General Flashcards
Electrical Systems difference between B787 and B767
Electrical capability:
2 VFSG per engine and 2 VSFG APU, each capable of 250KVA compared to 90KVA from each B767 engine.
Main AC Bus of 235 VAC compared to 115 VAC on the B767.
B787 has 3 PMG (Permanent Magnet Generators)
B787 has PECS (Power Electronics Cooling system) for large motor power distribution system.
Extra voltage results in less current which means a significant weight saving in cables.
Hydraulic Systems difference between B787 and B767
B787 operates at 5,000 psi compared to 3,000 psi on the B767.
Brakes are not operated hydraulically on the B787 unlike the B767.
Engine Bleed air Systems difference between B787 and B767
Bleed air only used for Engine inlet and cowl anti-ice protection on the B787 unline B767 where bleed air was used for cabin pressurisation.
Merit/Demerit of ECL
Prioritises checklists.
Efficient to implement.
Easier workload management.
Closed-loop items are monitored by aircraft.
Better situational awareness therefore reduced errors.
Demerit - Hidden checklists
What if you forget to do a checklist
4 Normal checklist reminders:
Before-taxi: Brakes released and TL advanced
Before takeoff: aligned on runway (30 degrees and 120 ft from centreline)
Approach: Descent below FMC Transition altitude or the commencement of flap extension
Landing: Descent through 500 ft.
What fuels are prohibited?
What items are checked on the status/EICAS page in the preliminary preflight procedure?
Oxygen - (860psi DOM // 1250 psi INTL)
Hydraulic - No RF
Expected messages are shown (2,6,3)
Oil quantity minimum of 16Q
What are the takeoff performance characteristics?
DRY/WET defined by AFM:
Accelerate to V1, 2 second delay, Dry; no reverse considered, Wet Practical amount of reverse considered.
Slippery defined by ANA:
Accelerate to V1, 2 second delay, Practical amount of reverse considered.
What are the landing performance characteristics?
DRY/WET defined by AFM:
Speedbrake considered but no Reverse.
Slippery defined by ANA:
Vref + 15 kts at 50ft
2,000ft touchdown
3 second transition (deceleration of 2kts/sec)
Stop using reverse:
Full reverse for most slippery section
Idle reverse for average slippery condition of runway.
Windshear Escape Maneuver (Manual Flight)
Disengage AP
Apply Max thrust
Disconnect Autothrottle
Wings Level and pitch of 15 degrees
Speedbrake down
Follow FD Guidance
Do not change flap/gear configuration until windshear is no longer a factor.
Monitor vertical speed and altitude
Do not attempt to regain lost speed until windshear is no factor
Windshear Escape Maneuver (Autoflight)
Verify FMA Status
Verify GA thrust
Speedbrake down
Monitor system performance
Do not change flap/gear configuration until windshear is no longer a factor.
Monitor vertical speed and altitude
Do not attempt to regain lost speed until windshear is no factor
What is TPR?
Turbofan Pressure Ratio:
Ratio between the low pressure at the inlet and high pressure at the high-pressure compressor output. Highly accurate thrust indication.
What are the characteristics of the B787 Trent 1000 Engine?
3 shaft design (N1, N2 & N3)
Prevents compressor stall and shortens overall length of the engine.
Lower idle thrust results in better fuel consumption during descent and taxi and reduces brake wear.
N3 rotates in opposite direction to N1 and N2.
Up to 74,400 lbs of thrust depending on model (1000K)
What can you do when Windshear is forecast for takeoff?
Delay takeoff is severe windshear is evident.
Use maximum thrust unless a reduction is required for performance.
Use most extended flaps
Use longest runway.
Use FD after takeoff.
Consider increasing Vr to performance limited weight Vr up to a maximum of 20kts increase.
If encountered carry out escape maneuver, do not exceed PLI & avoid using stab trim.
Ensure Wx radar is on at least 12 seconds before line up for PWS information.
What can you do when windshear is forecast for landing?
Delay landing or consider diverting if severe windshear is evident.
Use most suitable into wind runway.
Land with shallow flaps.
Stabilise approach as early as possible.
Use ILS G/S to detect significant deviations.
Avoid large thrust reductions/ trim changes.
Review Windshear Escape Maneuver as part of briefing.
What is PECS?
Power Electronics cooling system:
Liquid cooling system (60% Alcohol, 40% water) for the large motor power distribution system (LMPS) .
Located in aft E/E bay
Also provides cooling for the supplemental cooling units and associated motor controllers of the ICS. (Integrated cooling system)
What is the ICS?
Integrated Cooling system”
Centralised refrigeration system that provides cooling to galley carts and assists with cooling the recirculated cabin air.
Integrated with the A/C system and the liquid cooling system.
What are the confirmed action switches/levers?
Autothrottle arm switch
Thrust Lever
Fuel Control switch
Engine Fire switch
APU Fire Switch
Cargo Fire Switch
Generator Drive Disconnect Switch
What are the aircraft dimensions?
Wingspan 60.1m
Length: 62.8m
Height: 17m
Minimum required width for a 180-degree turn
Normal turn: 52.6m
Minimum turn: 47.2m
Emergency pivot turn: 37.7m
Can you perform a 180-degree turn on a 45m Runway?
In an emergency yes using the emergency pivot turn method.
(Requires locking the brake on the inside wheel and therefore a runway and gear inspection afterward)
Method for a 180 degree turn on a 45m runway?
Apply brakes & stop.
Turn tiller to maximum angle.
Release brakes & turn at 5-10kts.
Apply thrust on outside engine.
After nose gear passes through maximum possible width position, smoothly return tiller to neutral and align with runway.
If a pivot turn is required, (B787-9/10) lock the inside brake and request a tyre & runway inspection once complete.
What are the merits/demerits of a fly-by-wire system?
Reduced weight as no cables.
Enhanced handling qualities & reduced workload.
Built-in protections that are highly redundant.
Demerits are that it is a highly complex system receiving input from multiple sources and the autopilot is only available in the normal mode.
What are some of the built-in protections of the B787?
Flight envelope protection (Overspeed, Bank angle & stall protection)
Tail strike protection
Landing attitude modification.
TAMS (Thrust Assymmetry Protections system)
What happens if all ACE (Actuator Control Electronics) fail?
There are 4 redundant systems so complete failure is highly unlikely:
4 FCE Cabinets which house 4 ACE’s are driven by 3 independent PMG’s and aircraft system power.
The aircrafts 28 VDC and main battery provide a secondary source for flight control power.
In addition, a a backup system is provided by dedicated batteries to assure positive flight control operation during temporary power interruptions.
If there is a complete loss of signaling, direct wiring from the FD to the stabiliser and a spoiler pair allows pitch control through the alternate pitch trim system and roll control using the control wheel.
What is powered by the Hydraulic System on the B787?
Nose gear steering
Landing Gear
Flight Controls
Thrust Reverers
What is IAN?
Integrated Approach Navigation system:
Implements approaches other than ILS by using a procedure like that of an ILS.
Course and Path are based on the MAP and FAF information which is loaded into the FMC database.
Dual Engine or Single engine approaches are authorised.
Recommended for straight-in approaches only.
Cannot use RNAV (RNP) AR
Cannot autoland.
What paper documents are required to be carried in the aircraft?
Paper docs: (8)
Registration certificate
Airworthiness certificate
Designation for operating limitations
Radio Station license
Emergency Documents
Journey & Radio Log (MEL/CDL Log)
Enroute charts
What Electronic documents are required to be carried in the aircraft?
Operations Policy Manual Vol. 2
MEL/CDL Manual
Operations Manual
Route Manual
What items are required to be checked for an originating flight?
Flight Deck Access System test
Evacuation signal/Interphone test
Oxygen Mask
What is the definition of an originating flight?
Depart from Domestic Airport:
First flight of the day in Japan standard time
Depart from an foreign airport:
Flight after a planned ground stay of 3 hours or more.
What is Optimum V1?
Used to increase obstacle clearance (obstacle limit weight) by increasing V1. Thus reducing the EOTD but increasing the ASD.
What is the major point of Optimum V1?
To unbalance V1 to increase the obstacle clearance/limit weight.
What is the significant threat of using Optimum V1?
The increase in the accelerate stop distance.
What is an ‘unbalanced’ V1?
When EOTD is no longer equal to ASD (ASD is greater)
Are there any cases where we would still use a balanced V1?
Yes, if we were to be performance-limited by field length.
What is improved climb?
Increases the second segment climb capability by increasing takeoff speeds when surplus runway is available, however, this is not effective with obstacles close to the runway.
When does ‘improved climb’ offer an advantage?
When takeoff weight is limited by obstacle limit. It also improves climb limit at high temp/elevation/weight.
How many Emergency Equipment is equipped in the B787?
Smoke Hood
Signal Kit
Fire Extinguisher
Crash Axe
Fire Gloves
Flashlight (x2)
Life Jackets (x4)
Megaphone (Not on -8)
What are the preliminary pre-flight procedures for the B787?
Check Log & Documents
Flight Deck Access system test
Check Emergency equipment
Check Overhead door closed and latched
Check Emergency Descent Devices Stowed.
Check 4 Headsets on board
Check 5 gear pins stowed
Emergency Evacuation Signal test
IRS Selectors - OFF for 30 secs and then ON (ON BAT extinguished)
Status display (O2, HYD, OIL, Expected Messages)