General Flashcards
completer finisher
team worker
monitor evaluator
are all examples of….
Belbin team roles!
research showed that the most successful teams were made up of a diverse mix of behaviours
What’s the trouble with the ‘cultural expertise model’ in diversity training?
focuses on providing information about different groups based on one characteristic - doesnt reflect on diversity within population
What are the positive and negatives of ‘cultural knowledge’?
:) may give us info that helps in clinical care
:( static. risks oversimplification and stereotyping. doesnt allow of acculturation.
What is acculturation?
assimilation to a different culture, typically the dominant one
Diversity education should start with ourselves rather than others. So what’s its first goal?
understand how culture influences our thoughts, perceptions, biases and values.
and second, to understand the nature of individual cultural identity as a multidimensional and dynamic construct.
Give me one definition of culture.
Culture is a socially transmitted pattern of shared meanings by which people communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge and attitudes about life.
What is ethnocentrism?
The tendency to evaluate other groups according to the values and standards of one’s own cultural group, especially with the conviction that one’s own cultural group is superior to the other groups.
What is medical ethnocentrism?
The belief that health care providers (educated and socialized within a bio-medical context) have a superior value system and correct, accurate approach to health care. Medical ethnocentrism can lead to many negative consequences in patient care, particularly in communication with patients. :(
Involve generalisations about the ‘typical’ characteristics of members of a group.
What are these?
What is prejudice?
Attitude towards another person based solely on their membership of a group
What is discrimination?
Actual positive or negative actions towards the objects of prejudice
As clinicians , self-awareness, reflection and RESPECTFUL CURIOSITY are all key to cultural competence.
Describe some challenges of cross-cultural communication between Dr and patient.
Effortful – energising/exhausting Assumptions more likely to be wrong Humour/Rapport Language Different expectations of roles for Dr and patient Different explanatory model
What is Blooms Taxonomy of learning
remember understand apply analyse evaulate create
Give 5 ways of micro-facilitation in teaching :)
rounds (go round each person) snowballing (increased sophistication of task) circular interviewing buzz groups line ups (in answer to q)
What is the Swiss Cheese model of accident causation?
Although many layers of defense lie between hazards and accidents, there are flaws in each layer that, if aligned, can allow the accident to occur.
In the Swiss cheese model in healthcare there are 4 layers:
- Organizational factors
- Unsafe supervision
- Preconditions for unsafe acts.
- Unsafe Acts.
- Organizational factors
- Unsafe supervision
- Preconditions for unsafe acts.
- Unsafe Acts.
In the Swiss cheese model, Excessive cost cutting in the NHS is an example of:
Organizational factors
In the Swiss cheese model, deficient training programme is an example of:
Unsafe supervision
In the Swiss cheese model, mental fatigue is an example of:
Pre-conditions for unsafe acts
In the Swiss cheese model, failure to identify the correct surgical site is an example of:
unsafe act!
- ambiguities,
- broken communication,
- missing info,
- departure from standard procedures,
- time distortion,
- unease and alarm bells in your mind
… are all
the symptoms and signs of an evolving error chain. :(
Give two interventions as examples of attempts to improve communication and decrease medical error
surgical safety checklist
SBAR handover tool
Top-heavy structure (i.e., power/control)
Lack of clear identity
No clarity on who was responsible
Lack of inter professional collaboration
were all identified in Mid-staffs as contributing factors.