General Flashcards
The CLASP Trial
- Journal/Author
- Objective
- Enrolment
- Primary outcome
- Findings
The Lancet 1994
Prospecitve, multicentre, double blind placebo control RCT
To reliably characterise the safety of LDA and to determine if Rx produces worthwhile effects in pregnancies considered at high risk of PET or IUGR.
9300 women, ’88-’92.
12-32 weeks
Clinician judged to ‘be at risk of PET’ enough for LDA to be contemplated > randomised to LDA or placebo.
> Prophylactic group (previous PET or IUGR, HTN, kidney dx, other RF)
> Rx group (symptoms or signs of PET or IUGR)
> > 60mg Aspirin or placebo from 12/40 to delivery
- Proteinuric PET
- GA
- BW, and BW <20/40
- 12% redn PET with proteinuria
- 1 day longer GA
- BW 32g heavier
- No increased bleeding risk (APH or abruption)
- No effect SB/NND/total mortality
Polyhydramnios - Causes
Maternal: - Diabetes Foetal: - Neurological impairment - GIT obstruction - Multiple gestation - Parvo infection - Other causes of high output heart failure e.g. foetomaternal haemorrhage or alloimmunisation - Aneuploidy Idiopathic
Heparin Induced Thombocytopaenia
5% of people on Heparin for >5/7
Usually develops within 5/7
Usually resolves after 7/7
Risk factors for VTE in Pregnancy and the Puerperium
> or = 3 consider AN prophylaxis; >= 2 consider 7/7 PN
- Previous VTE
- Thrombophilia
- Medical dx (heart, kidney, sickle, IVDU)
- > 35y
- BMI >30
- Parity >2
- Smoker
- Varicose veins
- Paraplegia
OBS - Multiple pregnancy
- CS
- Prolonged labour or rotational delivery
- PPH > 1L
OTHER - Operation
- Hyperemesis
- Admission/immobility
- post part wound infection
- long distance travel
- Non-preg
- Gestodene
- Pregnancy
- Non=preg 5/100 000
- LNG RR 3
- Gesteodene RR 5
- Pregnancy RR 12
Contraindications for COCP (2 VTE risk)
- Current or previous VTE
- 1st degree relative w VTE < 45y
- Known thrombophilia
- Within the first 3/52 PP
- Immediately following T1/T2 TOP
- Smoking (within 1y) and >35y (20x risk)
Caution… - BMI > 35
- Superficial thrombophlebitis
- Immobilisation
- 1/12 pre-op
Foetal risks of PD pregnancy
SB - at 41/40 RR 1.3 (0.1%), and 42/40 RR 2 Birth asphyxia Macrosomia IUGR Birth trauma - CPD, SD, #, BPI Mec asp Low apgars CP Early epilepsy
Maternal risks of PD pregnancy
CS/labour dystocia
3rd/4th degree tears
Failed VBAC
NNT PD IOL perinatal death
Cochrane PD IOL
- less CS
- fewer perinatal deaths
- less mec asp
Hannah et. al. NEJM 1992. IOL c.f. expectant mgt in PD preg.
Canadian multi centre RCT 3400 women >41/40, well, singleton IOL vs expectant (3x/wk CTG and AFI, kick counts) 1: PNM (underpowered) 2: MOD Findings: - more mech and foetal distress in expectant group - PNM not SS - less CS IOL (SS) - Similar rates of instrumental delivery
EDS = >13
PPV 62%
Neonates and SSRIs
Risk of ‘poor neonatal adaptation:
- poor sleep, irritability, hypoglycaemia
- 5-85%
- usually mild and self limiting
- resolve within 2/52
- 0.7% chance of seizure
Folate for prevention of NTD
RR 0.28
Causes of thrombocytopenia - Preg