General Flashcards
pros of ion chambers
-good long and short term stability
-linear response
-small directional dependence
-dose rate independence
-energy independence
cons of ion chambers
-some small ones have high Z central electrode materials- overly sensitive to low E photons due to PE effect. Causes reponse variation as function of energy, depth, field size, and distance off-axis
-volume averaging is concern in high dose gradient regions
-stem effect
size of typical ion chamber, mini-chamber, micro-chamber
-typical = 0.6 cc
mini = 0.1 cc
micro = 0.01 cc
what should be used to measure penumbra in TPS modelling?
o Ion chambers should generally not be used to measure penumbra in TPS modelling process, due to volume averaging. Diodes, film or diamond detector should be used instead (if using diodes, must be careful with energy-dependent response though since energy spectrum varies with off-axis position.).
stem effect
: irradiation of the stem can induce leakage current, which will perturb the collected charge and will be a relatively more pronounced effect for smaller chambers, where the resulting leakage represents a larger proportion of the signal.
how often do you have to check cross-calibration of the field standard (monthly ion chamber)
how often do you check ion chamber linearity, stem effect
how often is local/secondary standard calibrated at lab?
every 2 years
how do you measure stem effect
-dummy stem
-irradiate thin rectangle- once with stem in field and other time without (rotate chamber or field)
issues with small volume ion chambers
In addition to stem effect (and leakage) being larger proportion of signal, high Z electrodes (or diode material) resulting in over-sensitivity to low energy photons (and note that this will affect output factor measurements as well – i.e., this effect won’t cancel in the ratio due to variation in scatter with field size), other issues with small volume chambers may include:
Sensitivity to irradiation history, anomalous recombination behavior (due to smaller volume, potentially lower recommended voltage bias), large polarity effect
pros of diodes
-high sensitivity
-small volumes (0.01 mm3 to 0.1 mm3) - good for small fields and penumbra
cons of diodes
-high Z gives them energy dependence (solid state dosimeters including MOSFETS)
-orientation dependence (especailly if shielded to compensate for energy dependence)
-sensitive to radiation damage
-temperature depedence
-dose rate dependence
con of diode for in vivo dosimetry compared to TLD, OSLD, MOSFET
diodes are not integrating detectors and require simultaneous read out during irradiation (like an ion chamber).
why are some diodes shielded?
Diodes intended for use in photon fields commonly also have a shield of a high atomic number material (usually tungsten) integrated into the encapsulation to selectively absorb low-energy photons to which silicon diodes would otherwise over-respond. This assumes that the shielding and encapsulation does not perturb the rest of the spectrum. Unshielded diodes should be used for measuring beam profiles since shielding may perturb response in an unpredictable way. Diodes with shields/buildup are known as energy-compensated diode detectors. Diodes for measurements in electron beams are typically unshielded.
o Encapsulation and shielding contributes to their orientation dependence.
why are diodes useful for measuring electron PDDs directly?
o Useful for measuring electron PDDs directly since restricted mass collisional stopping power ratio of silicon to water is ~constant as a function of energy for clinically relevant energies (unlike water to air ratio for ion chambers, which decreases due to density effect). However, using diode measurement as PDD directly would ignore changes in Pion, Ppol and Pfl with depth
pro of diamond vs other diodes
stopping power ratio of diamond to water is closer to being constant as a function of energy than is the stopping power ratio of silicon to water (they are ~tissue equivalent). Both of these ratios are more constant versus energy than is the ratio of air to water hence why diodes and diamond detectors can be used to measure electron PDDs directly
-2-4X more sensitive than diode detectors
-less orientation depedence than diodes
-less radiation hardness than diodes
-negligible temperature dependence
-small volume (0.004 mm3)
cons of diamond
o A higher density of material in the diamond means that recombination is more significant (since there is a relatively high concentration of charge carriers present per unit volume). An issue with diamond detectors is their dose-rate dependence due to the recombination rate being proportional to the square root of the dose rate.
how does TLD work?
Incident radiation excites electron into trap state, where it stays until read out, when it is heated, resulting in the release of visible light as the electron drops back down to its ground state.
pros and cons of TLD
o Thermoluminescent dosimeters have nearly tissue-equivalent atomic composition (LiF; Z~8), but can exhibit nonlinear integrated dose response, and energy-dependent response.
Careful calibration required; calibration should be conducted using the same beam energy as the intended use.
- TLDs are integrating dosimeters.
-Each TLD requires individual absolute dose cross-calibration at each use
-signal fading occurs over time post-irradiation.
-can only be read out once, but are re-usable
achievable accuracy with TLD
how do OSLDs work?
-integrating dosimeter
-Similar mechanism as TLDs except readout process involves light instead of heat.
why do we store OSLDs and TLDs in dark?
For both TLDs and OSLDs, which rely on electrons in trap states, these trapped charges may escape at room temperature by thermal stimulation. Short term fading can occur due to electrons escaping from shallow traps. OSLDs (and TLDs) should be stored in the dark.
pros and cons of OSLD vs TLD
-OSLD readout is better controlled with respect to duration, intensity and wavelength (since light is easier to control than heat) and is faster.
- OSLD response independent of irradiation beam angle, independent of temperature of irradiation
As with other solid state detector, OSLD sensitivity increases for lower energies (e.g., below Co-60). Typical material is Al2O3.
Unlike TLDs, OSLDs ~permanently store dose information and can be read out multiple times. The amount of signal depletion due to readout (i.e., the amount of traps emptied) depends on the stimulation intensity and duration. Typical commercial readers use ~1 s of illumination which saves time and preserves the signal for future re-evalutation, if needed.
o More sensitive than TLDs with lower detection limit ~10 μSv (TLD lower limit ~ 0.1 mSv)
OSLD dose range at NSHA
0.005 to 1500 cGy. Need to establish calibration curve over range of doses of interest.
-characterize and document linearity
RPL glas dosimetry
-used for personnel dosimetry
-• When exposure to radiation, stable luminenscence centers are created. These luminescence centers emit light upon excitation (e.g., with UV radiation).
• Signal not erased during readout so can be readout multiple times
direct reading personal dosimeters
-allow for instantaneous display of accumulated dose
-self-reading pocket dosimeter (capacitor)
-electronic personal dosimeter (mini GM)
range of dose for film and TLD personal dosimeter
0.1 mSv to 10 Sv
range of dose for OSL and RPL personal dosimeter
0.01 mSv to 10 Sv
range of dose for pocket dosimeters
0.05 mSv - 0.2 Sv
range of dose for electronic personal dosimeter
0.1 uSv to 10 Sv
when is calibration for film required?
-for each batch of film
-for each energy used
advantage of radiochromic film
-nearly tissue equivalent
-doesn’t require processing like radiographic film
-excellent spatial resolution
what is MOSFET
metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
advantages of MOSFET
-little attenuation- especially useful for measuring surface dose
-little dose rate dependence
-however may have orientation dependence
-have temperature and energy dependence
can MOSFETS be re-read several times?
o MOSFETs have a finite lifetime (i.e., a finite amount of dose that they can detect) due to the fact that there is a finite number of hole traps available at the Si/SiO2 interface. However, this also allows permanent storage and readability unlike TLDs where the traps are emptied and read out in an annealing process. For MOSFETs, traps cannot be emptied by an annealing process.
3 electrical connections of MOSFET
-source, drain, gate
how does MOSFET work
-p types are separated by a channel of n-type
-ionizing radiation creates electron-hole pairs
-holes migrate to interface between p and n-type, attracting electrons from n-type. This increases the treshold voltage as a function of dose
-negative voltage is applied to gate, which is separated from by insulating layer of SiO2
-free electrons migrate away while holes build up
-If applied voltage is high enough, then a p-type channel connects the drain and source (which are both p-type) and current is able to flow (the channel is known as an inversion layer)
examples of 3D dosimeters
-polymerizing gels (radiation-induced polymerization)
-Fricke gels (conversion of Fe2+ to Fe3+)
-approx tissue equivalent
how are fricke gels read out
-require MRI
-avoid MRI sequences that deposit excess RF energy or temperature increase will affect readout
-need to readout within 2 hours… ferric ions will diffuse, ruining 3D dose distribution
how to read out polymer gels
can be done with MRI (changes in nuclear magnetic relaxation rates are polymerization dependent), x-ray CT (polymerization results in changes in x-ray attenuation; downside is that this adds additional dose to the phantom) or optical CT (polymerization changes optical density; downside is that light scatter is an issue with optical CT necessitating long scan times using laser scanning)
what is EPID made of?
1190 x 1190 amorphous silicon pixels
how does EPID work?
-compton electrons are produced in copper plate
-the compton electrons produce light photons in the phosphor material (thallium doped CsI)
-light photons are converted to electric signal in amorphous silicon diode
The diodes initially are at 5 V bias before irradiation. The light photons discharge the diodes. During irradiation, the TFTs are non-conducting. On readout, the TFTs are made conducting to recharge the diodes. This charging is carried out row-by-row, and the charge required to re-bias the diodes is proportional to the light reaching the photodiode.
2 types of conversion approaches for digital radiography
direct and indirect
direct conversion for digital radiography
-incident x-rays interact in photoconductor, releasing charges
-charges are brought to electrode by applied field
-charge is stored on capacitance until readout
-pros: higher conversion efficiency (less steps) and higher resolution (less blurring)
indirect conversion for digital radiography
incident x-ray to light photon via a phosphor layer e.g., CsI:Tl, then from light photon to electron-hole pair in the aSi photodiode layer
-crystals have needle-like shape
-act as light guides
why does the EPID have additional layer of copper between incident x-rays and the phosphor screen while digital radiography image receptors do not
-EPID is for higher energies
describe how to use CR
o Seldom used nowadays.
o CR uses a photostimulable storage phosphor (positioned in a lightproof cassette) to temporarily record a radiographic image. Excited electrons are stored in trapping centres in the phosphor.
o The CR plate is reusable.
o Readout is performed by scanning a laser over the surface of the CR plate and measuring the intensity of emitted light via a light guide and PMT with appropriate filter (stimulated light and emitted light will have different wavelengths).
o Scattering of the incident stimulating light gives rise to blurring.
o CR uses barium (Z=56) which results in over-response to low-energy photons.
disadvantages of CR
response stability, reader optical scatter, sensitivity to room light exposure, directional response variations
pros and cons of ion chamber
pro: accurate, precise, corrections understand, instantaneous
cons: needs high V, needs corrections, needs cables, stem effect
pros and cons of film
pro: 2D dosimetry, thin (does not perturb beam)
cons: need darkroom, variation sbetween films and batches, need calibration, energy dependence, cannot be used for calibration
pros and cons of TLDs
pros: small, can expose many in one exposure, some are tissue equivalent, inexpensive
cons:signal erased during readout, not instantaneous, cannot be used for calibration
pros and cons of diodes
pros: small, sensitive, instantaneous
cons: requires cables, temperature dependent, change in sensitivity with accumulated dose, cannot be used for calibration
why are GM counters smaller than ion chambers?
-GM counters have higher voltage and therefore higher sensitivity
what fills survey meters?
either gas filled (argon) or solid state detectors
-gas may be pressurized to enhance interactions (higher density of air molecules)
-like a giant ion chamber
are ion chambers paralyzable?
what does GM counter detect?
presence of radiation and nothing more
charge amplification for proportional counters
charge multiplication for GM counters
GM dead times vs proportional counter dead times
GM»_space; proportional
where are GM counters not appropriate?
GM monitors are not suitable in pulsed fields or in areas where radiation rates may be high because they have long dead times (10s to 100s of milliseconds) – ionization chambers should be used in this situation instead. E.g., use ion chamber for HDR brachytherapy room/patient survey (don’t want paralyzable detector in this situation because it may read zero due to being paralyzed in a high dose situation)
is a system truly paralyzable or non-paralyzable?
These detectors may be paralyzable or non-paralyzable. However, these are theoretical extremes – real-life detectors exhibit some characteristics of both extremes
difference between paralyzable and non-paralyzable
• Paralyzable: event that occurs after the true dead time but before the pulse is large enough to be counted will not be counted, and will also begin a new dead time. At high ionization rates, will eventually not be able to read anything at all.
• Non-paralyzable: event that occurs during true dead time will not be counted but will not affect ability to count later events. With increasing ionization rate, detector will saturate at one over the resolving time (true dead time plus time it takes to get pulse large enough that it can actually be detected).
why might detector have a shield?
to compensate for over-response to low energy photons in situations when low energy photons are dominant.
Shield can be used to filter out short range particles if desired, allowing for particle discrimination (e.g., use to prevent beta particles from reaching sensitive volume).
relationship between sensitivity and paralyzability for GM counter
there is trade-off
how to detect beta particles
a detector (e.g., an ion chamber) with a very thin window for weakly penetrating radiation is required.
o End window GM counters have a removable buildup cap to discriminate beta and gamma rays. For beta measurements, the end gap is removed so that the weakly penetrating beta particles can enter the sensitive volume and be detected while the gamma detection efficiency remains low while buildup cap is off.
how to detect alpha particles
• Alpha particle detection requires a detector with a very thin window. A proportional counter can be used to discriminate between alpha particles, which produce a very large electrical pulses, and betas/gammas/neutrons. Simply moving the probe away from the source of alphas by ~ 10 cm, and seeing if the counts cease will let you know if the counts are actually due to alpha contamination.
neutron survey meters
-operate in proportional region so that the photon background can be easily discriminated against
-boron, for 10B(n, alpha)7Li reaction
-can include moderator to detect fast neutrons
how can we determine the neutron equivalent dose without using Bonner spheres?
o Filter compensation is used to modify the response of the detector so that it follows the ICRP radiation weighting factors. In this case, the output is approximately proportional to the dose equivalent in soft tissue over a wide range of neutron energy spectra. This requires careful design of moderator thickness and incorporation of neutron absorbers to “tweak” the response.
bonner spheres
-for neutron detection
-different sized spheres to moderate neutrons of different energy
-take ratio of one to the others to get energy spectrum
neutron detection reaction for He-3
describe bubble detectors
• Neutrons can also be detected using bubble (or superheated drop) detectors, which provide instant visible detection and measurement of neutron dose.
o Tiny droplets of superheated liquid are dispersed throughout a clear polymer. When a neutron strikes a droplet, it vaporizes and forms a visible gas bubble trapped in the gel.
o The number of bubbles is related to the tissue equivalent neutron dose.
o Measured spectrum can be derived based on irradiation of different detectors, each with a slightly different formulation.
o Can be re-used through recompression is a pressure chamber.
o Insensitive to gamma rays? Dose rate independent.
energy-independent neutron detectors
-long counters
-BF3 tube is surrounded by PE
-as neutron energy increases, the peak response spatial position is deeper (more interactions are needed to thermalize higher energy neutrons hence they travel further into the detector)
how does scintillator work
emit light upon absorption of radiation (these are also referred to as phosphors). High atomic number phosphors are mostly used for gamma rays whereas plastic scintillators are used for beta particles. A PMT is coupled to the scintillator to convert the light into an electrical signal (photocathode converts light from scintillator to electrical signal; this current is multiplied through a number of dynode stages where a dynode is a type of electrode that serves as an electron multiplier through secondary emission).
pro of scintillator vs GM counter
-scintillator is more sensitive
-resolving time is lower
describe plastic scintillators
-almost water equivalent
-energy independent
-high sensitivity and small (good for gradients, small fields)
-not sensitive to radiation damage
- Dose rate independence, directional independence, temperature and pressure independent response
- Prior to initial use or following malfunction and repair, characterize and document linearity, absolute dose calibration and stem effect. Annually or shorter (depending on workload), redo absolute dose calibration.
what does it mean for a detector to be water equivalent
-ratios of mass energy absorption coefficients and stopping powers for water to detector medium should be constant as a function of energy
However, for measuring photon beam PDDs, the stopping power ratio is less important since the electron spectrum does not vary considerably as a function of depth (new electrons are always being set into motion by the photons travelling through the medium).
o However, for electron beams, water equivalence means that the stopping power ratio must be constant as a function of energy since the electron spectrum does change considerably with depth.
photon vs electron detector- cavity size
If electron range is long relative to detector size small cavity theory stopping power ratio determines detector behaviour. If electron range is small relative to detector size large cavity theory mass energy absorption coefficient ratio determines detector behaviour. However, even at very high energies, where SCT is expected to apply, high Z detector may still perturb the fluence in a considerable way.
what detector materials over-respond to low energy photons?
LiF (TLD) - but stopping power ratio constant over energy
Al2O3 (OSLD) - but stopping power ratio constant over energy
silicon (diode) - - but stopping power ratio constant over energy
-fricke dosimeter- but stopping power ratio constant over energy
-diamond is constant for both uen/p and L/p for energy > 0.1 MeV. Same with scintillator
why do we use triax cable for ion chamber but co-ax for diode?
ion chamber has bias; diode does not
how to tell if water tank is not level?
-photon profiles with depth will be shifted
-electron profiles will be asymmetric
-hard to tell from PDD