general Flashcards
patient with gout what is the medication can be used and why?
because it is tubulin polarization inhibitor, means it inhibits movements and transport of cells and cellular organelles but this drug especially inhibit migration of neutrophils, decrease the inflammation
give 2 examples can be used to treat from cancer that inhibits mitotic spindle formation?
patient after analysis discovered a change in intermediate filaments so what’s the most common disease associated with this change as an evident?
1- Alzheimer
2- cirrhotic liver disease
whats the main difference between cadheren/ selectin and integrins ?
cadheren/ selectin are ca ion-dependent unlike integrins which is independent
main roles of integrins?
1- form portion of hemidesmosomes
2- imp in interaction btw leukocytes and endothelial cells
origin of vertebra
somite => ventromedial part => sclerotome
each vertebrae consist of caudal ans cephalic part of sclerotome that migrate medially
what is the most common rout of metasitasis of cancer cells to the vertebral column and cranial cavity ?
through internal vertebral venous plexus
what are the main uses of lumbar puncture with the site of each?
1- for Anastasia in epidural space
2- CSF sample in subarachnoid space
how can we perform lumbar puncture ?
1- at L4/L5
2- inserted horizontally at the top of iliac crest
3- through interlaminar space which is covered by lagamentum flava
what is the name of the artery that courses with “long thoracic nerve”?
internal thoracic (internal mammary) artery which supplies medial aspect of mammary gland
women 37 years old presented with orange peel appearnce chest, what your explaination?
tumor within the breast that distorted cooper’s ligament
a women undergo mastectomy, a few weeks after surgery presented with
1- wedged scapula
2- weakness in abduction of the arm above 90 degree
during mastectomy, the ligation of long thoracic artery cause lesion to long thoracic nerve because it courses with internal thoracic nerve, and long thoracic nerve supply serratus anterior muscle that will be paralyzed
a women undergo mastectomy, a few weeks after surgery presented with
1- weakness in extension and medial rotation of the arm
during mastectomy, the ligation of long thoracic artery cause lesion to thoracodorsal nerve that supply lattismus dorsi
a patient had a cancer in the right breast but after a period the presented also with cancer in her left breast what is the most common rout this cancer had spread?
medial rout by parasternal lymph nodes with represent 25% of the L.N drainage of the breast.
what is Pancoast tumor and may result of which if the following conditions?
tumer of the lung apex , and may result in thoracic outlet syndrome