General Flashcards
Is reverse thrust included in take off performance calculations?
- Reverse thrust is not included in accelerate/stop distance calculations for a dry runway. (Therefore there is no weight penalty for inoperative thrust reversers on a dry runway)
- Fir wet or contaminated runways use of symmetric reverse is assumed.
Are the winds on TAF’s true or magnetic?
If you read it, it’s true. If you hear it, it’s magnetic.
METAR TAF etc are all in true.
ATIS is magnetic
Are TAF cloud heights in AGL or MSL?
Cloud heights are in AGL
What is enroute climb speed?
Enroute climb speed is automatically computed by the FMC. When VNAV is engaged below the transition alititude the FMC targets the transistor speed limit or flaps up manoeuvre speed +20kts whichever is higher.
What is max angle climb?
The FMC provides maximum angle speeds. Maximum angle climb speed is usually used for obstacle clearance, minimum crossing altitude or to reach a specified altitude in a minimum distance. It varies with gross weight.
The FMC indicated speed should only be used at lost altitudes below FL200.
FCTM 4.2.4
What is maximum rate climb?
Maximum rate climb provides both high climb rates and minimum time to cruise altitude.
Max rate of climb is as follows:
747-400: flaps up manoeuvre speed +60kts until intercepting 0.82M.
747-8: VREF 30 + 120kts until intercepting 0.83M
What does M stand for one DDG?
M stands for maintenance procedure.
What does O stand for in DDG?
O identifies a crew operating procedure.
What does L stand for in DDG?
L identifies items that may affect the automatic landing capability for the low visibility operations LVO.
All items must be entered as a PADD and must state the current autoland capability.
What does P mean in DDG?
P identifies items with a performance limitation or which affect aircraft utilisation and when differed must be transferred to the yellow PADD maintenance log page.
What does S stand for in DDG?
S identifies a significant ADD and when differed must be transferred to the grey significant ADD page of the maintenance log.
Expiry date for Category A MEL’s?
Items in this category shall be rectified within the time interval specified. For time intervals specified in calendar days the day the malfunction was deferred is excluded. For all other time intervals timings begins when the malfunction is deferred.
Category A cannot be extended.
Expiry date for Category B Mels?
Category B items shall be rectified within 3 consecutive days excluding the day of discovery.
Expiry for Category C MEL’s?
Category C shall be rectified within 10 consecutive calendar days excluding the day of discovery.
Expiry of Category D MEL’s
Category D items shall be rectified within 60 consecutive days excluding the day of discovery.