General Flashcards
How to check weather apache is installed?
dpkg -l | grep apache
check what os is using?
cat /etc/issue OR cat /etc/*-release
verify network IP address?
ifconfig -a
verify internet connectivity by running ‘ping’ against a domain name
ping -c 4
verify machine hostname with what commands?
cat /etc/hostname
cat /etc/hosts
hostname -f
to enable or disable init daemons on run-levels?
To start, stop or verify a service (daemon) run the following commands:
sudo service service_name restart
sudo /etc/init.d/ service_name start|stop|restart|status
see server processes, open connections, run the following commands:
ps aux | grep service_name
sudo netstat -tulpn
sudo slof -i
to update system, run the following command(s):
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
using one single command to install LAMP on ubuntu server
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-client mysql-server
Install a package with apt, run the following command(s):
sudo apt-get install nmap
remove a package with apt, run the following command(s):
sudo apt-get remove nmap
update the package index, run the following command(s):
sudo apt-get update
upgrade package, run the following command(s):
sudo apt-get upgrade