General Flashcards
An engineer who studied employee productivity and developed Scientific Management
Frederick Winslow Taylor
1) Jobs should be carefully analyzed so that
the optimal way of doing tasks can be specified
2)Employees should be selected (hired) ac- cording to characteristics can be specified
3)Employees should be carefully trained to do their job tasks
4)Employees should be rewarded for their productivity to encourage high levels of performance
Scientific Management
Frederick Winslow Taylor believed that employees should be _________ according to characteristics can be specified (2nd component of Scientific Management)
selected (hired)
Cheaper by the Dozen
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Frederick Winslow Taylor held that employees should be carefully _____________ to do their job tasks (3rd component of Scientific Management)
One of the co-founders of the National Insti-
tute of Industrial Psychology, an organization devoted to improving efficiency and working conditions of British employees
Charles Myers
One of the main founders of I/O Psychology.
An experimental psychologist who was interested in the psychology of advertising.
Walter Dill Scott
Published “The Theory of Advertising”
Walter Dill Scott
One of the main founders of I/O Psychology.
An experimental psychologist who was interested in the selection of employees and the use of the new psychological tests.
Hugo Munsterberg
Wrote the first American I/O textbook, Psychology and Industrial Efficiency (1913)
Hugo Munsterberg
Paved the way for the field of human factors,
which is the study of how best to design technology for people
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Invented refrigerator shelves and the foot pedal trash can
Lillian Gilbreth
Frederick Winslow Taylor said that employees should be_____________for their productivity to encourage high levels of performance (4th com- ponent of Scientific Management)
Frederick Winslow Taylor was the first to suggest that jobs should be carefully _________ so the optimal way of doing tasks can be specified (1st component of Scientific Management)
Time and Motion studies
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Procedures and work tasks are broken down
to find easier and most efficient ways to do things
Time and Motion studies
Was the leader of a number of psychologists who offered their services to the Army in World War I. He and others developed the Army Alpha and Army Beta group tests for mental ability, which represented the first large-scale application of psychologist testing to place individuals in jobs
Robert Yerkes
Varied lighting levels to increase employee productivity.
Employees knew they were being watched so their productivity increased (not the lighting) – Social factors
began being studied
Hawthorne Studies
The branch of psychology that is concerned with development and application of scientific principles to
the workplace
I/O Psychology
Recruitment, efficient job design, selection, training, performance appraisal, promotion, transfer, and
Industrial Psychology
Addresses the emotional and motivational side of work which includes employee attitudes, employee behavior, job stress, and supervision practices
Organizational Psychology
Study of the capacities and limitations of humans with respect to a particular environment
Human Engineering Psychology
Universities, consulting firms, private companies, government, other
Work settings
Two or more randomly assigned groups are compared after some independent variable has been manipulated
Experiments meet these goals
Description, Prediction, Explanation
Experiments are the only research method for determining _________-________ relationships
Assigning subjects to conditions in such a way that every participant has an equal probability of being placed in any condition
Random assignment
The variable in a study that is manipulated by
the researcher
Independent Variable
The variable in a study that is measured by the researcher
Dependent Variable
The variable in a study that is measured by the researcher
Dependent Variable
Steps of an _____________
A. Create two or more equivalent groups
B. Systematically vary one thing
C. Compare the groups on the behavior of interest
First step of an experiment: create two or more equivalent ____________
Second step of an experiment: systematically
___________ one thing
Third step of an experiment: compare the groups on the _______ of interest
Research that compares naturally occurring groups of individuals; the variable of interest cannot be manipulated
Goals satisfied by quasi-experiment: ______, _________
Description, Prediction
A method that assess the degree of relationship between two variable
Correlational Study
Goals satisfied by correlational study: ______, _________
description, prediction
A strong relationship where both numbers go the same way (ex: as job satisfaction increases, job performance increases)
Positive coefficient
A quantitative way of combining results of studies
Whether the conditions of a study can be extended to other groups of people, organizations, settings, or situations (generalizability)
External validity
Who goes into each group (control vs. experimental group)
Random assignment
Occurs before random assignment
Chooses who is going to be in the experiment Tries to get a good representation of the pop- ulation (external validity)
Random selection
There is less control in ___________ compared to laboratory experiments. There is more generalizability and external validity in __________ as well
Field experiments
10 Steps to the Research Process/Scientific Method
1 Identify a Problem
2 Review the Literature
3 Generate hypothesis
4 Design the study
5 Evaluate Ethics
6 Conduct the study
7 Analyze the data
8 Interpret the results
9 Communicate the results
10 Replicate the study
10 Steps to the Research Process/Scientific Method
1 Identify a Problem
2 Review the Literature
3 Generate hypothesis
4 Design the study
5 Evaluate Ethics
6 Conduct the study
7 Analyze the data
8 Interpret the results
9 Communicate the results
10 Replicate the study
A method for describing jobs and/or the human attributes necessary to perform them
Job analysis
What is the fundamental step in the industrial part of I/O Psychology?
Job Analysis
Provides information about the nature of tasks done on the job
Job-Oriented Job Analysis
The job-oriented job analysis develops the ___________
Job Description
A collection of duties that can be performed by a single
person (job title)
A major component of a job
A complete piece of work that accomplishes a particular objective
An individual part that makes up a task
Individual part that makes up activity
The hierarchy (5) of the job-oriented job analysis
Position, duty, task, activity, element
Provides a description of the characteristics or KSAOs necessary for a person to successfully perform a particular job
Person-Oriented Job Analysis
What a person needs to know to do a particular job
What a person is able to do on the job (develop through
A person’s aptitude or capability to do job tasks or learn
to do job tasks (potential to develop skills)
Anything relevant to the job not covered by the other three Looking at the range of good to bad of a role
Other Personal Characteristics
Who provides the job analysis Information for performing the job?
Critical Incidence
Who provides the job analysis information for observation?
Job analyst, trained observer
Who provides the job analysis information for observation?
Job analyst, trained observer
Who provides the job analysis information for interviewing SMEs
Supervisors, Job incumbents
Who provides the job analysis information for questionnaires?
Supervisors, Job Incumbents
Subject Matter Expert
A person who is knowledgable about a topic
Questionnaire Examples
- Job Components Inventory
- Position Analysis Questionnaire
- Task Inventory
U.S. Department of Labor’s extensive database on jobs
and worker requirements for jobs
A standardized series of problems or questions that assess a particular individual characteristic
Psychological Test
A psychological test that measures the capacity to learn something
1 test
Cognitive ability test
IQ Test
Cognitive ability test
A psychological test used for info and process learning Predicts job performance (high validity)
Best test psychologists make
Cognitive ability test
A psychological test that measures physical abilities
Psychomotor Ability Test
A psychological test also called an achievement test (backward focused)
Assess a person’s present level of proficiency
Knowledge and
Skills Test
A psychological test that measures a person's typical way of thinking, feeling, and behavior across time and situations
Personality Test
A personality psychology test measuring agreeableness/disagreeableness, extroversion/introversion, open- ness,
conscientiousness, and neuroticism
Big 5 Model
The trait in the Big 5 Model that is most likely to be successful in training
The trait in the Big 5 Model that is the #1 personality trait and measures the neatness and organization
The trait in the Big 5 Model that means how worried and angry a person is
A psychological test that measures the ability people have to control and recognize emotions in themselves and others
Emotional Intelligence
The second best psychological test
Integrity Test
A psychological test designed to predict whether an employee will engage in counterproductive or dishonest behavior on the job
Integrity Test
The integrity test is not good at predicting __________
A person who does well on this test often has less absences and overall better job performance
Integrity Test
Do a job analysis before ___________ to know what is
necessary for the job
Drug Testing
A selection tool in which the job applicant provides extensive background information
Biographical Information
Developed by conducting statistical analyses of a large
number of items to see which ones predict job performance
Empirical Biographical Information
Inventory is based on theory and research concerning the prior experiences that would be expected to relate to job performance
Rational Biographical Information
In this method, we become the test. It is not reliable and is why bad employees get hired.
Not standardized and is a loose flowing conversation
Unstructured Interview
Recommendations for a ________________:
- Ask standardized questions
- Have detailed info about the job
- No prior information about the examinee
- No evaluations until interview is over
- Make facet ratings, not global ones
- Get training
A test that includes tasks from a job
Work Samples
A series of assessment exercises that are used to assess
a person’s potential for a job
Assessment Centers
General characteristics of _____________
1. Often multiple trained assessors
2. Most are focused on management skills
3. Group of people are being assessed
4. Probably multiple days
5. Probably a number of activities
Assessment Centers
Person being tested is asked to show what he or she would do with a series of items that might be found in a manager’s in-basket
In-basket exercises
Persons being tested are placed in a group without a leader to observe their interpersonal behavior
Leaderless group exercises
Assessment Center exercises include:
- Role Playing Exercises
- In-basket Exercises
- Leaderless group exercises
Taking a test and putting it on the computer
Electronic Assessment
Benefits of Electronic Assessment
1. High predictor of _________ because it has a high level of realism through simulations
2. Scored quickly and accurately
3. Less biased than humans
job performance
Disadvantages of Electronic Assessment
1. Time-consuming to create
2. Not parallel to _____________
3. Internet speed may be an issue (especially for speed tests)
paper and pencil tests
Forecasting for vacancies and new positions
You forecast by:
- Keep track
- Monitor trends
Recommendations for recruitment
- Start with KSAOs identified through job analysis
- Attract a large pool of applicants
- Avoid intentional or unintentional discrimination
- Make a good first impression
Recruitment Sources
- Advertising
- Employee referral
- Employment agencies/headhunters
- Internet
- School Recruiters
- Walk-ins
A study undertaken to determine if a predictor is related to a criterion
Validation Study
Predictor —?— Criterion
Correlational Study
- Conduct a job analysis
- Specify the job performance criteria
- Choose predictors
- Validate the predictors
- Cross-validate
Validation study
Do the study again with a different group of people
X (predictor) and Y (criterion) are studied at the same time X (predictor) and Y (criterion) are studied at different times
Concurrent Validation Study
an estimate of the dollars gained in increased productivity and efficiency because of the use of screening tests
Predictive Validation Study
How often something occurs
Utility analysis
The proportion of people hired who will be successful on the job
The baserate is best at _____%
If baserate is ______, no need to do the cognitive ability test
If baserate is __________ , a lot of training is necessary so it may not be beneficial to spend a lot of money on testing since you will have to spend it on training
The interpretation given to the meaning of a measure
A score that serves as the threshold for selection
Cutoff score
When a predictor that is a valid indicator in one setting is thought to be valid in another similar setting
Validity generalization
Multiple regression model
Multiple hurdle model
An approach that allows predictors to be combined statistically
Multiple Regression Model
A stringent method that uses an ordered sequence of screening devices
Multiple Hurdle
O*NET is a computer-based resource for job-related information on approximately ___________ groups of jobs sharing common characteristics
A database of the content of jobs and the KSAOs needed by individuals in those jobs that is widely available to individuals and organizations
A job analysis method that describes jobs and necessary job characteristics along common dimensions
Position Analysis Questionnaire
A questionnaire that contains a list of specific tasks that might be done on a job that is being analyzed
Task Inventory
Also known as the Occupational Information Network
Can be used to give a picture of the average importance
or time spent for each task in a particular job
Task Inventory
Position Analysis Questionnaire contains ________ items dealing with the task requirements or elements of jobs
Job Components Inventory covers over _______ features of jobs that can be translated into skill requirements
Position Analysis Questionnaire covers six major categories, including
- information input
- mediation processes
- work output
- interpersonal activities
- work situation and job context
- miscellaneous aspects
Job Components Inventory five components represented, including
- use of tools and equipment
- perceptual and physical requirements
- mathematics
- communication
- decision making responsibility
I/O Pyschologists from research firms and universities
helped develop this resource, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor
Position Analysis Questionnaire produces a profile of the task elements and KSAOs for
any job, in addition to a ________________ for each element and __________ in comparison to all jobs
percentile score
Job Components Inventory simultaneously assesses _____________ and a person’s ________
job requirements
O*NET six domains
- experience requirements
- worker characteristics
- worker requirements
- occupation requirements
- occupation specific information
- occupation characteristics
Used to match job requirements to worker characteristics
Job Components Inventory
A detailed accounting of job tasks, procedures, and responsibilities; the tools and equipment used; and the end product or service (job-oriented job analysis)
Job Description
A statement of the human characteristics required to perform a job (person-oriented job analysis)
Job Specification
An assessment of the relative value of jobs for determining compensation
Job evaluation
Work and performance outcomes required by the job that serves as a basis for appraising successful job performance
Performance criteria
A business is legally allowed to not hired disabled people if they cannot complete the essential functions
Legal Issues
What does someone in this field typically get paid
Market Wage
See what other comparable places are paying
Salary Surveys
Compensable Factors characteristics that serve as the basis for the evaluation
- Consequences of error
- Responsibility
- Education Required
- Skill Required
Hired and successful
True positive
Passed test, poor employee
False Positive
Not hired, unsuccessful
True Negative
Did not past test, but good employee
False Negative
Illegal to discriminate against minorities
Civil Rights Act
When members of a protected group are treated unfairly by an employer’s personnel action
Adverse impact
Selection ratio for the protected class is less than 80% of the comparison group
4/5ths Rule
Legal protection extended to people with disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act
A task that absolutely has to be done for a person in that role
Essential Functions
Assistance or modification to the job so that people with disabilities can perform the job
Reasonable Accommodations
A variety of practices that organizations use to increase the number of protected class members in targeted jobs
Affirmative Action
Why we _________ Employees?
1. Administrative Decisions
2. Employee Development and Feedback
3. Research
A standard by which performance is measured
What is the most common criteria?
Job Performance
What we think good performance is
Theoretical Criteria
How we actually measure job performance
Actual Criteria
Good overlap between the theoretical criterion and the actual criterion
Criterion Relevance
Criterion Relevance is the extent to which the _______ criterion assess the ________ criterion it is designed to measure
Refers to the actual criterion that reflects something other than what it was designed to measure
Criterion Contamination
Means that the actual criterion does not adequately cover the entire theoretical criterion
Criterion Deficiency
Characteristics of criteria
- Criterion Complexity
- Dynamic Criteria
- Contextual Criteria
Job can be evaluated at position, duty, task, activity, or element level
Performance criteria