General Flashcards
What must the OC exhibits communicate to the investigation team in relation to exhibits?
They must establish the required standards for recovery, handling, labelling, storage, submission to expert’s, presentation in court and disposal of exhibits. They must ensure these processes are completed in accordance with requirements of the OCI and SCT.
What briefings and meetings must be attended by the OC exhibits?
Must attend all Forensic strategy meetings and investigation briefings to facilitate information Sharing and where possible take responsibility for maintaining liaison between OCI, 2IC, crime scene Co-ordinator, ESR and other specialists.
What must the OC exhibits update the OCI and 2IC?
What exhibits have been found and then movements, The results of any exhibit examination, whether any further inquiries are required.
What exhibits can the OC exhibits receive?
Exhibits must contain an exhibit label with the exhibit number and name of operation, the item must be correctly packaged and sealed,any prompt action necessary to preserve the exhibit must have been taken Ie drying wet clothing.
What happens at a forensic strategy meeting?
Decisions are made relating to types of forensic examinations and prioritisation of exhibits. The OC exhibits must insure exhibits are examined in accordance with FSM decisions.
What is a Forensic Strategy?
That is a strategy for examination of exhibits that allows the OC exhibits to prioritise tasks in line with the direction of the investigation.
What topics covered by an FSM?
- Examinations ESR and others could conduct on exhibits.
- The priority each examination should receive.
- Whether any further work is needed to assist reconstruction.
- Plan for any work to be completed that is required for reconstruction.
- An agreed reconstruction of events relevant to the crime.
What must the OC exhibits record following a Forensic Strategy Meeting?
They must record on the exhibit register all decisions made about types of examinations to be conducted and the priority allocated to each exhibit.
What steps must be taken when submitting exhibits for examinations?
- Ensure examination decision is confirmed through FSM.
- Record on the register all decisions made.
- Check OCI has authorised the exam.
- Prepare the required documents.
- Check the following:- items wrapped separately, all packages sealed, all packages labelled and numbered, all items listed on pol 143, that the pol 143 matches the exhibits, items are an appropriate condition, i.e. Dried
- Deliver promptly
- Inform expert if examinations no longer required
What happens when results of examinations come in?
Record all results in the exhibit register, inform the OCI of results.
If further inquiries are needed report to 2IC.
Can defence counsel access exhibits?
Under section 19(1) CDA 2008 Police must allow defence counsel to inspect exhibits.
What must be done with exhibits before trial?
OC exhibits and OCI must decide which exhibits are relevant, determine significance of forensic examination, establish best way to present exhibits and examination results in court.
How do exhibits get to court?
The OC exhibits arranges transportation of exhibits to and from court, the security and production at court as required by the prosecutor.
How are exhibits produced at court?
The OC exhibits prepares exhibits in a manner which clearly demonstrates the evidential value, and avoids risk of contamination, physical injury, disease, damage or accident.
A schedule of exhibits is also prepared which itself becomes an exhibit.
What happens to exhibits after the trial?
After the expiry of the appeal period the OC exhibits should return all exhibits to the police storage area.
The OCI will determine which items will be retained and method of disposal of the others.
The OC exhibits should dispose of exhibits as directed and submit a report of disposal to the 2IC.
What is the chain of custody?
It includes every individual who has had custody of an exhibit from the time it was first discovered until the time that is produced in court. It demonstrates the integrity and therefore admissibility of exhibits.
What must be proven by people who had custody of an exhibit?
They must demonstrate when they received custody of an exhibit and from whom.
Where and how the exhibit was securely stored.
How the exhibit was treated, safeguarded and preserved.
When and why they transferred custody to another person, and to whom.