thingummy, whatcha-me-call-it, what-d’you-call-it, the one, that thing, whatsit - a word used to replace the name of something, often when a speaker has momentarily forgotten the correct word. It may function as a personal name, a location word, a noun or a verb (see other sub entries)
(personal name) thingumabob, thingamy, what’s-his-name, so-and-so - a word used when one has forgotten, or does not know, the person’s name
(location) such-and-such a place - a word used for a place when one has forgotten the name
soon (to denote a lapse of time)
Used with he and a verb as an alternative passive for past time
such-and-such, so-and-so, somewhere, at some time - used before a noun, location, people or time to generalise or avoid saying a specific name.
So-and so spoke to that thing.
Ka mea a Mea ki te mea nā.
I talked to Thingumebob - what’s her name?
I kōrero au ki a Mea - Ko wai tōna ingoa?
They arrived at such and such a place - I’ve forgotten the name.
I tae rātou ki Mea - kua wareware te ingoa i a au.
The house was demolished by the truck.
He mea tūraki te whare e te taraka.
every day
ia rā, ia rā
The stick has been snapped by my foot.
Kua whati te rakau i tāku waewae.
home wind, homeland
hau kāinga
He arrived on foot.
I tae mai ia mā raro.
He arrived on horse back.
I tae mai ia mā runga hoiho.
Your red pen is on your desk.
Kei runga tāu pene whero i tōu tēpu tari.
I will go to work by bicycle.
Ka haere au ki te mahi mā runga pahikara.
There are trees in the forest.
Kei roto ngā rākau i te wao.
The pen was on the table.
I runga te pene i te tēpu.
I will be there.
Hei korā ahau.
tua (location x3, noun)
- (location) the further side (of a solid body), beyond, other side - a location word, or locative, which follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence
- (location) this side (of a solid body) - when used with mai or nei
- (location) in addition to, apart from, besides - when used in the phrase i tua atu
- (noun) back
They will arrive on this side.
Ka tae mai rāua ki tua nei.
(location) the further side (of a solid body), beyond, other side - a location word, or locative, which follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence
(location) this side (of a solid body) - when used with mai or nei
(location) in addition to, apart from, besides - when used in the phrase i tua atu
(noun) back
(verb) (-a -kia -kina) to untie, unravel, release, set free, detach, disconnect
Take off your shoes.
Wetekina ō hū.
The crayfish have been boiled by Tama.
Kua hū ngā kōura i a Tama.
This book was behind the chair.
I muri tēnei pukapuka i te tūru.
After the meeting, I spoke with Manu.
I muri i te hui, i kōrero au ki a Manu.
Stay well (Goodbye).
Use this farewell when you are the person leaving.
E noho rā.
What’s in the middle of the lounge?
He aha kei waenganui i te rūma noho?
There’s a coffee table in the middle of the lounge.
He tēpu kāwhi kei waenganui i te rūma noho.
Your keys are between the chair and the cell phone.
Kei waenganui āu kī i te tūru me te waea pūkoro.
I will see my friends at school.
Ka kite au i ōku hoa ki te kura.
The paper is on the left-hand side of the computer.
Kei te taha mauī o te rorohiko te pepa.
(noun) majority, larger part
Most of the time, the karanga will be done by the elderly women.
I te nuinga o te wā, mā ngā kuia e karanga.
The call of welcome is the job of the elderly women.
Ko te karanga te mahi a ngā kuia.
The food has been spread out by Manu.
Kua hora ngā kai i a Manu.
to be spread out
hora (stative)
matua whakaangi
What’s on the right-hand side of the television?
He aha kei te taha matau o te pouaka whakaata?
What beautiful carvings!
Kātahi ngā whakairo ātaahua!
The carvings were carved by experts.
I whakairotia ngā whakairo e ngā tohunga.
raranga (verb — rangā rānga), (noun)
- (verb) to weave, plait (mats, baskets, etc.)
2. (noun) weaving
(verb) to weave, plait (mats, baskets, etc.)
raranga (rangā, rānga)
(noun) weaving
whakaako (verb, modifier, noun)
- (verb) (-hia -na -ngia -tia) to teach, instruct, educate, coach
- (modifier) teaching, instructional
- (noun) teaching
(verb) (-hia -na -ngia -tia) to teach, instruct, educate, coach
(modifier) teaching, instructional
(noun) teaching
(noun) New Zealand flax, Phormium tenax
We prepared food before the meeting.
I mahi kai mātou i mua i te hui.
He was in front of the shop.
I mua ia i te toa.
I was in Disneyland! (In response to “I hea koe?”)
I Disneyland au!
Rosie is my stepmother.
Ko Rosie tōku whaea whakaangi.
This wine is warm.
He māhana tēnei waina. — a classifying sentence
I have enough money for my purchases.
He rawaka āku moni mo āku hokonga. — a classifying sentence
I have spent the money. (lit. The money has been spent by me.)
Kua pau te moni i a au.
Shut the curtains.
Katia ngā ārai.
I will teach you to weave flax.
Ka whakaako au i te raranga harakeke ki a koe.
We (2 exclusive) were taught to weave flax by our teacher.
I whakaakona māua ki te raranga harakeke e tō māua kaiako.
- (verb) (-a) to close, shut, close up, block up, obstruct
- (verb) to be closed
- (verb) (-a) to bite, nip
My tummy is full.
Kua kī tōku puku.
The restaurant has been filled by all the people.
Kua kī te wharekai i ngā tangata katoa.
Is your tummy full?
Kua kī tō puku?
The women are over here.
Kei konei ngā wāhine.
The elderly man’s greeting was appropriate.
He pai tā te koroua mihi.
Greet your elders.
Mihi atu ki ōu kaumātua.
Stand up to greet.
E tū ki te mihi.
That was a greeting to the extended family.
He mihi tērā ki te whānau whānui.
The cat is outside.
Kei waho te ngeru.
The dog is outside the house.
Kei waho te kurī i te whare.
Who are you two?
Ko wai kōrua?
The chairs are in between the tables.
Kei waenganui ngā tūru i ngā tēpu.
You should sit at the table while you are eating.
Me noho koe ki te tēpu i a koe e kai ana.
You should go home!
Me haere koe ki te kāinga!
You should listen to your aunty!
Me whakarongo koe ki tōu whaea!
[You] should wash the clothes!
Note that the passive form of a verb is never used after Me even though it may be used in a passive sense, e.g.,
Me horoi ngā kākahu [e koe]!
Come here! (to this place/to where i am)
Haere mai ki konei!
You will cut the flax in the morning.
Hei te ata, ka tapahi koe i te harakeke.
The flax has already been cut by me.
Kua tapahia kētia te harakeke e au.
I will not cut the rito (inner shoot) of the flax.
Kāore au e tapahi i te rito o te harakeke.
(verb) (-ina) to load on, put on.
The food was loaded into the trolley by me.
I utaina e au ngā kai ki roto i te torore.
(noun) trolley
(noun) home-grown tobacco, native-grown tobacco
The television is making the children lazy.
E māngere ana ngā tamariki i te pouaka whakaata.
to be lazy
māngere (stative)
(location) presently, today, soon, before long, shortly, in short time
hunga (noun x2)
- (noun) group, people, company of people, party
2. (noun) slave
wehe (verb x4, stative)
- (verb) (-a) to separate, divide, detach, log off (computer)
- (verb) (-a) to leave, depart
- (verb) (-a) to transpose
- (verb) (-a) to reserve, subdivide, set aside
- (stative) be separated (marital status), divorced
That group of people (over there) will leave soon.
Ka wehe atu te hunga rā ākuanei.
already, long ago, instead, but rather, actually, different, other, another, alternative, at a different time, other than was expected, in a different direction, strange, odd, extraordinary, in a different place, beforehand, afterwards, for another purpose, really, truly -
a manner particle that indicates difference or unexpectedness. Follows immediately after the word it qualifies. The verb it follows is often preceded by kua. Where kē follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from kē. As with other manner particles in Māori, while having a general overall meaning, kē can be translated in a variety of ways, depending on the context.
whāiti (verb/stative?, adjective, modifier, noun)
- (verb/stative?) to be narrow, compact, crowded together, packed
- (adjective) be narrow, compact, crowded together
- (modifier) narrow, lean, compact, crowded together
- (noun) narrowness, compactness
narrow, compact, crowded together
(verb/stative?) to be narrow, compact, crowded together, packed
(verb) (-a -hia -ngia) to cross over, change, interchange, ferry
We’ll cross the river at the narrow part.
Ka whakawhiti tātou i te awa i te wāhi whāiti.
mōkai (verb, modifier, noun)
- (verb) (-tia) to enslave
- (modifier) enslaved
- (noun) servant, captive, slave, pet
Where’s my pet dog?
Kei hea tāku mōkai kurī?
Where are the t-shirts?
Kei hea ngā tī hāte?
pīrangi (experience verb, noun)
- (experience verb) (-hia -tia) to need, want, desire, like, hanker for
- (noun) desire, wish, need, want, aspiration, hope
Do you want this yellow t-shirt?
E pīrangi ana koe ki tēnei tī hāte kōwhai?
The beer has been cooled by the fridge.
Kua mātaotao te inu pia i te pouaka makariri.
Who is that over there?
Ko wai tērā ki korā?
kahurangi (modifier x3, noun x3, personal noun/title, verb)
(modifier) blue
(modifier) prized, precious, honourable, distinguished
(modifier) unreliable, undependable
(noun) treasured possession, darling, jewel
(noun) illustrious person, famous person, person of high rank, chieftain, lady of high rank
(noun) light green, translucent variety of greenstone without flaws or spots - a highly valued variety
(personal noun) Dame (title)
(verb) to be unsettled, wandering, irresolute
Our precious one has passed away.
Kua mate tō tātou mea kahurangi.
the seaside, the beach
(verb) (-a) to collect, gather together
to (do something) - after verbs following location as an alternative to ki te
Go over there to play!
Haere atu ki korā tākaro ai!
On Saturday, they went to the beach to gather pipi.
I tērā Rāhoroi, i haere rātou ki tātahi kohi pipi ai.
Note that there is no te before tātahi as it is used the same way as other locative nouns e.g., runga, raro, etc.
brother- / sister-in-law (of same gender)
ruruku (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-tia) to draw together with a cord, bind together, lash, coordinate; to wrap (e.g. a gift)
- (noun) band, bond, commitment
manaaki (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-tia) to support, take care of, give hospitality to, protect, look out for - show respect, generosity and care for others
- (noun) support, hospitality, caring for
We will take care of you.
Mā mātou koutou e manaaki.
The flax will be looked after by me.
Ka manaakitia te harakeke e au.
My beloved is far away.
Kei tawhiti taku tahu.
They (2) have arrived from afar.
Kua tae mai rāua i tawhiti.
I will be there.
Hei korā ahau.
tautoko (verb, modifier, noun, exclamation)
- (verb) (-hia -na -tia) to support, prop up, verify, advocate, accept (an invitation), agree
- (modifier) supporting
- (noun) support, backing
- agreed, I support that - used as an exclamation to show agreement.
She is overseas.
Kei tāwāhi ia.
She will go overseas.
Ka haere atu ia ki tāwāhi.
(verb) to be soft, supple, pliable, flexible
Pass the knife to soften the flax.
Hōmai te māripi hei whakangohengohete harakeke.
The flax is soft.
He ngohengohe te harakeke.
pūhera (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-tia) to parcel up, package up
2. (noun) parcel, package, packet
I am carrying the purchases to the car.
E hari ana au i ngā pūhera ki te waka.
Today I bought many parcels.
I tēnei rā, he maha ngā pūhera i hokona e au.
I stayed there last year.
I noho au i reira i tērā tau.
reira: there, the aforementioned place or time
That’s enough, my darling.
Ka nui tēnā, e te tau.
maha (stative, noun)
- (stative) be many, numerous, abundant - usually takes the prefix toko- when referring to people
- (noun) abundance, number, majority
māha (verb x2)
- (verb) to be gratified, satisfied, contented - by the attainment of a desired object
- (verb) to be depressed, resigned
She has spent lots of money at the shop.
He maha ngā moni kua pau i a ia i te toa.
The car’s parked on the road.
Kei te tū te waka i te huarahi.
What’s the name of your street?
He aha te ingoa o tōu huarahi?
The fish were bought by him.
I hokona ngā ika e ia.
She will buy the drink.
Ka hoko ia i te inu.
I went to the shops to buy food.
I haere au ki ngā toa hoko kai ai.
I am living in the Wellington area.
E noho ana au i te rohe o Pōneke.
Hold up! The fish are towards the land.
Taihoa! Kei uta ngā ika.
Paddle towards the land!
Hoea ki uta!
The people will paddle from the shore towards the sea.
Ka hoe atu ngā tāngata i uta ki tai.
The tide is going out.
E timu ana te tai.
The clothes were loaded into the washing machine by me.
I utaina e au ngā kākahu ki roto i te mīhini horoi.
I will load the clothes into the clothes basket
Ka uta au i ngā kākahu ki te kete kākahu.
Let’s go to the beach.
Me haere tātou ki tātahi.
The birds eat the seeds of this fruit tree.
Kai ai ngā manu i ngā kākano o tēnei rākau hua.
- this example uses “ai” for customary action
It was the gardener who dug the garden.
Nā te paruauru te oneone i taupoki.
The ascending group have been called by the elderly woman.
Kua karangatia te ope whakaeke e te kuia.
The elderly woman called the call of welcome.
Nā taua kuia te karanga i karanga.
oneone (noun)
(noun) earth, soil, dirt, ground, land
taupoki (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-hia -na) to cover, turn over bottom up, overwhelm, overthrow, attack, close with a lid
- (noun) lid, cover, bottle top
What’s the price of this apple?
He aha te utu o tēnei āporo?
The soil was dug by the gardener.
I taupokitia te oneone e te paruauru.
She’s digging the garden.
E taupoki ana ia i te māra.
The potatoes are being eaten by the baby.
E kainga ana ngā rīwai e te pēpi.
Kumara is good food. (Kumara is good/healthy food.)
He kai pai te kūmara.
The call of welcome is the job of the elderly women.
Ko te karanga te mahi a ngā kuia.
Most of the time, the karanga is done by the elderly women.
I te nuinga o te wā, mā ngā kuia e karanga.
I paid with my credit card.
I hokona e au ki tāku kari nama.
My credit card is in my wallet.
Kei roto tāku kāri nama i tāku pāhi.
(noun) visiting hours.
hāora toro
toro (verb x2, noun x2 + verb)
- (verb) (-a -hia -na) to visit, go to see, pay a visit, call on, survey, reconnoitre, probe, explore
- (verb) (-a -hia -na -ngia) to stretch forth, stretch out, extend
- (noun) extension, stretching
- (noun) scout, probe
- also - (verb) (-na) to burn, blaze
The tūī are visiting the garden.
E toro mai ana ngā tūī ki te māra.
The elderly man is behind the marae.
Kei muri te koroua i te marae.
Most of the time, the whaikōrero belong to the elderly men. (The whaikōrero are done by the elderly men.)
I te nuinga o te wā, ko tā te koroua, he whaikōrero.
tūārangi (modifier x2, noun x2)
- (modifier) from a distance, from afar
- (modifier) old, ancient
- (noun) distance
- (noun) visitors from afar
tuarangi (location, modifier)
- (location) outer space
2. (modifier) space (e.g. waka tuarangi)
It is an ancient narrative.
He kōrero tūārangi.
The visitors will be welcomed onto the marae.
Ka pōwhiritia ngā manuhiri ki runga i te marae.
On Waitangi Day the visitors from afar go on to the marae.
Eke ai ngā manuhiri tūārangi ki te marae i te Rā o Waitangi.
I will turn on the television.
Māku te pouaka whakaata e whakakā.
whakakā (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-hia -ngia -tia) to cause to burn, light, turn on, switch on, inflame, start up (something electrical)
- (noun) match, lighter, lucifer
The warrior challenged the visitors.
I wero te toa i ngā manuhiri.
That is a challenge from the people of the marae.
He wero tērā nā ngā tāngata whenua.
Sometimes visitors will be challenged at welcoming ceremonies.
I ētahi wā ka werohia ngā manuhiri ki ngā pōwhiri.
The spade is in the shed.
Kei roto te kāheru i te wharau.
The flowers will not flourish in the shade.
Kāore ngā putiputi e tupu i te marumaru.
The cat is under the tōtara tree.
Kei raro te ngeru i te tōtara.
He arrived on foot.
I tae mai ia mā raro.
He arrived on horse back.
I tae mai ia mā runga hoiho.
The manuhiri pressed noses with the people of the marae.
I hongi ngā manuhiri me ngā tāngata whenua.
(noun) storehouse raised upon posts, pantry, larder.
(noun) refrigerator, fridge (2)
pouaka makariri
pātaka mātao
I will cut the grass.
Ka tapahi au i te pātītī.
The grass has been cut by me.
Kua tapahia te pātītī e au.
Shut the curtains.
Katia ngā ārai.
The elderly man is making a speech.
E whaikōrero ana te koroua.
I am listening to the main speech.
E whakarongo ana au ki te whaikōrero.
to make a speech
main speech
whakatipu(a) (verb, modifier, noun x2)
- (verb) (-a -ria) to cause to grow, rear, cherish, bring up, raise
- (modifier) growing, rearing, future
- (noun) growing, growth, rearing, raising, breeding
- (noun) build, physique, figure, stature
The grass is being grown by Papa-tū-ā-nuku.
E whakatipua ana te pātītī e Papa-tū-ā-nuku.
Maru grew the kūmara. (agent emphatic)
Nā Maru te kūmara i whakatipu.
Maru grew the kūmara. (simple past)
I whakatipu a Maru i te kūmara.
Meetings begin with a prayer.
Ka tīmata ngā hui ki te karakia.
I sat under the shade of the pōhutukawa.
I noho au i raro i te marumaru o te pōhutukawa.
The chairs are in between the tables.
Kei waenganui ngā tūru i ngā tēpu.
You should sit at the table while you are eating.
Me noho koe ki te tēpu i a koe e kai ana.
The group ascending onto the marae calls back to the people of the land/marae.
Ka karanga atu te rōpū whakaeke ki ngā tangata whenua.
whakaeke (verb x4, noun x2)
- (verb) (-a -ngia) to attack, assault, invade, alight
- (verb) (-a -ngia) to climb upon, mount, board, embark, get on, go on board
- (verb) (-a -ngia) go onto (e.g. a marae)
- (verb) (-a -hia -ngia) to levy, impose
- (noun) arrival of guests, entrance
- (noun) entrance (e.g. onto a stage), entrance song, entrance item - a term used for the item of a traditional performing arts competition during which the performing group takes the stage
to twist, plait (a rope, etc.), weave, spin.
whiri (verb) (-a -hia -ngia)
to discuss, decide, consider, negotiate
(verb) (-a -hia -tia) whiriwhiri
(noun) Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Rōpū Kākāriki
(noun) New Zealand National Party
Rōpū Nāhinara
(noun) New Zealand Labour Party
Rōpū Reipa
(noun) New Zealand First Party
Rōpū Aotearoa Tuatahi
(noun) political party
rōpū tōrangapū
to argue, persist, contend with, press for, persevere, refuse, object, protest
(verb) (-a) tohetohe
(noun) group discussion
taiwhanga (verb, noun)
- (verb) (-a -ia) to lurk, wait for
2. (noun) place, locality, waiting room, space
abundance (syn. of maha, etc.)
tahitahi (verb x2, noun)
- (verb) (-a) to sweep, scrape
- (verb) (-a) to peel, scrape
- (noun) broom.
taiapa (verb, noun x2)
- (verb) (-tia) to fence off
- (noun) wall, fence, paddock, field, enclosure - any fenced off area
- (noun) bracket (printing), parentheses
get down!
heke mai!
What’s your problem?
He aha tō mate?
What’s done is done.
E kore a muri hokia
to remember, recall, recollect, reminisce.
maumahara (experience verb) (-tia)
I don’t understand.
Kāhore ahau i te mōhio.
I understand (It’s clear to me).
E mārama ana ahau.
- (noun) glass, mirror
2. (noun) class
e hia kē (mai) (nei)!
heaps! goodness knows how many!
Heaps of drinks will be sold.
E hia kē ngā inu ka hokona.
What a lot of beautiful flowers this spring.
E hia kē mai nei ngā putiputi ātaahua i tēnei kōanga.
look after, care for, show respect or kindess to
The flax will be looked after by me.
Ka manaakitia te harakeke e au.
We will take care of you.
Mā mātou koutou e manaaki.
The people of the land/marae will care for the visitors.
Ka manaaki te tangata whenua i ngā manuhiri.
The gardener is sleeping in the shed.
E moe ana te paruauru i roto i te wharau.
The gardener is in the shed.
Kei roto te paruauru i te wharau.
What is the colour of your house?
He aha te tae o tōu whare?
That was a greeting to the extended family.
He mihi tērā ki te whānau whānui.
Stand up to greet.
E tū ki te mihi.
Greet your elders.
Mihi atu ki ōu kaumātua.
The elderly man is greeting the visitors.
E mihi ana te koroua ki ngā manuhiri.
The elderly man’s greeting was appropriate.
He pai tā te koroua mihi.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri (That pōwhiri for me was just the best!)
He pai rawa atu taua pōwhiri ki a au.
They are welcoming us.
E pōwhiri ana rātou ki a mātou.
The women have not yet welcomed the guests.
Kāhore anō ngā wāhine kia pōwhiri atu ki ngā manuhiri.
We will eat the feast together.
Ka kai tahi tātou i te hākari.
What’s the name of your street?
He aha te ingoa o tōu huarahi?
The car’s parked on the road.
E tū ana te waka i te huarahi.
Every day, (each day) I cook dinner.
Ia rā, ia rā, tunu ai au i te hapa.
You should know the protocol of your marae.
Me mōhio koe ki te kawa o tōu marae.
(noun) centre spot, direct route, short cut, middle, centre, hub, bull’s-eye, core, nucleus, axis, agency - sometimes as two words, i.e. poka pū.
fierce facial expressions used in actions songs and haka
I’m on the side of the people of the marae this time.
Kei te taha o te tangata whenua au i tēnei wā.
We won’t shake hands, we’ll press noses instead.
Kāore tātou e harirū, ka hongi kē.
After the speeches, the two groups will shake hands and press noses.
Ā muri i ngā kōrero, ka harirū ā ka hongi ngā rōpū e rua.
mātauranga (noun x3)
- (noun) knowledge, wisdom, understanding, skill - sometimes used in the plural
- (noun) education - an extension of the original meaning and commonly used in modern Māori with this meaning
- (noun) knowledgeable person, sage, scholar, intellectual, academic.
to shake, shake hands
“There’s no place like home.”
Kia mau ki te tokanga nui a noho.
(verb) (-a) to trample, tramp, stamp, tread, abuse, disregard
Do not trample on others’ customs.
Kaua e takahi tikanga.
takatū (verb, modifier, noun)
- (verb) to prepare, get ready (used only of people getting ready), make ready
- (modifier) prepared, ready (of people)
- (noun) preparations
The visitors are trampling the ground.
E takahia ana te whenua e ngā manuhiri.
kāwana (verb, noun, personal name)
- (verb) (-tia) to govern
- (noun) governor, ruler
- (personal name) Governor
(verb) to govern
kāwana (-tia)
(noun) governor, ruler
sports equipment
taputapu tākaro
(noun) gear, equipment, goods, moveable property, apparatus, utensil, hardware, gadget, tool, appliance, device, instrument, prop.
A past tense emphasising who or what did the action, sometimes called the actor emphatic. This grammatical construction is only used with transitive verbs, not with intransitive verbs, with statives (neuter verbs), or with verbs in the passive.
nā [actor] [object] i [transitive verb]
Goodbye (on the telephone)
Hei konā rā
goodbye (to someone leaving)
haere rā
goodbye (to someone remaining) (3)
e noho rā
noho ake rā
hei konei rā
to be unmarried, single
(noun) ship
(noun) radio
reo irirangi
train (railroad)
picture, film