General Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Rod Control and Information System?
The Rod Control and Information System allows for movement of control rods, monitoring of accumulator parameters, display/monitoring of Control Rod position and rod blocks to prevent adverse conditions.
How does information flow from the Operator Control Module to the Directional Control Valves to move Control Rods?
The Operator Control Module sends a signal to the Rod Action Control System cabinets. The RACS cabinets send a signal to the Rod Gang Drive System cabinet to ensure all permissive are met for rod movement. The signal from the RGDS cabinet is then sent to the Branch Junction Modules, which in turn sends a signal to the Transponders/Directional Control Valves causing rod movement. Rod movement is monitored using the Position Indication Probes which provide a signal to the RACS cabinets.
Which APRMs input into the Division 1 Rod Action Control System Cabinet?
A, D, E, & H APRMs input into the Division 1 RACS.
Which APRMs input into the Division 2 Rod Action Control System Cabinet?
B, C, F, & G APRMs input into the Division 2 RACS.
What is the power supply to the Rod Action Control Cabinets?
Division 1 RACS - EK-1-A1
Divison 2 RACS - EK-1-B1
How many Reed Switches are there?
106 total, 53 pairs: 49 for positions 00-48 1 for Full In 1 for Full Out 1 for Overtravel Out 1 for Overtravel In
What functions does the Rod Action Control System perform?
The Rod Action Control System processes information to determine if rod motion is allowed, and provides Directional Control Valve timing necessary to move rods.
Where does the Rod Action Control System send a signal?
The Rod Action Control System provides a signal to the Rod Gang Drive System to facilitate rod movement. The Signals from both divisions of RACS must match to allow rod movement.
How can the Rod Action Control System be used to verify rod position following a scram?
There is a light indication inside each of the RACS panels(F sub i) that is used to verify all rods have inserted.
What is the design basis purpose of the Rod Pattern Controller?
The Rod Pattern Controller helps to mitigate the consequences of the “Rod Drop” accident.
What type of power supply does the Rod Pattern Controller have?
Safety Related Power
How does the Rod Pattern Controller work?
The Rod Pattern Controller compares operator requests for Control Rod movement against allowable movement criteria. Based on the criteria either movement is allowed or a rod block/inhibit is generated.
What is the value for the Low Power Setpoint?
19% Rated Thermal Power
What is enforced when power is less than or equal to 19%?
Less than or equal to 19% RTP rod movement is controlled by a fixed rod pattern.
What type of Rod Blocks will the Rod Pattern Controller generate?
The Rod Pattern Controller will generate Insert OR Withdrawal Blocks to maintain rod pattern.
What is the value for the High Power Setpoint?
66.7% Rated Thermal Power
What is enforced when power is greater than the Low Power Set Point, but less than or equal to the High Power Set Point?
Rod “pattern” is no longer maintained by the Rod Pattern Controller. The Rod Withdrawal Limiter takes over and a 4 notch withdrawal limit is enforced.
What is enforced when power is greater than the High Power Set Point?
The Rod Withdrawal Limiter enforces a 2 notch withdrawal limit above the High Power Setpoint.
What is the design basis purpose of the Rod Withdrawal Limiter?
The Rod Withdrawal Limiter minimizes the effect of the continuous rod withdrawal accident.
What insert limits does the Rod Withdrawal Limiter provide?
Where is the notch limits of the Rod Withdrawal Limiter enforced from?
The notch withdrawal limits are enforced from the initial position of the Control Rod when it’s selected.
Is it possible to exceed the withdrawal limits established by the Rod Withdrawal Limiter?
Yes!! If a Control Rod is selected at Position 40 and inserted to position 30, and subsequently withdrawn the notch withdrawal limit could be exceeded. The Rod Withdrawal Limiter will not prevent rod movement until position 44 or 48. This could be a total number of 12 or 14 notches withdrawn before a rod block is generated.
What is the purpose of the Low Power Set Point Bypass Switches?
The Low Power Set Point Bypass Switches are used during the EOPs to facilitate rod insertion without the pattern constraints of the RPC. When the switches are in Bypass power is simulated at greater than the LPSP.
What are the Rod Position Substitution Rules?
1) Substitute data shall not replace good data.
2) Data from the other channel can not be used if it is substitute data.
3) No more than rod per gang may have substitute data at one time(per position channel).
4) When good data is received, it will replace substitute data.
Whats functions does the Rod Gang Drive System provide?
The Rod Gang Drive System:
1) Implements rod motion after comparing the inputs from RACS 1 & 2.
2) Controls Stab Valve operation.
3) Analyzes system parameters: Scram Valve position, SRI Switch position, and HCU status.
4) Tests Directional Control Valves.
What functions do the HCU Transponders perform?
The HCU Transponders:
1) Operate the Directional Control Valves.
2) Monitors: Scram Valve position, SRI Switch position, and Accumulator status.
What function do the Branch Junction Modules provide?
The BJMs route test signals and rod motion commands from the RGDS Analyzer to the HCU Transponders, and routes signals back to the Analyzer from the Transponders.
What are the indications of a faulty Position Indication Probe?
The Channel Disagree and Data Fault lights on flashing or solid.
What is the substitute data restriction with the Mode Switch in Refuel?
Substitute data can not be used to replace the Full In or Full Out positions, but can be used for the other positions.
What is the significance of FF on the Rod Display Module for Control Rod position?
FF will be displayed on the Rod Display Module when the affected rod and channel are selected and Raw Data is not selected. The FF indicates bad data for that rod, on that channel, at that position.
How is data substitution performed?
It is preferred to perform data substitution in the Individual Drive Mode, but can be performed in Gang Drive Mode when the rod that needs substitute data is selected.
What are the indications of a data substitution?
The SUBST POSITION light will be on indicating data has been substituted, and the DATA FAULT light will be on.
The CHANNEL DISAGREE light will extinguish if RAW DATA is not selected.
If the SUBST POSITION light is depressed the rod with substitute data will be indicated by a red LED.
When the system senses good data, the substitute data will be replaced. The SUBST POSITION light will then extinguish.
What conditions will cause the SCRAM VALVES button to backlight?
The SCRAM VALVES button will backlight when all scram valves are not in the same position by looking at each pair. When normally operating all scram valves should be closed, therefore the button will backlight red when BOTH the inlet and outlet valves are open for any HCU. Likewise, when the plant conditions require all of the scram valves to be open the button will backlight red when the inlet AND/OR outlet valve is closed on any HCU.
What is the purpose of Select Block?
A “Select Block” prevents an operator from selecting a rod on the OCM.
What is the purpose of an Insert Block?
An “Insert Block” prevents an operator from inserting a Control Rod.
What is the purpose of a Withdrawal Block?
A “Withdrawal Block” prevents an operator from withdrawing a Control Rod.
What are the “Select Blocks”?
1) When the ROD SELECT CLEAR pushbutton is depressed any selected rod is deselected, and no further rod selections can be made.
2) One rod selected and withdrawn in the REFUEL Mode. Note: ROD SELECT CLEAR is not active in this configuration.
3) Rod(s) selected and driving.
4) Analyzer Comparison or Self Test malfunction.
What conditions will cause an “Insert Block”?
1) Position substitution violation
2) Rod Pattern sequence violation
How many signals are required to generate a Rod Block from RC&IS?
Only one signal is required from either RACS.
What is the effect of “Drive Bypassing” a Control Rod in the Rod Gang Drive System Analyzer?
A Control Rod is “Drive Bypassed” so that it can NOT be moved.
How many Control Rods can be “Drive Bypassed”, and is there any precautions?
Only rod can be “Drive Bypassed” in RGDS, because there is only one card available.
**The Control Rod can still be moved if: In the GANG MODE of rod movement, and the rod that is “Drive Bypassed” is NOT selected.
What is the effect of “Position Bypassing” a Control Rod in RACS?
A Control Rod that is “Position Bypassed” can be placed in any position and the Rod Pattern Controller will not inhibit it’s motion. The Rod Pattern Controller will ignore that rod’s position. There is no notch limits enforced by the Rod Withdrawal Limiter either.
How is a Control Rod “Position Bypassed” in RACS, and how many rods can be “Position Bypassed” at one time?
A Control Rod can only be “Position Bypassed” by bypassing that Control Rod in both RACS cabinets.
8 Control Rods can be “Position Bypassed” at one time, because eight cards are available.
What are the bank, and notch limits, for groups 1-4 of Control Rods during normal operation(Power
Groups 1 and 2 can be fully withdrawn without bank or notch limits.
Groups 3 and 4:
1) Have an administrative one-notch movement limit between 00 and 12.
2) Have bank limits at 04, 08, and 12
3) If groups 3 and 4 are withdrawn first they can be fully withdrawn without any notch or bank limits. Groups 1 and 2 will have the notch and bank limits stated above.
Rods in the first four groups must be fully withdrawn(50% rod density)*
What are the bank, and notch limits, for groups 5-10 of Control Rods during normal operation(Power
Groups 5 and 6:
1) Have a one-notch movement limit between 00-12.
2) Have a bank limit at notch 12
Groups 7-10:
1) Have a one-notch movement limit between 00-12
2) Have bank limits at notches 04, 08, and 12.
How is power sensed to determine the Low Power Set Point and the High Power Set Point?
Turbine First Stage Pressure is used to determine rod movement constraints.