General Flashcards
Max runway altitude
9200 ft
Minimum Runway width
100ft/30m A/C 227, 228, 229
Maximum crosswind demonstrated for landing (Normal runway)
Maximum demonstrated crosswind for takeoff
Maximum tailwind for takeoff (201-299, 301-399, 601-699)
Maximum tailwind for landing (All)
What is the difference between a normal and a narrow runway
Normal runway = at least 150ft/45m wide
Narrow runway = less then 150ft/45m wide
Maximum demonstrated crosswind for T/O landing (Narrow runway) Dry
35kts (Gusts included)
Above what speed do you look up max crosswind on contaminated runway (Normal runway)
15kts (Gusts included)
Above what speed do you look up max crosswind on contaminated runway (Narrow runway)
10kts (Gusts included)
Max wind for passenger door operation
Max wind for cargo door operation
40 kt/*50 kt
* If the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind, or if the cargo door is on the leeward side of the aircraft, operation of the cargo door is permitted in winds up to 50 knots. If wind speed begins to exceed these limitations, the cargo door must be closed before the wind speed exceeds 65 kts.
Maximum VMO/MMO
350 kt/.82 mach
SPEED - FL200 and below
319/320 — 250kts
321 — 270kts
SPEED - Above FL200 through FL310
319/320 — 275 kts
321 — 300 kts
SPEED - Above FL 310
.76 Mach
Lever Ind Placarded
Position - Flaps - on ECAM -Speeds*(319/320) - (321)
1 0 1 230 235
1 10 1 + F 215 225
2 15 2 200 215
3 20 3 185 195
FULL 40 FULL 177 190
Maximum speed with landing gear extended (VLE)
280kts/.67 Mach
Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended
Vlo extension
Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be retracted
Vlo retraction
Maximum altitude at which the landing gear may be extended
25,000 ft
Maximum Tire Speed (ground speed)
195 kts
Maximum speed for use of windshield wipers
230 kts
Maximum speed for opening cockpit window
200 kts
When the taxi weight is higher than 167,550 lbs do not exceed a taxi speed of…
Max operating altitude with slats and/or flaps extended
20,000 ft
Max positive and negative differential pressure
Safety relief valve setting
Pos - 9.0 psi
Negative - -1 psi
Safety valve setting - 8.6 psi
APU starter cranking limits
After three consecutive APU start attempts, wait 60 min before a new start attempt.
NOTE: The APU automatically shuts down at 107% N speed (ECAM display)
APU Maximum EGT
675* C
APU Maximum EGT for start (below 35,000 feet)
1090* C
APU Maximum EGT for start (above 35,000 feet)
1120* C
Maximum altitude for APU start using normal electrics & APU operation
39,000 ft
Maximum altitude for APU battery restart
25,000 ft
Maximum altitude for APU pneumatics (1 pack w/electrical)
22,500 ft
Maximum altitude for APU to assist engine start
20,000 ft
Maximum altitude for APU pneumatics (2 packs w/electrical)
15,000 ft
APU Air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not permitted
Min autopilot altitude - After Takeoff/Go-Around (If SRS is indicated)
100 AGL (and at least 5 s after liftoff for takeoff)
Min autopilot altitude - Enroute
900 AGL
Min autopilot altitude - Non-Precision Approaches
Min autopilot altitude - Non-Autoland ILS Approach with CAT 1 displayed on FMA
160 AGL
Min autopilot altitude - Non-Autoland ILS Approach with CAT 2/3 displayed on FMA
80 AGL
Min autopilot altitude - Autoland ILS Approach (one or two autopilots)
Rollout/Taxi speed
When visibility is less than 4000 RVR or 3/4, the approach must be flown with:
the autopilot(s) engaged if operable.
The use of AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES mode is not permitted:
inside the FAF or below 1000 ft AGL on a visual approach.
When are auto lands prohibited
Autolands are prohibited if braking action is reported less than medium.
For autolanding, the surface wind conditions are limited to:
A/C 205-299, 301-399, 701-799 A/C 601-699
30 knots of headwind 15 Knots of headwind 15 knots of crosswind 10 Knots of crosswind 10 knots of tailwind 10 Knots of tailwind Wind Correction: Vls + wind correction 5 to 15 kts
MAX continuous load per generator
100% (90 kVA)
MAX continuous load per TR
200 Amps
Maximum continuous oil temperature (A/C 205-299, 301-399, & 701-799)
140* C
Maximum transient oil temperature (15 minutes) (A/C 205-299, 301-399, & 701-799)
155* C
Minimum starting oil temperature (All A/C)
A319/320/321 -40* C
Minimum oil temperature for takeoff
A/C 205-299, 301-399, & 701-799 ___
A/C 601-699 ___
A/C 205-299, 301-399, & 701-799 19* C
A/C 601-699 52* C
Engine oil quantity
(A/C 205-299 & 701-799)
(A/C 301-399)
(A/C 601-699)
A/C 205-299 & 701-799 — 9.5 qt + .5 qt per every hour of estimated flight time
A/C 301-399 — 9.0 qt + .5 qt per every hour of estimated flight time and not below 10.6 qt (1)
A/C 601-699 — OAT at or above -30* C 14 qt
OAT below -30* C 16.5 qt
5 min. (Both engines) / EGT limit 950* C (301-399 - 1060C) (601-699 - 1083 C)
10 min. (Only in case of engine failure) / EGT limit 950* C (301-399 - 1060C) (601-699 - 1083 C)
Unlimited / EGT Limit 915* C
EGT limit 725* C
Maximum N1
CEO aircraft
CEO - 104%
301-399 - 101%
601-699 - Normal ops 100% - Permitted 105%
Maximum N2
CEO aircraft
CEO - 105%
301-399 - 116.5%
601-699 - Normal ops 100% - Permitted 105%
Engine starter limitations (A319/320/321) (Not 301-399 or 601-699)
– A standard automatic start that includes up to three start attempts, is considered one cycle
– 20 seconds between cycles to allow for starter relubrication.
– After four cycles, 15 minutes to allow starter to cool before
attempting a new start or motoring.
– Do not engage the starter when the N2 is above 20%.
Reverse Thrust Limitations
– Selecting reverse thrust in flight is prohibited.
– Backing the aircraft with reverse thrust is not permitted.
– Maximum reverse should not be used below 70 knots (Idle reverse is
allowed down to aircraft stop).
– Except in an emergency, reverse thrust is not authorized to reduce
taxi speed.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is prohibited:
- on slippery or contaminated runways;
- when suspected, reported or known wind shear is present (e.g., predictive wind shear alerts, or ATC-Issued wind shear alerts for the departure runway or departure path);
- when a Special Departure Procedure specifies full thrust for takeoff.
Fuel temperature limits
Anything hotter then 49* C or colder then -36* C you would look in the book to determine if it’s ok.
1102 lbs — A319/320/320NEO
882 lbs — A321
MAX hydraulic pressure
3200 lbs
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff
300* C
Runway slope (mean)
+/- 2%
Max tailwind for takeoff (321)
Engine starter limitations (A/C 301-399)
A standard start that includes up to three start attempts, is considered one cycle
A 60 sec pause is required between successive cycles
A 15min cooling period is required subsequent to three failed cycles.
No started engagement above 63% N2
Maximum N1 (A/C 301-399)
Maximum N2 (A/C 301-399)
Minimum oil pressure
60 PSI
Minimum fuel for T/O
Maximum starter reengagement RPM
301-399 ___
205-299, 701-799, 601-699 ___
301-399 — 59% N2
205-299, 701-799, 601-699 — 20% N2
Maximum Engine Oil Temperature (A/C 601-699)
151* C
Engine starter limitations (A/C 601-699)
A standard start that includes up to two start attempts, is considered one cycle
A 35 sec pause is required between successive cycles
A 15 min cooling period is required subsequent to three failed cycles.
No started engagement above 20% N2