General Flashcards
Must write reject
Curved lines do not matter much
Dummy -
describe both events uniquely in terms of the events at each end
Route inspection - start=stop point
Check for integers + sub into objective function if needed
What must be happening on day x -
check the time it happens i.e. if at 1pm draw vertical line in centre of day x and day x+1
Critical path first node 1 not 0
For matchings write what is unmatched
Counts if vertical line at end of box on cascade chart
For profit line test at least 2/3 points
Check question e.g. state weights/lengths
Finding shortest route for Dijsktra’s -
trace back from end node including arc XY if Y already lies on the path and the difference of the final values of X and Y equals the weight of arc XY
All critical activities at top of cascade chart
To see min number of workers in time period find total available hours in that time + total time needed to be done for activities on cascade chart
remember x,y >= 0 and integer solutions