GENERAL 2 Flashcards
Footcandle …. equal to …
Basic unit of illumination on a work plane
Equal to one lumen per square foot
Flushometer valve
A valve which releases a specific amount of water into a plumbing fixture each time it is actuated
Check valve
Flow of liquid in one direction
Fire damper
With a fusible link and springs (or gravity)
Starts arc in neon or fluorescent
Nominal pipe size … Inner diameter
Heat pump does both
Heating and cooling
Expansion tank
Tank on hot water heating system that allows for expansion of water as temp rises
Solar pond system
Passive solar system that utilizes a pond of water on the roof to maintain year-round temperatures
Water softening with zeolite… Replaces mag and cal with brine
Absorption refrigeration
Same as desiccant cooling
Adding sensible heat to a supply air stream which had been previously cooled
National Electric Code
Draft regulator
Also barometric damper. Valve to regulate air into a furnace to maintain constant draft.
Includes the lights
Continuous vent
Also individual vent. A vent as continuation of trap and drain
Shading coefficient
Ratio of solar heat gain through a widow with shading devices compared to that thru a single pane double strength clear glass window
Circular mil
Area of a wire with a dia. Of one mil (.001 inches)
Converts AC to DC and recharges batteries
Static pressure
Pressure exerted by fluid at rest
Sunspace system
Passive solar. Uses direct gain system like a greenhouse with a thermal storage wall
Pilot tube
Instrument used with a manometer or pressure gauge to measure the velocity of air or water in a duct or pipe
Vacuum breaker
Automatic valve that prevents polluted water from siphoning back into the supply
Room resonance
Phenomenon when certain frequencies sound louder than others
Sensible heat ratio
Ratio of sensible heat to enthalpy
Noise reduction coefficient. Gives a rating of the average sound absorption in different frequencies
Anechoic room
A room whose boundaries absorb all of the sound striking them. Also free-field room.
Circuit vent
“It gets around”
Any vent which serves two or more traps
Hybrid solar system
Combines active and passive solar systems
In a faucet an air gap prevents what
Water from bowl siphoning into faucet
Specific volume
The volume of a given weight of a given substance at a given temp and pressure.
The reciprocal of density.
Cavity resonator
Sound-absorbing device consisting of an enclosed body of air confined within rigid walls connected by a narrow opening to the space…
Also helmholtz resonator
Lateral refers to…
A common sewer receiving waste only
From building sewers
Cross connection
Oops! Waste or nonpotable got into your sewage line!
A bell is also called a
Globe thermometer also called a …
Glass thermometer.
Wet sock placed in an airstream.
Think of a glass slipper. Except it’s a wet sock. The prince searched the globe for a wet sock that would match her temp.
Faucet with a nozzle vent downward
Absolute humidity
Weight of water vapor per unit volume of air
Cells activated by a chemical solution on two dissimilar metals
Ionization detector detects…
Invisible products of combustion
Total pressure
Combo of static pressure and velocity pressure.
Measured by a pilot tube, mans best friend
Solar refrigeration just…
Uses solar energy to provide cool air
ABS is used for
Drainage, waste, and vent piping
“DWV… It’s like the DMV but dirtier and nastier”
Comfort zone could be measured by a …
Psychrometric chart
Coefficient of utilization
How much useful light arrives on the work plane compared to amount of light emitted
Demand factor
Ratio of max demand to total connected load
Products of combustion
Building code
How do you know the difference between the stack vent and the vent stack?
The stack vent is STACKED high above – going all the way to the outside air. The vent stacks get the venting to that stack…
HID lamps involve some heavy duty materials like..
Plasma of mercury and quartz
Maybe high pressure or low pressure sodium
Ratio of reflected to incident light
Eutectic salts
They help with phase change. They have a funky latent heat capacity because they melt and solidify between 80 and 160 degrees F
Device converting one kind of power to another… Such as a loudspeaker converting electric to acoustic
A siphon uses
Active solar system
Gets a boost from mechanical systems
“Get a little help from my friends”
A contractor
A usually magnetic switch on an electric circuit
Ion exchange also called
Zeolite process
The invert
Lowest point on a drain, pipe, channel…. Any liquid-carrying conduit
A ton
Amount of cooling needed to convert a ton of water to ice in a 24 hr period… 12,000 BTU
A nipple
Little threaded piece of pipe connecting valves and fittings …
“So that little fittings can suck on their valves”
Measures relative humidity of air!!!!
Halon is for…
A gas for putting out fires
Vertical water pipe extending thru at least 1 floor
Steam trap
Valve that allows water or air to pass.. But not steam.
Unit of permeability (or resistance to moisture) equal to the flow of one grain of water theough one square foot of surface area per hr w/pressure difference of one inch of mercury….
Whoa long definition. Let’s just get our hair done. Noooooo! It’s all wet!
If you have an auxiliary heat source you are probably utilizing …
Solar or passive
Solar plate
Part of the solar collector absorbing
Smoke developed rating
Rating of interior Finishes. Larger numbers mean more
Psychrometer measures
Wet bulb + dry bulb … And therefor relative humidity
Heating device utilizing primarily …
Effective temperature involve these three:
Temp, humidity, air moves
“Feels like…”
Rating for transformers… Product of volts and amperes divided by 1000
“Yo the K is backwards and upside down”
Horsepower… Or 746 watts
Photoelectric detector
Light source and photoelectric cell detect smoke
Ball drip
Automatic drain valve at base of dry stand pipe
“Yo you put out my fire but now your ball is dripping”
Caulk from hemp fiber
Chill factor
Wind + temp … Fictitious
How does a generator work?
Converts mechanical energy to electrical energy by the motion of electrical conductors on a magnetic field
Fits into the bell or hub
A condenser …
Condenses I.e. Liquifies… Releasing heat to an external medium
Set of electrical conductors extending from the source of energy to the distribution center
Fire assembly refers to
Fire door, damper, window, frame, hardware, the whole shebang approved and rated by a tasting agency
Pump used in hot water systems for maintaining forced circulation of water or liquid
Sill cock
Outside faucet
Unit of resistance is the
Think Gandhi
A collector collects
Solar radiation
Power level
Logarithmic expression for acoustical power at the source. Also acoustic power level
A watt is equal to
3.41 BTU
Turning vanes
Curved baffles inserted in a duct elbow to decrease pressure low