General Flashcards
How long ago did the Quaternary begin?
2.6 million years
What are the three different types of cold environment?
Alpine, Polar, Periglacial
What is permafrost?
Soil and rock ground which is permanently frozen for two consecutive summers.
What is the latitude of the Arctic?
66 degrees, 30 degrees N
What is the area of Antarctica in km squared?
What percentage of the world do cold environments cover today?
Average Antarctic summer temperature?
-27.5 degrees centigrade
Average Antarctic winter temperature?
-60 degrees centigrade
What was lowest temperature recorded on Earth in Antarctica by Vostok station?
-89.2 degrees centigrade
By how much would the world’s oceans rise should Antarctica’s ice sheets totally melt?
60-65m everywhere
What superlatives does the continent of Antarctica own?
Highest, driest, coldest and windiest on Earth
Lowest temperature recorded in the Arctic?
-68 degrees centigrade
How long ago was the majority of the UK covered in ice?
18,000 years
What are causes of long term climate change?
Milankovitch Cycles, sunspots, volcanic eruptions and plate tectonics
How often does Earth’s orbit change from circular to elliptical?
Every 100,000 years
How often does Earth’s axis tilt and what does it change?
Every 41,000 years and seasonality of Earth’s climate
How often does the Earth wobble on its axis which changes when Earth is closest to the sun?
Every 22,000 years
How long is the sunspot cycle?
11 years
What events do sunspots possibly explain?
The Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period more intensively
How does volcanic activity alter global climate?
Thick ash clouds reduce the amount of sunlight received at the Earth’s surface
What volcanic event led to ‘the year without summer’?
The eruption of Tambora in 1816
For every 1000m of height gained, temperature falls by how much?
6.4 degrees centigrade
What is environmental lapse rate?
Every 1000m of height gained, the temperature drops by 6.4 degrees centigrade
Examples of high altitude areas?
Andes, Himalayas, Alps, Mt Kilimanjaro
Why are coastal areas warmer in winter and cooler in summer?
Continentality, because ground heat is released very quickly, but heat in water is released much slower
What are climatic causes of cold environments?
Latitude, ocean currents, altitude, continentality, albedo, global warming
What are polar anticyclones?
When dense cold air sinks, with relatively clear skies which promotes heat loss from the ground lowering temperatures further
How high is Mount Kilimanjaro?
By how much did global ice sheets receded between 2001 and 2005?
In how many years may the Arctic be ice-free according to a Guardian Article?
30 years (10% per decade)