General Flashcards
what are the common complications of intubation?
- Failure/oesophageal
- Damage- lips gums teeth pharynx aretenoid dislocation nasal injury vocal cord damage
- Badness; laryngospasm/bronchospasm/tracheal or oesophageal perforation/mediastinitus
- physiological; tachycardia/hypertension/desaturation/hypercarbia
What anesthetic techniques facilitate rapid awakening?
Avoidance of premeds. NO2/des/sevo. Remifentanil. Mivacurium.
What is the optimal patient position for intubation?
Elevate patients head by 8-10cm, extend head at atlanto-occipital joint. Table at height of xiphysternum. Ramping PRN.
what is the physiological basis for pre-oxygentaion? How long should it happen for?
O2 FOR 3min/6 VC breaths/etO2 >70. Physiological basis- denitrogenation of FRC, OXYGENATION OF FRC, longer time for desaturation. Normal VO2 250mL/min–> so normal FRC is 2.4L–> 13% O2 ie 300mL of O2 to consume ie until sats less than 90%
What are the current fasting guidelines?
Clear liquids 2 hours. Breast milk 3 hours. Solids 6 hours.
What measures can be used to risk aspiration risk?
Sodium citrate, PPIs 12 and 2 hours before, metoclopramide, ranitidine in pregnancy, cricoid pressure.
What is the standard intubation plan?
- DL
- VL
- BMV +/- adjuncts
What are the complications of neuro axial block?
Minor; hypotension, tachy/brady, N/V, failure 1/20, PDPH 1/200
Major; Permanent nerve injury 1/30000, conversion to GA
What changes occur with pneumoperitoneum? Outline anaesthetic management.
A - increased risk of regurg –> ETT
B - increased pressure, deceeased frc, decreased compliance, VQ mismatch
C - increased vr, then decreased. Increased tpr, decreased CO. Increased arrythmia risk
D - Increased ICP
Outline changes with prone position and management
A - ETT displacement; taping, protection
B - decreased frc/tv ; low tv increased rate
C - increased vr
D - eye injuries, nose injury, breast injury
What are the risk factors and mx of PONV?
Patient - hx, female, non smoker, hypovolemia
Anesth factors - inhalational/opiates/NO/neostigmine
Surgical factors - Breast/gyn/eye/ENT/lap/neuro/gu, thyroid/shoulder
Mx: dex 5ht3, maxolon, droperidol, stemetil, ivf
Management of post op delerium? Causes?
Treat cause or if nil clear cause –> antipsychotic.
Causes: Hypoxia/hypercarbia Dementia Metabolic/electrolyte Hypogylcemia Drugs (antichol/bdz/opiate/betablocker) Etoh withdrawal Insufficeint reversal Acute CNS/seizure Infection
What is multimodal analgesia?
Combination of interventional analgesia and systemic pharmacotherapy. Aims include better control, early mobilisation and early consumption.
What level does an epidural need to be at for
- labour
Outline management of a high spinal block?
A - ETT asap
B - 100% O2, ventilate
C - CPR PRN, Atropine/pressors, L lat tilt and displacement
Outline approach to hypoxia.
Sats <94% –> hypoxia
Start high flow O2 and hand ventilate with large TVs.
Check probe.
Call for help PRN
Patient- check airway, ventilate and listen, looking at larynx, check HR/BP and give bolus, review for potential drug effect and mistake.
Equipment - check O2, check circuit and switch to bag.
What are the causes of an increased etco2?
Commonly: decreased rr, exhausted soda lime, ventilator setting, fresh gas flow setting
Increased production:
- endogenous (sepsis/MH/TSH/NLMS/reperfusion)
- exogenous (bicarb/CO2 insufflation/TPN/soda lime)
Decreased excretion:
- circuit; airway obstruction, dead space, decreased gas flow, valve malfunction, vent settings
- lungs; rr, bronchospasm, copd
What are the risk factors for PONV?
Patient- history, female, non smoker, hypovolemia
Anesth- inhalational/opiates/NO/neostigmine
Surgical- breast/gyn/eye/ent/lap/neuro/gu/shoulder/thyroid
Management of potential PONV
Dex Zofran D2- maxolon/droperidol/stemetil IVF ?Chewing Gum
Outline approach to tachycardia and cause?
Plan- is it an arrythmia? --> treat Is it pain/lack of depth? --> treat Doez the tachycardia have a secondary cause? - volume - drugs - htn - tsh/phaeo - sepsis/anaphylaxis/mh/tamponade/pe
Outline approach to bradycardia
Treat- low bp–> atropine, normal bp –> ephedrine/glyco
Is there a block? YES- treat; pace/manual/chemiczl
If no block, find cause:
- primary (athlete)
- secondary (metabolic, drugs, hypothyroid, raised icp, hypothermia)
- anesthesia (hypoxia, volatile, relaxant, narcotic, anticholinesterase, spinal, vasopressor)