General Flashcards
What are hypoglycemia prevention measures that can be taken at school?
regular scheduled snacks adjust intake based on activity clean area for glucose checks spervising children to help they recognize lows access to emergency kits accommodations for tests
what is the leading cause of sport and recreational injury?
20-40% of bike injuries are head injuries
what are potential barriers to safe mgnt of hypoglycemia in schools
no training of staffs
unscheduled activities
altered snack times
lack of rapid access to emergency kit
who should get IE prophylaxis?
- prosthetic cardiac valves
- previous IE
- congenital hear disease
- unrepaired cyanotic heart disease - even if have shunt
- repaired CHD + prosthetic for 6 month
- partially repaired with residual defect and prosthetic - heart transplant who develop valvuloplasty
- rheumatic heart disease with prosthetic valve
when should Abx be given for IE prophylaxis?
30 min pre
and up to 2 hours post
what procedure should IE prophylaxis be given for?
manipulation of gingival tissue/periapical region of teeth
perforation or oral mucosa
what are the Abx options for IE prophylaxis?
if allergic - cephalexin or clinda
can do IM if can’t do pills
what are the components of the vaccine safety program
- pre-licence reviews - stric and approval - gov regulators
- current magnufactoring practice- strict, global, regular checks
- test lot before release
- independent expert review of safety and efficacy data
- post-marketing surveillance of adverse effects
- rapid response - recall or non distr if safety concerns
- expert causality assessment if serious adverse event occurs
- International collaboration
What are the 3 categories of inhalants
- Aliphatic, aromatic, halogenated hydrocarbons
- Nitrous oxide
- Volatile alkyl nitrites
What are the effects of inhalants?
Stimulation Disinhibition Euphoria Hallucinations Depression- slurred speach, dizzy, drowsiness
What is the leading cause of death from inhalant?
Sudden sniffing death syndrome- arrhythmia and
Inhalants sensitize the heart to adrenaline. Sudden surge in adrenaline can cause fatal arrhythmia
What are some side effects of inhalants?
CnS: damage myelin, ataxia, tremor, nystagmus, slurred speach, decreased bison, deafness
CVS: cardiomyopathy, dyspnea, emphysema Renal: TA, Gi: hepatitis Women: PET, abortion Fetal solvent syndrome and withdrawal
What are some side effects of inhalants?
CnS: damage myelin, ataxia, tremor, nystagmus, slurred speach, decreased bison, deafness
CVS: cardiomyopathy, dyspnea, emphysema Renal: TA, Gi: hepatitis Women: PET, abortion Fetal solvent syndrome and withdrawal
What is CRAFFT screen
Car driven by someone under the influence Do you do drugs to Relax Do drugs Alone Do you Forget things when on drugs Do Friends/family worry Trouble because of drugs
how to biologics work - 2 ways
- target the cytokine receptor or
- they are antibodies against proinflammatory cytokines
Biologics can increase the risk of ….
reactivation of TB, viral infection(EBV, HZV, Hep B) and fungal (histo, toxo)
increase incidents and severity of the same
if about to start patient n biologics, what should you do from an infection perspective?
Mantoux- + if >5mm
can do interferon gamma release assay as may be more sensitive in an immunocompromised py
if high suspicion - treat INH for 9 mo
start biologics one month post completion
what counselling do you give for someone on biologics?
- avoid raw meat, soft cheeses, raw eggs
- stay away from kittents and litter
- away from reptiles
- stay away from construction site of caves
- avoid farms
what vaccine can temporarily suppress TST reactivity?
do TST 4-6 weeks post MMR vaccine
risk factors for positional plagiocephaly
male firstborn congenital torticollis supine sleeping bottle feeding low activity tummy time < 3 times per day
when does plagiocephaly resolve?
by 2 yrs
what are possible complications of helmet therapy for PP
contact dermatitis
pressure sores
local skin irritation
can only do if 8 mo or less
What is OCAP in relation to research involving first nations
what are the complications of chronic insomnia?
learning disability
poor school performance
potential effect on the family
what are the 2 most common types of sleep disorders?
delayed phase type - sleep latency >30 min
behavioural insomnia of childhood - behaviours to delay sleep
what is an appetite stimulant?
cannaboid derivatives
megestrol acetate
what are the suggested childcare ratios for ages
< 24 mo - 3:1
24-30 mo - 4:1
31-36 mo - 5:1
> 36 mo - 7:1
what are barriers for children in foster care to getting help?
lack of medical records
lack of consistency or FU BC moving
difficulty accessing services
what are Vitamin D recommendations by age
< 1 year - 400U
< 2 yrs and above 55 parallel - 800U from Oct to april
> 1 year 200 U
what is appropriate sun exposure to prevent Vit D def
3 X per week - 20 to 30 min of face and hands
vegetarian or vegan diets - what are the needs to ensure growth?
- need more proteins
- need more Iron
- babies > 7 mo to vegan mom will need fortification
- vegans need precursor od essential FA linolenic acid - flaxseed, canola, nut oils, soya
- VIt D supp
- should only have 0.5g/kg/day of fibre
- vegans need vit B 12 fortification
what intake/supplementation should a vegan pregnant mom take?
Vit B12 Vit D Iron Folic acids linolenic acid calcium
what are the most important risk factors for unhealthy weight control?
dissatisfaction with weight
low self esteem